similar to: Function 'factor' issues

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2017 Oct 18
Function 'factor' issues
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Sun, 15 Oct 2017 16:03:48 +0000 writes: > In R devel, function 'factor' has been changed, allowing and merging duplicated 'labels'. Indeed. That had been asked for and discussed a bit on this list from June 14 to June 23, starting at
2018 Mar 24
Function 'factor' issues
I am trying once again. By just changing f <- match(xlevs[f], nlevs) to f <- match(xlevs, nlevs)[f] , function 'factor' in R devel could be made more consistent and back-compatible. Why not picking it? -------------------------------------------- On Sat, 25/11/17, Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono <suharto_anggono at> wrote: Subject: Re: [Rd] Function
2017 Nov 25
Function 'factor' issues
>From commits to R devel, I saw attempts to speed up subsetting and 'match', and to cache results of conversion of small nonnegative integers to character string. That's good. I am sorry for pushing, still. Is the partial new behavior of function 'factor' with respect to NA really worthy? match(xlevs, nlevs)[f] looks nice, too. - Using f <- match(xlevs, nlevs)[f]
2017 Oct 15
Function 'factor' issues
In R devel, function 'factor' has been changed, allowing and merging duplicated 'labels'. Issue 1: Handling of specified 'labels' without duplicates is slower than before. Example: x <- rep(1:26, 40000) system.time(factor(x, levels=1:26, labels=letters)) Function 'factor' is already rather slow because of conversion to character. Please don't add slowdown.
2016 Sep 13
Coercion of 'exclude' in function 'factor' (was 'droplevels' inappropriate change)
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Fri, 2 Sep 2016 16:10:00 +0000 writes: > I am basically fine with the change. > How about using just the following? > if(!is.character(exclude)) > exclude <- as.vector(exclude, typeof(x)) # may result in NA > x <- as.character(x)
2019 Jun 03
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono >>>>> on Thu, 30 May 2019 14:45:22 +0000 writes: >>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono >>>>> on Thu, 30 May 2019 14:45:22 +0000 writes: > Here is a patch to function 'stopifnot' that adds 'evaluated' argument and makes 'exprs' argument in 'stopifnot'
2016 Sep 26
Undocumented 'use.names' argument to c()
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono <suharto_anggono at> >>>>> on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 14:51:11 +0000 writes: > By "an argument named 'use.names' is included for concatenation", I meant something like this, that someone might try. >> c(as.Date("2016-01-01"), use.names=FALSE) > use.names >
2019 Mar 05
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono >>>>> on Tue, 5 Mar 2019 17:29:20 +0000 writes: > Another possible shortcut definition: > assert <- function(exprs) >"stopifnot", list(exprs = substitute(exprs), local = parent.frame())) Thank you. I think this is mostly a matter of taste, but I liked your version using eval()
2017 May 19
stopifnot() does not stop at first non-TRUE argument
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Thu, 18 May 2017 16:27:09 +0000 writes: >> From an example in >> >> , number of arguments in '...' can be obtained by > (function(...)nargs())(...) .
2017 Aug 14
Issues of R_pretty in src/appl/pretty.c
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Fri, 11 Aug 2017 17:11:06 +0000 writes: >>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Fri, 11 Aug 2017 17:11:06 +0000 writes: > See
2017 May 19
stopifnot() does not stop at first non-TRUE argument
While you are fiddling with stopifnot(), please consider changing the form of the error thrown so that it includes the caller's call. The change would be from something like stop( <<the message>> ) to stop(simpleError( <<the message>>, For the following code f <- function(x, y) { stopifnot(x > y) x - y } g <- function(x,
2017 Nov 04
ans[nas] <- NA in 'ifelse' (was: ifelse() woes ... can we agree on a ifelse2() ?)
Removal of ans[nas] <- NA from the code of function 'ifelse' in R is not committed (yet). Why? -------------------------------------------- On Mon, 28/11/16, Martin Maechler <maechler at> wrote: Subject: Re: [Rd] ifelse() woes ... can we agree on a ifelse2() ? Cc: R-devel at, maechler at Date: Monday, 28 November, 2016, 10:00
2017 Aug 18
Issues of R_pretty in src/appl/pretty.c
Examples similar to pretty(c(-1,1)*1e300, n = 1e9, min.n = 1) with smaller 'n': pretty(c(-1,1)*1e304, n = 1e5, min.n = 1) pretty(c(-1,1)*1e306, n = 1e3, min.n = 1) A report on 'pretty' when working with integers, similar to what led to change of 'seq' fuzz, is -------------------------------------------- On Tue,
2016 Sep 13
R-intro: function 'stderr' and 'sd'
While you are editing that, you might change its name from 'stderr' to standardError (or standard_error, etc.) so as not to conflict with base::stderr(). Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 8:55 AM, Martin Maechler <maechler at > wrote: > >>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono via R-devel <r-devel at
2016 Aug 14
table(exclude = NULL) always includes NA
useNA <- if (missing(useNA) && !missing(exclude) && !(NA %in% exclude)) "ifany" An example where it change 'table' result for non-factor input, from : x <- c(1,2,3,3,NA) table(as.integer(x), exclude=NaN) I bring the example up, in case that the change in result is not intended.
2016 Aug 12
table(exclude = NULL) always includes NA
>>>>> Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Thu, 11 Aug 2016 16:19:49 +0000 writes: > I stand corrected. The part "If set to 'NULL', it implies > 'useNA="always"'." is even in the documentation in R > 2.8.0. It was my fault not to check carefully. I wonder,
2017 Aug 19
Issues of R_pretty in src/appl/pretty.c
Yes, they work now. I mentioned them partly because the commit description said overflow for large n and partly to be considered for regression tests. -------------------------------------------- On Sat, 19/8/17, Martin Maechler <maechler at> wrote: Subject: Re: [Rd] Issues of R_pretty in src/appl/pretty.c Cc: r-devel at Date: Saturday, 19 August, 2017,
2019 Mar 05
Another possible shortcut definition: assert <- function(exprs)"stopifnot", list(exprs = substitute(exprs), local = parent.frame())) After thinking again, I propose to use ??? ? ? stop(simpleError(msg, call = if(p <- sys.parent()) - It seems that the call is the call of the frame where stopifnot(...) is evaluated. Because that is the correct context, I
2017 Jun 14
[bug] droplevels() also drop object attributes (comment…)
In R devel r72789, the added part in 'factor' documentation (factor.Rd) is the following. Undocumentedly for a long time, \code{factor(x)} loses all \code{\link{attributes}(x)} but \code{"names"}, and resets \code{"levels"} and \code{"class"}. In the code of function 'factor', names(x) is copied to the result. As I mentioned before, names(x) is _not_
2019 Feb 18
1 about $.data.frame
The statement in R devel: There is no \code{data.frame} method for \code{$}, so \code{x$name} uses the default method which treats \code{x} as a list (with no partial matching of column names). The replacement method (for \code{$}) checks \code{value} for the correct number of rows, and replicates it if necessary. The added "(with no partial matching of column names)" is wrong.