similar to: [Bug Fix] Default values not applied to ... arguments

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[Bug Fix] Default values not applied to ... arguments"

2017 Jul 06
[Bug Fix] Default values not applied to ... arguments
Thanks for the report, I've fixed 15199 in the AST interpreter in 72664, I will fix it in the byte-code interpreter as well. If you ever needed to disable the JIT, there is API for that, see ?compiler. Note though that by disabling the JIT you won't disable the byte-code interpreter, because code also gets compiled when packages are installed or when the compiler is invoked
2008 Aug 02
related, but off-topic: how to allow users to change password?
My dovecot is currently configured to authenticate vs. a userdb/passdb passwd-file that contains, for each user: username:passhash:5000:5000::/path/to/home::userdb_mail=/path/to/maildir Is it possible to let users authenticate and change their passwords? There are some webmail client add-ons that allow such things if users are system accounts or in a
2005 Jul 04
Hi, Is there anybody on the list that recommends anyone for colocation/telehousing in the US? I'm after 2 Servers to be hosted in the US, preferably on the west coast. Regards, Sahil Gupta VoiceValley
2009 Nov 20
v1.2.8 released This is mainly to fix the 0777 base_dir creation issue, which could be considered a security hole, exploitable by local users. An attacker could for example replace Dovecot's auth socket and log in as other users. Gaining root privileges isn't possible though. This affects only
2009 Nov 20
v1.2.8 released This is mainly to fix the 0777 base_dir creation issue, which could be considered a security hole, exploitable by local users. An attacker could for example replace Dovecot's auth socket and log in as other users. Gaining root privileges isn't possible though. This affects only
2009 Oct 09
Help with printing fixed width
Hello R users, I am writing a summary() for a custom class, and am to display the integers right justified, Say where x is the vector with integers, I am using the following: cat("\t",format(x),"\t"...other columns) this way I am trying to pass the format(x), to the cat function to display it, but still I am getting a kink(b/w the 9th and 10th row). 6 81 170
2000 Jan 19
Segmentation fault using integrate()
Hi all, Running R 0.90.1 on a RH 6.1 system. Installation of the integrate_2.1-2 package went smoothly. My code contains a loop in which integrate() is called several times in each pass. I get a segmentation fault after what seems to be a random number of calls to integrate(). Debug output shows: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. promiseArgs (el=0x40276414,
2011 Apr 06
Xen page sharing
Hi sahil: I think the reason why you cannot get page shared is due to the gref you got. Gref is responsible for a page allocated from domU, in my understanding it should not be 0, that is a gref 0 can not be shared, that''s why I skip gref 0 to be nominated. The gref is nominated to Xen and later used to find a corrspond MFN, so it shall not always be the same.
2009 Feb 09
how to get form parameters while using fields_for with nested attributes
hi all.. i am trying to use *fields_for* to get and save nested attributes in a form. i have a ''Partner'' model associated with an ''Address'' model. partner has_many :addresses although the form is displaying fine, but on submitting it the following error is shown: *can''t convert HashWithIndifferentAccess into Array* on this line: *@partner =
2017 Mar 19
[PATCH] Improve utf8clen and remove utf8_table4
Given a char `c' which should be the start byte of a utf8 character, the utf8clen function returns the byte length of the utf8 character. Before this patch, the utf8clen function would return either: * 1 if `c' was an ascii character or a utf8 continuation byte * An int in the range [2, 6] indicating the byte length of the utf8 character With this patch, the utf8clen function
2008 Nov 02
Issue with domains
I am running Dovecot 1.0.10 and have it working great on (my free subdomain), but recently I registered and pointed it to the same IP address as The problem is, only e-mail sent to the works. If it is send it to, I don't know where it goes. I get no errors either. How can I get Dovecot to recognize both domains? TIA.
2008 Jul 27
mail extra field to override default mail_location for only certain users
I am running version 1.1.1 with mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir. This is working great as all our users have UNIX accounts with nologin shells. New domains (and their users) are about to come online and we would like to migrate to a setup with virtual mailboxes/users. From the wiki and comments within dovecot.conf, I see it is possible to do this piecemeal so both local and virtual users
2007 Nov 29
Hi, We seem to be having some teething issues with a new Hylafax - happy to pay someone to complete the installation. Please contact offlist. Regards, Sahil Gupta Chief Executive Officer VoiceValley Group of Companies Phone: +61-7-30188403 Fax: +61-7-30188499
2005 Jun 07
Message Playback
Hi, I'd like to know how I can playback a pre-recorded message to a user using our system without answering the call. I want to do the above in the scenario where the user dials a number and the number has been dialled incorrectly. Regards, Sahil Gupta VoiceValley
2005 Jun 27
Hi, I have a Gateway running in "TE" (terminal equipment mode as "slave" that I need to connect to my asterisk server using a TE100P card. Can anybody give a quick run up of how to run the TE100P's in Network Termination mode to have this working sucessfully? Cheers! Regards, Sahil Gupta VoiceValley
2006 Jun 06
PABX Setup
Hi, We are trying to port over a PABX to our network. Both PRI's seem to be live however, whenever someone dials out from the PABX Asterisk happens to report : -- Extension '' in context 'samsungincoming' from '736327438' does not exist. Rejecting call on channel 0/31, span 2 If crc4 is turned off, it reports a yellow alarm. Any suggestions? Regards, Sahil
2008 Nov 14
Dedicated Servers
Hi,I am looking for a reliable provider that can provide 3 dedicated linux servers asap. Unfortunately, the provider I have used for YEARS has become way too slack in recent times and we have to move on. Cheers, Sahil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2014 Jul 31
Centos Release Update from 6.2 to 6.5
>* Suppose I install CentOS 6.2 now, Suppose in 8 months CentOS 6.5 is *>* released. *> >* Now I issue a yum update, so my system will be updated to CentOS 6.5, or I *>* will have an updated 6.2 ? * *You are requested to explain the update policy of centos in detail . * -- *Sahil* Mobile * - 09467607999* fbAddress*
2017 May 22
[PATCH] Ensure correct order of evaluation in macro
Hello, I'd like to contribute this small patch (attached) that I think will help prevent some future bugs from occurring in paste.c. By wrapping the macro's arguments in parentheses, we can ensure that the correct order of evaluation will take place during preprocessing. To illustrate, we can use the == operator which has lower evaluation precedence than the < operator: * With
2010 Mar 03
Help with multtest (rawp2adjp)
Hello R experts, I am trying to analyze this dataset and am stuck on this problem for quite some time now. I am using mt.rawp2adjp. the output that came out was a matrix with two colums since I had asked it to calculate the adjusted p values using one method. so it has the two columns as: rawp BH I combined these using cbind with my actual dataframe. checked using head all was fine. thereafter I