similar to: [patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "[patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)"

2016 May 18
[patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)
On 18/05/16 13:50, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korpela at> >>>>>> on Wed, 18 May 2016 13:05:24 +0300 writes: > > > I get an error when running "make check" after building > > R-devel r70629 on Ubuntu 14.04. > > Here are the relevant > > lines in the file
2016 May 19
[patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)
>>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korpela at> >>>>> on Wed, 18 May 2016 14:18:20 +0300 writes: > On 18/05/16 13:50, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korpela at> on Wed, 18 >>>>>>> May 2016 13:05:24 +0300 writes: >> >> > I get an error
2016 May 18
[patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)
>>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korpela at> >>>>> on Wed, 18 May 2016 13:05:24 +0300 writes: > I get an error when running "make check" after building > R-devel r70629 on Ubuntu 14.04. > Here are the relevant > lines in the file "": > > ## m1z uses match(x, *) with
2018 Apr 26
Possible bug in package installation when R_ICU_LOCALE is set
(Belated) thanks for the confirmation, Ista. I just reported this issue on the R bug tracker: Best regards, - Mikko -----Alkuper?inen viesti----- L?hett?j?: Ista Zahn [mailto:istazahn at] L?hetetty: 7. helmikuuta 2018 17:05 Vastaanottaja: Korpela Mikko (MML) Kopio: r-devel at Aihe: Re: [Rd] Possible bug in
2018 Feb 07
Possible bug in package installation when R_ICU_LOCALE is set
On a Windows computer (other platforms not tested), installing a package from source may fail if the environment variable R_ICU_LOCALE is set, depending on the package and the locale. For example, after setting R_ICU_LOCALE to "fi_FI", install.packages("seriation", type = "source") (package version 1.2-3) fails with the following error: ** preparing package for
2018 Dec 08
Possible encoding bug in sub()
I noticed that sub() gives unexpected results for the following test case. In the test case, the (initial) input is ASCII but the replacements are UTF-8. The first sub() produces an UTF-8 result with an "unknown" Encoding. This makes the result garbled in Windows (no UTF-8 locale there). The second sub() produces a correct result, although for some reason it is converted to the native
2017 Feb 23
Update copyright year in manuals
With new R releases soon to come, I suggest updating the Rcopyright macro in "doc/manual/R-defs.texi" to use year 2017. -- Mikko Korpela Department of Geosciences and Geography University of Helsinki
2017 Feb 02
R Bugzilla down
The R Bugzilla at <> is down, for at least some hours by now. The error message from my web browser reads: Can't connect to the database. Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) Is your database installed and up and running? Do you have the correct username and password selected
2017 Feb 21
R CMD build error during vignettes build
Hello, I'm trying to rebuild a package (using R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)) that has not seen any changes since it was last built without problems in previous R versions. It fails during vignette building with: ---<--------------------cut here---------------start------------------->--- $ R CMD build diveMove * checking for file ?diveMove/DESCRIPTION? ... OK * preparing ?diveMove?: *
2017 Feb 24
Update copyright year in manuals
On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 03:23:10PM +0100, Martin Maechler wrote: > >>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korpela at> > >>>>> on Thu, 23 Feb 2017 14:02:58 +0200 writes: > > > With new R releases soon to come, I suggest updating the > > Rcopyright macro in "doc/manual/R-defs.texi" to use year > > 2017. >
2016 Sep 27
library() asks user to accept license of some built-in packages
When 'getOption("checkPackageLicense")' is 'TRUE' and the user calls 'library(grid)' for the first time, R asks the user to either accept or decline the package license. This should not be necessary as the package license is "Part of R ..." with "..." denoting the R version number, and R is free and open source. The unnecessary license
2020 Aug 31
make check fails due to NA / NaN mismatch
It seems there is a problem in tests/d-p-q-r-tst-2.R (R-devel r79091): NA / NaN mismatch is not allowed by a test on lines 590--592, but the comment suggests otherwise. A run of "make check" fails there when tested on a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS (based on Debian Buster): all 'NaN' is expected, but all 'NA' is returned when testing the function 'rf()' with
2017 Apr 21
tempdir() may be deleted during long-running R session
Temporary files not accessed for a long time are automatically removed in some Linux distributions and probably other operating systems too, depending on system configuration. This may affect the per-session temporary directory, the path of which is returned by tempdir(). I think it would be nice if R automatically tried to recreate a missing tempdir() but this could have some performance
2015 Nov 18
Outdated information in regex.Rd
The NEWS for R-devel has the following item: > The previously included versions of zlib, bzip2, xz and PCRE have > been removed, so suitable external (usually system) versions are > required (see the ?R Installation and Administration? manual). Therefore I believe the following information in 'src/library/base/man/regex.Rd' is no longer valid: > If PCRE support was compiled
2016 Feb 29
Sys.readlink (on BSD vs Linux)
Hello, sorry for not being clear enough. My problem is represented with the following code, running on OSX: mkdir ~/test ln -s ~/test ~/testlink touch ~/test/foo Rscript -e 'Sys.readlink(c("~/test/foo", "~/testlink/foo")); normalizePath(c("~/test/foo","~/testlink/foo"))' I expected `Sys.readlink` to show the same output as `normalizePath`. Also,
2016 Jun 18
Error in texi2dvi
Hello: Changes in R seem to have broken the sos vignette, and I don't know how to fix it. The build on R-forge, "", ends as follows: Error in texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = TRUE, clean = clean, quiet = quiet, : Running 'texi2dvi' on 'sos.tex' failed. LaTeX
2017 Dec 22
Typos in ?regex
I found three little typos in the ?regex manual. Apologies for the lack of a diff, as the utility is not (yet) installed on this machine. 1. "There is a also" should probably be "There is also". 2. In the list of functions following "This section covers the regular expressions"..., "grep" appears twice. The other one should probably be "grepl". 3.
2016 Feb 25
iconv to UTF-16 encoding produces error due to embedded nulls (write.table with fileEncoding param)
On 23.02.2016 14:06, Mikko Korpela wrote: > On 23.02.2016 11:37, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>>> nospam at altfeld-im de <nospam at> >>>>>>> on Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:45:59 +0100 writes: >> >> > Dear R developers >> > I think I have found a bug that can be reproduced with two lines of code >>
2016 Feb 29
iconv to UTF-16 encoding produces error due to embedded nulls (write.table with fileEncoding param)
I have just committed your first patch (the strlen() replacement) to R-devel, and will soon put it in R-patched as well. I wont have time to look at this again before the 3.2.4 release, so your patch isn't going to make it unless someone else gets to it. There's still a faint chance that I'll do more in R-devel before 3.3.0, but I think it's best if there were bug
2016 Dec 09
parallel::detectCores() bug on Raspberry Pi B+
In R 3.3.2 detectCores() in package parallel reports 2 rather than 1 on Raspberry Pi B+ running Raspbian. (This report is just 'for the record'. The model is superseded and I think no longer produced.) The problem seems to be caused by grep processor /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 model name : ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 (v6l) (On Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 there is no error because