Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Shorewall-users Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4"
2004 Oct 03
RE: Shorewall-users Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4
Yes thank you for answering so fast !
I have corrected it, here the new diagram and the new routing table. But it
still doesn''t work.
>From the router i can access to
I have add the rules :
DNAT loc priv: tcp 22
But i can''t connect to from LAN
The DNAT fonction doesn''t work, but i can DROP packet arriving on eth0 (loc)
2004 Oct 03
Bridge and routing question
Hi all,
Perhaps I''ve miss something...
I have read every FAQ and documentation from shorewall.net before asking
question here, hope someone can help me !
Try many things DNAT, netmasq, proxy arp, it doesn''t work.
LAN and PRIVATE network can''t see each other, i can''t ping PRIVATE LAN from
LAN and vice-versa.
I first think of routing error, but i can''t
2004 Oct 04
Bridge and routing question - complete email.
Here is the report and the complete diagram. And sorry for email problem and
incomplete email !
I have made new test.
Eth0 and eth2 are bridged.
I can ping NET from LAN
I can ping every firewall''s interface from LAN
I can ping eth1 from private LAN
I can ping everything from firewall
Bridging is activated in shorewall.conf
>From LAN i can ping but not
2005 Dec 03
Tinc OSPF involving bridge
Hi Everyone,
I have a routing situation where Tinc looks like it could come in extremely useful, but I have a query I hope someone can cast an eye on, as I'm unsure whether Tinc can help me here.
I currently have a Quagga OSPF linux router which connects LAN A to LAN B over the quickest available of two routes (both routes at both ends connect to Quagga boxes to prevent collisions).
One of
2004 Sep 03
arima et graphique
bonjour, je rencontre quelques soucis au niveau de l'utilisation des
fonctions arima.forecast/predict; en effet elles sont dites inconnues alors
que j'ai bien install?? et charg?? le package "ts". Aussi, j'aimerai savoir
comment visualiser le graphique des pr??visions avec arima et celui des
donn??es brutes dans la m??me fen??tre.
Tout en vous souhaitant bonne r??ception
2013 May 15
erreur dans R
dans la computation de mon modèle dans R avec le package deSolve pour des Equations Différentielles Ordinaires (ODEs), je rencontre l'erreur suivant:
Erreur dans checkFunc(Func2, times, y, rho) :
The number of derivatives returned by func() (1457) must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (17)
à quoi devrais-je regarder?
2005 Oct 16
routing pb? ping not "emerging"
Hi all,
i''m puzzled by a ploblem and I don''t know how to debug it...
I have a firewall with 2 gateways, adsl and isdn. Main gateway is via
adsl, backup via isdn. I setup 2 table ''adsl'' and ''isdn''. You can find a
description below.
I made a script to test both tables. That mainly
1. adds an
iptables -t mangle -A
2006 Apr 04
[SUISSE] Utilisateurs Ruby on Rails région Lausanne
Je trouverais enrichissant de pouvoir rencontrer quelques utilisateurs
de RoR dans la r?gion pour ?changer des bonnes id?es, se faire des
critiques sur les choses ? faire, ? ne pas faire, se donner quelques
coups de main...
Si vous habitez dans la r?gion et ?tes int?ress? par une telle
proposition, merci de m''envoyer un email ? gaspard AROBASE teti POINT
ch. Je me chargerai de
2017 Mar 19
Hello to all
Try a free or paid DDNS service like noip.com ? just remember to port forward to your server address on the lan with the port you use for icecast
From: Can Kirca<mailto:cankirca at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2017 7:08 PM
To: icecast at xiph.org<mailto:icecast at xiph.org>
Subject: [Icecast] Hello to all
Hello to all,
My name's Can, I'm a server administrator in a
2006 Apr 28
Memoire defaillante
je travaille actuellement sur le logiciel R et mets en place des procédures d'analyse de données :
sur des procédures de classification employant la commande dist(), je rencontre des problèmes de memoire : avec des data.frame d'environ 100 000 lignes j'obtiens le message d'erreur suivant :
Error : cannot allocate vector of size 668 481 330
Ou une autre erreur souvent
2003 Jun 12
Problème en R
Je suis ?tudiant stagiaire ? Paris et je rencontre quelques difficult?s en
programmation R.
J'ai une data frame compos?e de 4 colonnes et 250 lignes et dont chaque
ligne est une famille.
J'ai fait un tirage al?atoire avec remise des familles 250 fois ce qui
m'am?ne ? une nouvelle dataframe.
A cette nouvelle dataframe, j'applique un programme qui calcule 2 param?tre
2009 Apr 03
[LLVMdev] build error on libLLVMSystem.a without any useful error message
Thanks Kenneth,
but it looks like the problem lies elsewhere :ar -cru
2009 Apr 03
[LLVMdev] build error on libLLVMSystem.a without any useful error message
Nicolas Raynaud wrote:
> Thanks for your reply,
> Perl is implied ???
> here is the version :
> nraynaud at macaron-2:~/Desktop/geek/fp$ perl --version
> This is perl, v5.8.8 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
> (with 2 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
> the two patches are :
> Locally applied patches:
> fix for regcomp
2009 Apr 03
[LLVMdev] build error on libLLVMSystem.a without any useful error message
Thanks for your reply,
Perl is implied ???
here is the version :
nraynaud at macaron-2:~/Desktop/geek/fp$ perl --version
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
(with 2 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
the two patches are :
Locally applied patches:
fix for regcomp CVE-2007-5116 security vulnerability
fix for double-free CVE-2008-1927 security
2009 Apr 03
[LLVMdev] build error on libLLVMSystem.a without any useful error message
Nicolas Raynaud wrote:
> Thanks for your help Dale,
> I got a little bit more clue (in snipped the begining the build messages) :
> ar cru /Users/nraynaud/Desktop/geek/llvm-svn/build/Debug/lib/libLLVMSystem.a
> /Users/nraynaud/Desktop/geek/llvm-svn/build/lib/System/Debug/Alarm.o
> /Users/nraynaud/Desktop/geek/llvm-svn/build/lib/System/Debug/Disassembler.o
2003 Nov 03
relier linux mandrak9.1 à WinXP par smbmnt
J'aimerais relier mon PC (linux mandrake 9.1) avec Win XP par samba.
J'utilise la commande smbmnt avec le chemin sur la machine windows et
l'endroit ou je veux monter chez moi mais il me rend une erreur que je ne
comprend pas ?tant donn? que je suis tout nouveau dans le monde linux :
"Failed to find real path for mount point"
Merci d'avance de
2004 Mar 21
audio compression on a DSP Texas
Trouvez l'âme soeur sur MSN Rencontres ! http://g.msn.fr/FR1000/9551
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2015 Jun 07
Curious problem with NAT
Hi list!
Since the internal calls work as expected and I can register my Asterisk on
an external provider, I'd like to add a new feature and allow my mobile phone
to connect to my Asterisk and manage calls.
Well, first of all, my Asterisk is NOT direct on Internet available, but
behind a NAT.
So I configured my sip.conf:
2006 May 16
New user group in Switzerland - Lausanne
Un nouveau groupe des utilisateurs de Ruby on Rails est n? ?
Lausanne en Suisse. (http://railsbee.ch).
La premi?re rencontre aura lieu le mercredi 17 mai ? La Strada,
rue des Terreaux 22 ? Lausanne ? 20h30. Merci de s''inscrire
sur la mailing list pour les reservations
Venez nombreux partager votre experience sur Ruby on Rails !
2007 May 31
Archive parameter doesn't preserve owner:group property!
I would like some advices to combine security and automated backup...
How rsync manage hosts allow parameter compared to /etc/hosts.allow?
Is it possible to use ssh key just for authentification not for crypted
I have also a problem to preserve owner:group properties even with archive
parameter which is supposed to do that.
I have to put gid =root and uid = root in