similar to: Wish for arima function: add a data argument and a formula-type for regressors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "Wish for arima function: add a data argument and a formula-type for regressors"

2008 Nov 10
R 2.8. and languageR
Hi, I have been using the library languageR in R2.6.0 for some while. I now would like to use new functions of this library (especially plotLMER.fnc) and have downloaded R 2.8.0. Error messages appear when I load the languageR library (I have tried several times on different computers but this doesn't help.: Attachement du package : 'Matrix' The following object(s)
2010 Feb 09
Model matrix using dummy regressors or deviation regressors
The model matrix for the code at the end the email is shown below. Since the model matrix doesn't have -1, I think that it is made of dummy regressors rather than deviation regressors. I'm wondering how to make a model matrix using deviation regressors. Could somebody let me know? > model.matrix(aaov) (Intercept) A2 B2 B3 A2:B2 A2:B3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
2012 Nov 14
Time Series with External Regressors in R Problems with XReg
Hello everyone, Hope you all are doing great! I have been fitting arima models and performing forecasts pretty straightforwardly in R. However, I wanted to add a couple of regressors to the arima model to see if it could improve the accuracy of the forecasts but have had a hard time trying to do so. I used the following R function: arima(x, order = c(0, 0, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0,
2008 Jul 31
random effects mixed model, different regressors
Hi everybody, I have built a model that includes subject ID as a random effect, and has a continous variable (time) and I want to test whether the slope of this line differs between treatments (this is tested with the interaction between treatment and "time"). My question now is that I also want to include regressors that might explain variation in this slope between subjects (and of
2009 Mar 23
Scaled MPSE as a test for regressors?
Hi, This is really more a stats question than a R one, but.... Does anyone have any familiarity with using the mean prediction squared error scaled by the variance of the response, as a 'scale free' criterion for evaluating different regression algorithms. E.g. Generate X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test from true f. X_test/Y_test are generated without noise, maybe? Use X_train, Y_train
2005 May 19
logistic regression: differential importance of regressors
Hi, All. I have a logistic regression model that I have run. The question came up: which of these regressors is more important than another? (I'm using Design) Logistic Regression Model lrm(formula = iconicgesture ~ ST + SSP + magnitude + Condition + Expertise, data = d) Coef S.E. Wald Z P Intercept -3.2688 0.2854 -11.45 0.0000 ST 2.0871 0.2730 7.64
2005 Sep 06
MASS: rlm, MM and errors in observations AND regressors
Hello, I need to perform a robust regression on data which contains errors in BOTH observations and regressors. Right now I am using rlm from the MASS package with 'method="MM"' and get visually very nice results. MASS is quite clear, however, that the described methodologies are only applicable to observation-error only data (p. 157, 4th Ed.). So here's the questions now:
2007 May 05
dynamically specifying regressors/RHS variables in a regression
Does anyone know if there is a way to specify regressors dynamically rather than explicitly? More specifically, I have a data set in "long format" that details a number of individuals and their responses to a question (which can be positive, negative, or no answer). Each individual answers as many questions as they want, so there are a different number of rows per individual. For each
2009 Feb 12
beginner's question: group of regressors by name vector?
dear r-experts: there is probably a very easy way to do it, but it eludes me right now. I have a large data frame with, say, 26 columns named "a" through "z". I would like to define "sets of regressors" from this data frame. something like myregressors=c("b", "j", "x") lm( l ~ myregressors, data=... ) is the best way to create new
2010 Jan 12
[Solved][Code Snippets] Dropping Empty Regressors
To make a long story short I was doing some in-sample testing in which some dynamically created regressors would end up either all true or all false based on the validation portion. In my case a new mainframe configuration (this is a crappy way to handle a level shift but I do what I can.) So here is the code snippet that finally let me pre-check my regressors and drop any of them that were all
2003 Aug 27
Problem in step() and stepAIC() when a name of a regressors has b (PR#3991)
Hi all, I've experienced this problem using step() and stepAIC() when a name of a regressors has blanks in between (R:R1.7.0, os: w2ksp4). Please look at the following code: "x" <- c(14.122739306734, 14.4831100207131, 14.5556459667089, 14.5777151911177, 14.5285815352327, 14.0217803203846, 14.0732571632964, 14.7801310180502, 14.7839362960477, 14.7862217992577)
2010 May 05
Predict when regressors are passed through a data matrix
Hi everyone, this should be pretty basic but I need asking for help as I got stuck. I am running simple linear regression models on R with k regressors where k > 1. In order to automate my code I packed all the regressors in a matrix X so that lm(y~X) will always produce the results I want regardless of the variables in X. I am new to R but I found this advice somewhere so I guess it is
2009 Jan 21
Joint significance of more regressors in summary
Dear All, I was wondering if it is possible to generate a regression summary (it does not matter at this stage if from an lm or for example a glm estimate) in which to obtain the joint significance of a set of regressors? Examples could be looking at the joint significance level of a polynomial, or of a set of exogenous variables of which is of interest the linear combination suggested by the
2009 Dec 08
Holiday Gift Perl Script for US Holiday Dummy Regressors
##### BEGIN CODE ###### #!/usr/bin/perl ###### # # --start, -s = The date you would like to start generating regressors #--end, -e = When to stop generating holiday regressros # --scope, -c = D, W for Daily or Weekly respectively (e.g. Does this week have a particular holiday) # --file, -f = Ummm where to write the output silly! # # **NOTE** The EOM holiday is "End of Month" for
2019 Apr 12
Re: nbdkit, VDDK, extents, readahead, etc
On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 06:55:55PM +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote: >As I've spent really too long today investigating this, I want to >document this in a public email, even though there's nothing really >that interesting here. One thing you find from search for VDD 6.7 / >VixDiskLib_QueryAllocatedBlocks issues with Google is that we must be >one of the very few users out
2007 Jun 16
fSeries - Ox - ver: 240.10068 - Steps to make it work
-Bugs and fixes reported to Diethelm Wuertz. -In the interim. To make the Ox functions part of the fSeries package work please follow the following steps. ------------------------------------------------- 1. Install R-project. 2. Install fSeries. 3. Download: (G@RCH package for Ox) 4. Download:
2010 Dec 16
predict.lm with new regressor names
Hi all, Suppose: y<-rnorm(100) x1<-rnorm(100) lm.yx<-lm(y~x1) To predict from a new data source, one can use: # works as expected dum<-data.frame(x1=rnorm(200)) predict(lm.yx, newdata=dum) Suppose lm.yx has been run and we have the lm object. And we have a dataframe that has columns that don't correspond by name to the original regressors. I very! naively assumed that doing
2012 Sep 17
arima forecast without the first order of auto-regressor
Hi, I want to predict using airma, but I want to predict using t-2 or t-3, instead of t-1 right now the arima() function doesn't allow me to do that, it will alwasy return with variable t-1 , what is the way to skip that variable? thanks &regards -- View this message in context: Sent
2003 Sep 01
Arima with an external regressor
Hello, Does anybody know if the function arima with an external regressor (xreg) applies the auto correlation on the dependant variable or on the residuals. In comparison with SAS (proc autoreg), it seems that the auto correlation applies on the residuals but i'd like to have the confirmation. I want to estimate: Y[t] = a[1]*X[t] + a[2] + E[t] with E[t]=b[1]*E[t-1] Should I use : arima(Y,
2012 Jul 07
regressor & autoregressive error?
Hello, I am using R for fitting parameters of a time series model. The model is as below. Y(t) = mu + a*X(t) + YN(t) where YN(t) = b*YN(t-1) + innovation and Z(t) follows N(0,1). The main obstacle for me is the autoregressive error term, YN(t). I can't figure out how to estimate the parameters (mu, a, b) with usual 'arima' function in R. What I have tried is.... 1. Do the