Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "BUG: 'bibentry' methods change default bibstyle"
2012 Aug 06
bibtex::read.bib -- extracting bibentry keys
I have two versions of a bibtex database which have gotten badly out of
sync. I need to find find all the entries in
bib2 which are not contained in bib1, according to their bibtex keys.
But I can't figure out how to extract a list of the bibentry keys in
these databases.
A minor question: Is there someway to prevent read.bib from ignoring
entries that do not contain all required fields?
2019 May 29
Making a package CITATION file from BibTeX
On Thu, 30 May 2019, Dr Gregory Jefferis wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I would like to provide a CITATION file for my package nat.nblast [1].
> I have the correct citation in BibTeX format [2]. How can I convert this
> BibTeX to the format needed by R for a package CITATION file (I have a
> lot of other packages needing citations ...).
(1) You can use read.bib() from the
2014 May 22
citEntry handling of encoded URLs
The following citEntry includes a url with %3A and other encodings
title = "Software for Computing and Annotating Genomic Ranges",
author = personList( as.person("Michael Lawrence" )),
year = 2013,
journal = "{PLoS} Computational Biology",
volume = "9",
issue =
2010 Oct 15
R 2.12.0 is released
I've rolled up R-2.12.0.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a development
release which contains a number of new features.
Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list
of changes below.
You can get it from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.
Binaries for various platforms will appear in
2010 Oct 15
R 2.12.0 is released
I've rolled up R-2.12.0.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a development
release which contains a number of new features.
Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list
of changes below.
You can get it from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.
Binaries for various platforms will appear in
2013 Apr 03
R 3.0.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.0.0.tar.gz (codename "Masked Marvel") this morning.
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.
Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course.
For the R Core Team
Peter Dalgaard
2013 Apr 03
R 3.0.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-3.0.0.tar.gz (codename "Masked Marvel") this morning.
The list below details the changes in this release.
You can get the source code from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.
Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course.
For the R Core Team
Peter Dalgaard
2011 Jan 07
print.citation, small bug?
I use Sweave extensively in my consulting work. When submitting reports to
the scientists I work
with I like to use the citation function to reference any packages I use, to
give proper acknowledgement.
I noted in the documentation that a citation inherits from bibentry, and
> citr<- citation()
> class(citr)
[1] "citation" "bibentry"
However, following
2005 Sep 14
Python binding and Xapian fields
Hi all,
I have spent more than 3 hours trying to figure out how Xapian documents
fields works ! It seems that I failed so I ask for help.
I am using Xapian 0.9.2 with Python bindings and Xapwrap (Python wrapper for
xapian) on Fedora Core 3. I have added custom fields like 'uri', 'title',
etc and I wish to view them in my Omega results.
I am also using an Omega XML customized
2003 Jan 10
Thanks: Re: count levels per factor level
Dear Lockwood,
As you can see, I'm a beginner...
But thank you very much!
Quoting "J.R. Lockwood" <lockwood at rand.org>:
> how about
> buskartant$buskartant <- sapply( group.list, function(x)
> sum(!is.na(unique(x))) )
> OR
> buskartant$buskartant <- sapply( group.list, function(x)
> length(unique(x[!is.na(x)])) )
2003 Jul 21
bold AND italic as font in text()
Dear all,
Is it possible to somshow plot text as italic AND bold. I tried font=c(2,3)
in text(), but it doesn't work. It seems like the latter value is used.
Thanks in advance!
Tord Sn?ll
Avd. f v?xtekologi, Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum, Uppsala universitet
Dept. of Plant Ecology, Evolutionary Biology
2007 Mar 19
order of values in vector
Dear all,
I would like to get the order of the values in a vector. I have tried
rank(), order() and searched the archive, though without success.
Here is an example of a try
x= c(20,30,50,40,60,10)
[1,] 6 20
[2,] 1 30
[3,] 2 50
[4,] 4 40
[5,] 3 60
[6,] 5 10
but I was hoping to get this:
[1,] 2 20
[2,] 3 30
[3,] 5 50
[4,] 4 40
[5,] 6 60
[6,] 1 10
2003 Dec 07
par(las = 1) not possible in polymap(), library(splancs)?
Dear all,
I want my PhD thesis which I hand in tomorrow to look even nicer:
Does polymap in the splancs library not allow horizontal plotting of
y-labels? I have tried
polymap(studyarea, xlab = "x (m)", ylab = "y (m)", las = 1)
but it doesn't change the labels?
Mayby some function in library(spatstat) support las?
2000 Jun 22
NAs introduced when changing data type
Hi all,
I am trying to change data type in the Data Editor but when I do, all
numbers in the column changes to NA and back in the Console I get the
warning message "NAs introduced by coercion".
What's wrong? The table consists of 95 columns and 470 rows.
******New e-mail address: Tord.Snall at
2019 May 29
Making a package CITATION file from BibTeX
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to provide a CITATION file for my package nat.nblast [1].
I have the correct citation in BibTeX format [2]. How can I convert this
BibTeX to the format needed by R for a package CITATION file (I have a
lot of other packages needing citations ...).
I think what I need is the opposite of RefManageR::toBiblatex [3]. This
seems like it should be a common need, so I
2019 Jan 05
unsorted - suggestion for performance improvement and ALTREP support for POSIXct
I believe the performance of isUnsorted() in sort.c could be improved by
calling REAL() once (outside of the for loop), rather than calling it twice
inside the loop. As an aside, it is implemented in the faster way in
doSort() (sort.c line 401). The example below shows the performance
improvement for a vectors of double of moving REAL() outside the for loop.
# example as implemented in
2003 Feb 05
simplify a data frame
Dear all,
For the past three hours I have tried simplify a data frame. I would be
really happy if someone could help solving this, I'm sure simple, problem.
I want to "aggregate" the data frame:
ObjektID BalteNummer Baltessegment
S.13 S.13.1 S.13.1.2
S.13 S.13.1 S.13.1.3
S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.1
S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.2
S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.3
S.13 S.13.3 S.13.3.6
S.13 S.13.3 S.13.3.7
2003 Jan 02
aggregate: "sum" not meaningful for factors
Dear all,
I try to summarise my data per category using aggregate, but for some
reason I get the error message "sum" not meaningful for factors even though
my vector is numeric. The data set is shown below.
Could someone please give a hint.
Thanks in advance!
> names(test)
[1] "ObjektID" "tallstubbyta"
> is.factor(test$ObjektID);
2003 Apr 27
Thanks for: no response of the tab key
Dear G?tz Wiegand and Corey Moffet,
Thanks for answering while I went to get a cup of coffee. This list is
really excellent!
The answer, for you other beginners, is
in R a tab is represented "\t"
>Dear all,
>I want to produce a tab separated text file but R 1.6.2 does not respond to
>the tab key on my keyboard.
>When I paste:
2003 Jan 02
replace NA with factor class
Dear all,
I have a tree data matrix. For some trees I lack info about tree species,
but I want to set them to be spruce. For some reason the tree species names
on the remaining (non-NA) rows are changed into numbers (that I do not
I guess that ifelse is not the correct function to use, but I have not
found any better one in my searches.
Thanks in advance!