Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Error in rbind(info, getNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods"))"
2019 Feb 18
Error in rbind(info, getNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods"))
On 18/02/2019 4:08 p.m., Matt Dowle wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm experiencing an unusual installation error for one package. Could
> anyone suggest how I can best investigate this from here please? I'm sorry
> this isn't very much to go on. Hopefully someone can point me in the right
> direction.
When packages are installed, a hidden environment is created called
2019 Aug 01
c2d4u3.5 packages not working in R 3.5 anymore
Travis users are reporting a lot of these errors when testing packages on R 3.5:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ?....? in rbind(info,
getNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods")):
This problem seems to happen when a c2d4u package was compiled with R
3.6 and is loaded in R 3.5. The problem does not appear when using the
same r-cran-xyz package on R 3.6. I'm not entirely sure
2008 Apr 01
plugin announcement: acts_as_fu
We''ve all seen the job listings. We know what they''re looking for.
Rockstars. Code Monkeys. Rails Ninjas.
And you''re left thinking, "But I''m just a programmer." Well, not
anymore. Today, you become a Rails Kung-Fu Master!
"Not me," you say. "I''ve already tried using all the acts_as_something
plugins and all the something_fu
2016 Nov 11
.S3methods: issue in content of info data.frame
I was trying to get a list of S3 method for a given generic, along with the
package in which they are defined, and I came across what looks like an
issue in the data.frame returned in attribute 'info'. The column 'from'
mostly gets the value "registered S3method for ..." except for visible
methods. Is this the expected behavior?
See code and output below.
Thank you.
2016 Nov 03
.S4methods inconsistent behavior with methods, .S3methods
If I call
I get the error
## Error in getGeneric(generic.function) :
## argument 'f' must be a string, generic function, or primitive:
got an ordinary function
By contrast, methods and .S3methods just state that no methods are found.
## no methods found
## no methods found
It seems like the behavior of these functions ought to be consistent.
2023 Mar 08
Default Generic function for: args(name, default = TRUE)
f <- function()(2)
> length(.S3methods(f))
[1] 0
> length(.S3methods(print))
[1] 206
There may be better ways, but this is what came to my mind.
-- Bert
On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 11:09?AM Leonard Mada via R-help <
r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
> Dear R-Users,
> I want to change the args() function to return by default the arguments
> of the default
2006 Mar 08
Two EdTech Projects: RoR Dev''er Needed
Hey all,
Here''s where I post my mightly plea for a developer; also where I gush
the wonders of these two educational, open-community youth projects.
They''re both the product of some wonderful minds and have attracted the
attention of interesting and unique organizations. A RoR developer would
gain stardom as well, the lead web developer involved. Maybe not the
2009 Aug 27
[Fwd: Re: Video demo of using svSocket with data.table]
Forwarded to R-Help, because I think it could interest people following
this thread. Clearly, RServe and svSocket have different goals and very
little overlap.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Video demo of using svSocket with data.table
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 20:34:19 +0100
From: Matthew Dowle <mdowle at mdowle.plus.com>
Reply-To: Matthew Dowle
2009 Apr 21
Closed-source non-free ParallelR ?
Dear R-devel,
REvolution appear to be offering ParallelR only when bundled with their R Enterprise edition. As such it appears to be non-free and closed source.
Since R is GPL and not LGPL, is this a breach of the GPL ?
Below is the "GPL and ParallelR" thread from their R forum.
mdowle > It appears that ParallelR
2019 Nov 15
S3 methods in packages. Change in R 4.0.0?
since Bioconductor devel branch 3.11 started, which is operating with
R-devel 4.0.0 (for e.g. 2019-11-03 r77362 on OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan),
my package CFAssay 1.21.0 is not built on none of all three Systems,
Linux, Windos and Mac. The error message refers to xy.coords which is
called by R function plot.default. I found out that it has to do with
the S3 object system. In my package I
2018 Oct 17
methods(class = class(<obj>)) - improve for |cl.| > 1 ?
With new "strict" settings in R-devel, the following glm() example
> data(anorexia, package = "MASS")
> fm <- glm(Postwt ~ Prewt + Treat + offset(Prewt), family = gaussian, data = anorexia)
> methods(class = class(fm))
Warning in grep(name, row.names(info)) :
argument 'pattern' has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Warning in
2015 Jan 22
speedbump in library
Hi all,
Profiling turned up a bit of a speedbump in the library function. I
submitted a patch to the R bug tracker as bug 16168 and I've also
included it below. The alternate code is simpler and easier to
read/maintain, I believe. Any thoughts on other ways to write this?
Index: src/library/base/R/library.R
2019 Feb 01
nlminb with constraints failing on some platforms
R 3.5.2 on ubuntu 18.04. sessionInfo() at the end.
Works with me, same results, cannot reproduce the error.
f <- function(x) sum( log(diff(x)^2+.01) + (x[1]-1)^2 )
opt <- nlminb(rep(0, 10), f, lower=-1, upper=3)
xhat <- rep(1, 10)
all.equal(opt$par, xhat, tol=0) # good: 5.53 e-7
#[1] "Mean relative difference: 5.534757e-07"
2023 Mar 08
Default Generic function for: args(name, default = TRUE)
Dear R-Users,
I want to change the args() function to return by default the arguments
of the default generic function:
args = function(name, default = TRUE) {
?? ?# TODO: && is.function.generic();
?? ?if(default) {
?? ???? fn = match.call()[[2]];
?? ???? fn = paste0(as.character(fn), ".default");
?? ???? name = fn;
?? ?}
?? ?.Internal(args(name));
Is there a nice way
2007 May 15
getNamespaceExports("base") error
Error in ls(NULL, all = TRUE) : using 'as.environment(NULL)' is defunct
function (ns)
ns <- asNamespace(ns)
if (isBaseNamespace(ns))
ls(NULL, all = TRUE)
else ls(getNamespaceInfo(ns, "exports"), all = TRUE)
<environment: namespace:base>
One possible way to fix this could be
2019 Feb 01
nlminb with constraints failing on some platforms
No error on Windows 10, R.3.5.2 patched, Rblas compiled with OpenBLAS
0.20, Rlapack is base.
> f <- function(x) sum( log(diff(x)^2+.01) + (x[1]-1)^2 )
> opt <- nlminb(rep(0, 10), f, lower=-1, upper=3)
> str(opt)
List of 6
$ par : num [1:10] 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ objective : num -41.4
$ convergence: int 0
$ iterations : int 66
$ evaluations: Named int [1:2] 96 830
2014 Sep 26
configure: error: linking to Fortran libraries from C fails
Hi all,
Nice one for a Friday afternoon ...
I'm trying to follow this section of the manual :
to build R-devel (as of a few hours ago: rev 66684) with
My OS is Linux Mint Debian Edition. To get gcc-4.9 I added Debian
testing to my apt sources and ran :
2006 Mar 02
Deparsing '...'
The following function works, but is there a neater way to write it?
f = function(x,...)
# return a character vector of the arguments passed in after 'x'
> f(x,a,b,c*d)
[1] "a" "b" "c*d"
[[alternative HTML
2010 Aug 09
coef(summary) and plyr
Dear all,
I?m having trouble getting a list of regression variables back into a dataframe.
mydf <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100), x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100))
mydf$y<- mydf$x1+0.01+mydf$x2*3-mydf$x3*19+rnorm(100)
dlply(mydf,.(fac),function(df) lm(y~x1+x2+x3,data=df))->dl
here I?d like to use
ldply(dl,coef(summary)) or something
2004 Nov 26
Tcl error - brace in argument?
Hi all,
Does anyone know a solution for this error ?
> tkwidget(dlg, "iwidgets::spinint", range="{0 23}")
Error in structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class =
"tclObj") :
[tcl] wrong # args: should be ".31.1.19 configure -range {begin
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