similar to: rnorm is not truly random used in the lm function

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2017 Aug 03
rnorm is not truly random used in the lm function
>>>>> Victor Tian <tianxu03 at> >>>>> on Thu, 3 Aug 2017 09:49:57 -0400 writes: > To whom it may concern, > I happened to run the following R code just to check the layout of the > output, but found that the code doesn't work the way I thought it should > work. yes, your expectations were wrong. >>
2020 Aug 09
lm() takes weights from formula environment
I know this programmers can reason this out from R's late parameter evaluation rules PLUS the explicit lm() does to work with the passed in formula and data frame. But, from a statistical user point of view this seems to be counter-productive. At best it works as if the user is passing in the name of the weights variable instead of values (I know this is the obvious
2003 Nov 05
Could anyone please explain how to set up contrasts between means in R. I want to know if "before I conduct an experiment and believe the mean for 1 and 2 will be different from means 3 and 4, Is this true?" That is what I have to prove or disprove, I thought that contrasts would be the way to go. Thanks for the help. Igor [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2020 Aug 09
lm() takes weights from formula environment
Doesn't this preclude "y ~ ." style notations? > On Aug 9, 2020, at 11:56 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > > This is fairly clearly documented in ?lm: > > "All of weights, subset and offset are evaluated in the same way as variables in formula, that is first in data and then in the environment of formula." > > There
2006 Aug 16
confusing about contrasts concept
Hi all, Where can I find a thorough explanation of Contrasts and Contrasts Matrices? I read some help but still confused. Thank you, Tian [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Jan 03
Coping with non-standard evaluation in R program analysis
Hello R experts, I plan to develop a tool for dynamic analysis of R programs. I would like to trace function calls at runtime, capturing argument and return values. Following a suggestion made some time ago on this list, my high-level implementation strategy is to rewrite the AST, augmenting call expressions with pre-call and post-call shims to capture the arguments and return value,
2004 Nov 30
How to know if a bug was recognised
Hello! A problem with special characters seemed to me to be a bug. I sent a mail to R-windows at concerning the problem (see below). How can I find out, if this is considered as a bug or an error of myself? Which part of FAQs or documentation did I miss to find the answer? thanks in advance Heinz T??chler -------------------- copy of abovementioned mail ---------- to: R-windows
2016 Feb 10
Test Failure OpenSSH 7.1 P2 on HPE NSE for key-commands
On February 9, 2016 7:28 PM, Darren Tucker wrote: > To: Randall S. Becker <rsbecker at> > Cc: OpenSSH Devel List <openssh-unix-dev at> > Subject: Re: Test Failure OpenSSH 7.1 P2 on HPE NSE for key-commands > > On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Randall S. Becker > <rsbecker at> wrote: > > Thread split from my
2005 Feb 04
How to access results of survival analysis
Hello, it seems that the main results of survival analysis with package survival are shown only as side effects of the print method. If I compute e.g. a Kaplan-Meier estimate by > km.survdur<-survfit(s.survdur) then I can simply print the results by > km.survdur Call: survfit(formula = s.survdur) n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 100.0 58.0 46.8 41.0 79.3 Is
2005 Apr 02
factor to numeric in data.frame
Dear All, Assume I have a data.frame that contains also factors and I would like to get another data.frame containing the factors as numeric vectors, to apply functions like sapply(..., median) on them. I read the warning concerning as.numeric or unclass, but in my case this makes sense, because the factor levels are properly ordered. I can do it, if I write for each single column
2006 Apr 14
Ext3 and 3ware RAID5
I run a decent amount of 3ware hardware, all under centos-4. There seems to be some sort of fundamental disagreement between ext3 and 3ware's hardware RAID5 mode that trashes write performance. As a representative example, one current setup is 2 9550SX-12 boards in hardware RAID5 mode (256KB stripe size) with a software RAID0 stripe on top (also 256KB chunks). bonnie++ results look
2010 Jun 05
How to get the closing price from the the GOOGLE FINANCE site for NSEINDIA stocks
Sir, How to get the closing price from this link I installed quantmod getSymbols('NSE:RCOM',src='google') gives me this error********************** Error in download.file(paste(google.URL, "q=",, "&startdate=", : cannot open URL
2024 Apr 14
Calling applyClosure from a package?
Hi, Short version of my question: Rf_applyClosure was marked attribute_hidden in Oct 2023, and I am curious why and if there is an alternative interface to it planned. Long version: I have been toying with building a package that makes it easier to do non-standard evaluation directly using promises, rather than wrapping these in a custom type (like e.g. rlang does). The advantage of this
2011 Oct 18
problem with quantmod package
i am using quantmod get stock quotes from google finanace. but unfortunately i am not able to get the quotations of some stocks(e.g. NSE:TCS,NSE:SAIL ) through the "getSymbol" command of this package although they are available in the google finance website. anyone please help me. thanks in advance..... -- View this message in context:
2017 Mar 17
RFC: (in-principle) native unquoting for standard evaluation
I love the pointer analogy. Presumably the additional complication of scope breaks this however. * itself would have been a nice operator for this were it not prone to ambiguity (`a * *b` vs `a**b`, from which @ does not suffer). Would this extension require that function authors explicitly enable auto-quoting support? I somewhat envisioned functions seeing the resolved unquoted object (within
2006 Sep 27
equivalent of model.tables for an lm.object?
Dear all, I run a linear model with three significant explanatory variabels x1: a factor with 4 levels x2 and x3: factors with two levels each x4: continuous model <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 * x3 + x4) <> The data is not perfectly balanced between the different factor-combinations and I use treatment contrasts. <> With an aov.object, I assume I could have used model.tables(aov.object,
2005 Aug 10
how to write assignment form of function
Dear All, where can I find information about how to write an assigment form of a function? For curiosity I tried to write a different form of the levels()-function, since the original method for factor deletes all other attributes of a factor. Of course, the simple method would be to use instead of levels(x) <- newlevels, attr(x, 'levels') <- newlevels. I tried the following: ##
2005 Feb 17
Again: Variable names in functions
Hello, still I have difficulties with variable names in functions. I know the famous example form help for deparse/substitute but I will give a simpler one to explain my problem. I know from Reid Huntsinger (Tue, 8 Feb 2005 12:39:32 -0500) that: "Semantically, R is pass-by-value, so you don't really have the names, just the values. In implementation, though, R *does* pass names, in part
2015 Apr 16
ClamAV reports a trojan
This morning I discovered this in my clamav report from one of our imap servers: /usr/share/nmap/scripts/irc-unrealircd-backdoor.nse: Unix.Trojan.MSShellcode-21 FOUND I have looked at this script and it appears to be part of the nmap distribution. It actually tests for irc backdoors. IRC is not used here and its ports are blocked by default both at the gateway and on all internal hosts.
2006 Mar 08
PAP2 won't make two g729 calls at the same time
I have a Linksys PAP2. Identical setups for the two channels in both the unit and in Asterisk. In particular, both channels enable g729 and set it as the preferred codec, and have disallow=all and allow=g729 in sip.conf. If we make a call on one channel, it works (and uses g729), but if we make a call on the other channel when the first one is still connected, it fails. We have three g729