similar to: Dead link in documentation of ?timezones

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Dead link in documentation of ?timezones"

2008 Jan 10
how to calculate time offset between timezones?
#QUESTION# Is there a way to calculate the offset between timezones, e.g. from "AST" to "GMT"? #DETAILS# I am working with data files that use local time, and that indicate the timezone by e.g. "AST" (Atlantic Standard Time, my local time) in a header. I was guessing that > ISOdatetime(2008,1,1,1,0,0,tz="GMT") - >
2003 Jul 31
I have some questions and comments on timezones. Problem 1. # get current time in current time zone > (now <- Sys.time()) [1] "2003-07-29 18:23:58 Eastern Daylight Time" # convert this to GMT > (now.gmt <- as.POSIXlt(now,tz="GMT")) [1] "2003-07-29 22:23:58 GMT" # take difference > now-now.gmt Time difference of -5 hours Note that the difference
1998 Dec 04
timezones not properly reflected on timestamps of files
I have read the documentation, performed the diagnostic tests, checked the archives, so if the answer is there, please accept my apologies in advance and simply direct me. I am running redhat Linux 2.0.3 and using smbmount to mount several directories from NT3.51 servers which are distributed gloablly in different timezones. Once mounted the files all have local timestamps which makes syncing
2009 Mar 04
patch for axis.POSIXct (related to timezones)
I am finding that axis.POSIXct uses the local timezone for deciding where to put tic marks, even if the data being plotted are in another time zone. The solution is to use attr() to copy from the 'x' (provided as an argument) to the 'z' (used for the 'at' locations). I have pasted my proposed solution in section 1 below (as a diff). Then, in section 2, I'll put some
2020 Apr 24
Timezone conversion on Ubuntu 20.04
Hi all, I am testing R 4.0 and ran into an issue with timezones on Ubuntu Focal: converting a timestamp to another timezone results in NA: as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), tz = "CET"), tz = "EST") This only happens on Ubuntu Focal, it seems to work fine on Ubuntu Bionic. I am the standard ubuntu docker image icw/ r-base from Dirk's ppa:edd/r-4.0 on both systems. Am I
2008 Nov 10
TimeZone Help - Finding TimeZone codes
I have looked at ?as.POSIXct ?POSIXct and many of the references that are on those pages. I am bewildered with timezones. Is there a way to get what would go into tz="" for making a function that uses POSIXct to be able to be used in all of the timezones in just the united states? This is for both windows and mac... this is the function that I am wanting to use it with
2006 Mar 16
TimeZone, TZInfo, daylight savings, and composed_of
Does anyone know the best way to track time zone information. There doesn''t seem to be much documentation on this. So far it seems like a simple db field like create table accounts ( id int unsigned not null auto_increment, name varchar(50) not null, time_zone varchar(50) not null, ... primary key (id) ) and a class like class Account < AR ...
2006 Jun 07
Setting default timezone ENV[''TZ'']=''UTC'' not working on windows?
Hi, I''ve been trying to do timezone conversion, and have some trouble getting it to work on my Windows machine. Searching the web, I found ...which explains how to set the default timezone. I''m using an environment.rb that include the lines: ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone = :utc ENV[''TZ''] =
2009 Jan 19
maptools, sunriset, POSIX timezones
Hi ... I wonder if anyone can provide some insight into why the first three examples using the sunriset function (appended below, with results) give the correct answer, but the fourth generates and error. The first two use ISOdatetime with and without a time zone attribute, and the sunriset function returns the correct sunset time. The third and fourth adds 10 seconds to the ISOdatetime
2009 May 11
inconsistent results for axis.POSIXct
Some time ago, I posted a note about what I considered to be a bug in axis.POSIXt() for R 2.8.x, relating to whether timezones in the data are obeyed on the axes. A link to that note, and to a quick and helpful response, is at the following URL Note that R 2.9.0 has been adjusted to help with
2008 Nov 24
timezone attribute lost
Hi, As I didn't get any response on the general help list and I don't know if there is a bug in action I am trying my luck here. I was highly surprised to find out that during simple operations (see code below) the timezone attribute for POSIXct data is lost and then, upon the next interpretation, the system settings are used (which are plain wrong in my case). I have used R 2.8.0
2007 Jan 08
Does strptime(...,tz="GMT") do anything?
Hi All In trying to correlate some tide gauge data I need to deal with varying timezones. From the documentation on strptime, it seemed that the tz variable might have some effect on the conversion, but I'm not seeing an effect. > strptime("20061201 1:02 PST",format="%Y%m%d %H:%M",tz="PST")+0 [1] "2006-12-01 01:02:00 EST" >
2017 Dec 01
Timezone problem with 3.4.2
Colleagues I just installed 3.4.2 on a Mac running High Sierra. I encountered the following: R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28) -- "Short Summer" Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type
2009 Aug 25
Timezone not recognised kludge
This is for Wine 1.1.28 compiled under a customised personal Linux based on Slackware. When running winefile from a terminal, get a line: "fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias -720, std (d/m/y): 5/04/2009, dlt (d/m/y): 27/09/2009" Wine source: ../dlls/ntdll/time.c holds the function "find_reg_tz_info". Running: #
2020 Oct 31
strptime() keeps emitting warnings after establishing a handler with tryCatch()
Dear list members, I have come about a peculiar behavior in R (4.0.2) which I would describe as a bug. On macOS, where `strptime()` raises a warning for invalid timezone identifiers, the following code will continue to raise the original warning with every subsequent call to `strptime()`: ``` # attach a handler for warnings for this call only: tryCatch(strptime('2020-10-31 18:30', format
2003 Sep 19
VoiceMail fromstring?
I'm having tons of trouble getting the fromstring to work in voicemail.conf. I've tried both voicemail and voicemail2 but the emails still seem to be coming from asterisk pbx. Has anyone had any luck with this? ================= Here's my voicemail.conf: ; ; Voicemail Configuration ; [general] ; Default formats for writing Voicemail ;format=g723sf|wav49|wav format=wav49|gsm|wav ;
2020 Nov 01
strptime() keeps emitting warnings after establishing a handler with tryCatch()
Hello, I cannot reproduce this behavior and, as documented, the posted code doesn't issue warnings due to a wrong timezone but I'm running sessionInfo() R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS Matrix products: default BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ LAPACK:
2003 Aug 04
Windows 2000 Bug in GMT +/- n Timezones (PR#3644)
Tracking down this bug was joint work with Jermoe Asselin (jerome at and Patrick Connolly (p.connolly at We collectively were able to determine that this is a problem in Windows 2000 but not in Linux. Timezones of the form GMT-5, GMT+3, etc. do not work properly in Windows 2000 for nearby dates in daylight savings time although they do work for nearby dates
2005 Aug 31
So-called 'bug' reports PR#8102 and PR#8103
Neither of these have reached me on R-devel (and only PR#8103 is on the archive), and they seem to be the same error although neither mentions the other. That's 'odd', to quote one of them. "EDT" is not a valid POSIX timezone (but, say, EST5EDT is). R's docs are quite clear that what happens with invalid inputs is system-specific. (Windows seems often to run home
2017 Apr 05
Timezone and date
When I do the date +%Z I get the timezone. Which currently is EDT. I am sending information to another system, that says EDT is not a valid timezone. I have no way to modify the other system. My question is - is there a way to get the non-day-lite savings time zone ? For example EST is valid - EDT is not. Just curious if there is an easy way already present to get a standard time zone. Thanks,