Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Bridge and routing question"
2004 Oct 04
Shorewall-users Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4
Sorry some email problem, i have change it for more reliable one.
I have try this morning to netmasq (eth1) to
(eth0), but it is a mistake.
Yes thank you for answering so fast !
I have corrected it, here the new diagram and the new routing table. But it
still doesn''t work. From the router i can access to I have
add the rules :
DNAT loc
2004 Oct 03
RE: Shorewall-users Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4
Yes thank you for answering so fast !
I have corrected it, here the new diagram and the new routing table. But it
still doesn''t work.
>From the router i can access to
I have add the rules :
DNAT loc priv: tcp 22
But i can''t connect to from LAN
The DNAT fonction doesn''t work, but i can DROP packet arriving on eth0 (loc)
2004 Oct 04
Bridge and routing question - complete email.
Here is the report and the complete diagram. And sorry for email problem and
incomplete email !
I have made new test.
Eth0 and eth2 are bridged.
I can ping NET from LAN
I can ping every firewall''s interface from LAN
I can ping eth1 from private LAN
I can ping everything from firewall
Bridging is activated in shorewall.conf
>From LAN i can ping but not
2006 Apr 04
[SUISSE] Utilisateurs Ruby on Rails région Lausanne
Je trouverais enrichissant de pouvoir rencontrer quelques utilisateurs
de RoR dans la r?gion pour ?changer des bonnes id?es, se faire des
critiques sur les choses ? faire, ? ne pas faire, se donner quelques
coups de main...
Si vous habitez dans la r?gion et ?tes int?ress? par une telle
proposition, merci de m''envoyer un email ? gaspard AROBASE teti POINT
ch. Je me chargerai de
2003 Nov 03
relier linux mandrak9.1 à WinXP par smbmnt
J'aimerais relier mon PC (linux mandrake 9.1) avec Win XP par samba.
J'utilise la commande smbmnt avec le chemin sur la machine windows et
l'endroit ou je veux monter chez moi mais il me rend une erreur que je ne
comprend pas ?tant donn? que je suis tout nouveau dans le monde linux :
"Failed to find real path for mount point"
Merci d'avance de
2004 Mar 21
audio compression on a DSP Texas
Trouvez l'âme soeur sur MSN Rencontres ! http://g.msn.fr/FR1000/9551
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2004 May 12
Failed to verify ticket ?
Hi !
My problem is that :
[2004/05/12 16:07:30, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_kerberos(173)
Failed to verify incoming ticket!
[2004/05/12 16:07:30, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_kerberos(173)
Failed to verify incoming ticket!
[2004/05/12 16:07:39, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_kerberos(173)
Failed to verify incoming ticket!
[2004/05/12 16:07:59, 0]
2004 Apr 29
User problem (samba, w2k3)
Hi there
Could you also join your krb5.conf and your pam.d/login files ?
I also have the same kind of problem, and I just would like to see
differences between our configurations ...
Thanks for reading !
>From: Markus Klimke <m.klimke@tu-harburg.de>
>To: samba@lists.samba.org
>Subject: [Samba] User problem (samba, w2k3)
>Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 13:00:53 +0200
2004 Apr 29
REofRE: password change on the domain password server using clienttools
Hi Lieven
Thanks for advise !
getent passwd
command shows me all the users of the 2k domain in this format :
I think that's correct. But do you think I got to use nss pam or something
like that ?
I just can't login with a 2000 user on Samba, but guests (unknown users )
can, when I permit them to. So I think users are
2007 Jul 05
Load Balancing , MSN and SSL
HI All ,
I am running a FC6 box with two internet links with load balance . Every
thing is working fine expect the MSN connection that failed and reconnect
every time and SSL connections . I would link to know if with the nona
howto I could fix that .
I have been tried with no success to redirect that connection only to one
link but its look like do not work . Here my configuration :
2006 Jan 09
Samba - Cups - WinXP SP2 Client
Hi All,
I have a samba Server 3.0.14 installed on Ubuntu. I also have cups
1.1.23 installed.
I have migrated an existing nt4 domain using this howto:
Samba is my PDC now, and no more windows servers are on the net.
I have a network Printer Kyocera 1800+ Mita which is correctly
configured via cups. I have preconfigured 3
2006 Jan 10
[repost] Samba - Cups - WinXP SP2 Client
Hi List,
if you need any more input, please let me know.
I have a samba Server 3.0.14 installed on Ubuntu. I also have cups
1.1.23 installed.
I have migrated an existing nt4 domain using this howto:
Samba is my PDC now, and no more windows servers are on the net.
I have a network Printer Kyocera 1800+ Mita which is
2003 Nov 06
Configuration Help
Hello to all
i have set up two tincd as mentioned on this site:
but all i get on the client side is:
[ root@mondhexe ]: # tail -f /var/log/tinc.log
Trying to connect to naturstrom ( port 655)
Timeout from naturstrom ( port 655) during authentication
Closing connection with naturstrom ( port 655)
Trying to
2010 Sep 17
Hi All,
Is it possible to specify more than 1 localnet? I know this is an odd
question. I have a customer that has multiple sites linked by VPN.
Main range is and a remote site is
We want to allow some access to the public IP address at the main site. For
this to work I need to use the externip and localnet directive. If I do this
it rewrites the SDP with the
2004 Sep 03
arima et graphique
bonjour, je rencontre quelques soucis au niveau de l'utilisation des
fonctions arima.forecast/predict; en effet elles sont dites inconnues alors
que j'ai bien install?? et charg?? le package "ts". Aussi, j'aimerai savoir
comment visualiser le graphique des pr??visions avec arima et celui des
donn??es brutes dans la m??me fen??tre.
Tout en vous souhaitant bonne r??ception
2013 May 15
erreur dans R
dans la computation de mon modèle dans R avec le package deSolve pour des Equations Différentielles Ordinaires (ODEs), je rencontre l'erreur suivant:
Erreur dans checkFunc(Func2, times, y, rho) :
The number of derivatives returned by func() (1457) must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (17)
à quoi devrais-je regarder?
2019 Jan 02
Samba - Bind9 DNS - ISC-DHCP - obsolete DNS entries
Hi everyone,
I have setup a Samba domain with BIND9 dns backend.
Using ISC-DHCP-Server and procedure/script described in samba wiki I have
configured dynamic dns updates.
In my network I am using PXE to deploy new debian machines.
Booting a nfsroot and then using chroot to install my new system, for each
2006 Apr 28
Memoire defaillante
je travaille actuellement sur le logiciel R et mets en place des procédures d'analyse de données :
sur des procédures de classification employant la commande dist(), je rencontre des problèmes de memoire : avec des data.frame d'environ 100 000 lignes j'obtiens le message d'erreur suivant :
Error : cannot allocate vector of size 668 481 330
Ou une autre erreur souvent
2003 Jun 12
Problème en R
Je suis ?tudiant stagiaire ? Paris et je rencontre quelques difficult?s en
programmation R.
J'ai une data frame compos?e de 4 colonnes et 250 lignes et dont chaque
ligne est une famille.
J'ai fait un tirage al?atoire avec remise des familles 250 fois ce qui
m'am?ne ? une nouvelle dataframe.
A cette nouvelle dataframe, j'applique un programme qui calcule 2 param?tre
2007 May 10
R talks at LSM 2007
Dear R users and developers,
Would any of you be interested in giving a lecture about R and/or R
use cases at the following free software conference that takes place
in Amiens, France, next summer?
We already had a talk on R last year by Yves Croissant
(http://2006.rmll.info/theme_26?lang=en) but are still open to any
submission this year.
We expect some talks this year (to be confirmed) about