similar to: Pooling ADSL connections

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Pooling ADSL connections"

2009 Jun 09
Splicing factors without losing levels
Hi list! An operation that I often need is splicing two vectors: > splice(1:3, 4:6) [1] 1 4 2 5 3 6 For numeric vectors I use this hack: splice <- function(x, y) { xy <- cbind(x, y) xy <- t(xy) dim(xy) <- length(x) * 2 return(xy) } So far, so good (?). But I also need splicing for factors and I tried this: splice <- function(x, y) { xy <-
2005 Oct 03
CyberPower SL-series
This code, added to drivers/genericups.h, supports the CyberPower SL series UPSes. I've tested with my 725SL - the online/on battery transition, and low battery status, and finally the shutdown signal all work as expected. *** genericups.h.orig Sun Nov 2 16:54:24 2003 --- genericups.h Mon Oct 3 13:49:00 2005 *************** *** 220,225 **** --- 220,234 ---- TIOCM_ST
2001 Jan 09
PAM clustering (using triangular matrix)
Hi, I'm trying to use a similarity matrix (triangular) as input for pam() or fanny() clustering algorithms. The problem is that this algorithms can only accept a dissimilarity matrix, normally generated by daisy(). However, daisy only accept 'data matrix or dataframe. Dissimilarities will be computed between the rows of x'. Is there any way to say to that your data are already a
2000 Mar 21
clustering methods in R
Dear R people, I need to do some work with clustering, but know next to nothing about it at present. R has (at least) three clustering packages, cluster, mclust, cclust. I was wondering if someone can direct me to some good books where I could find documentation and background on the functions in these packages. The html help in these packages lists the following as references. Can people
2005 May 30
"FANNY" function in R package "cluster"
Dear All, I am attempting to use the FANNY fuzzy clustering function in R (Kaufman & Rousseeuw, 1990), found in the "cluster" package. I have run into a variety of difficulties; the two most crucial difficulties are enumerated below. 1. Where is the 'm' parameter in FANNY? In _Finding Groups in Data: An Introduction to Cluster Analysis_ (1990) by Kaufman & Rousseeuw,
2020 Mar 17
new bquote feature splice does not address a common LISP @ use case?
Dear R-devel, There is a new feature in R-devel, which explicitly refers to LISP @ operator for splicing. > The backquote function bquote() has a new argument splice to enable splicing a computed list of values into an expression, like ,@ in LISP's backquote. Although the most upvoted SO question asking for exactly LISP's @ functionality in R doesn't seems to be addressed by this
2002 Feb 14
Two ADSL Lines either ECMP or BGP?
Hi - I am trying to find a Linux based solution for one of my clients, I want to bond two adsl lines into one, with redundancy (if one fails the other does all the work). I''ve been looking into ECMP (Equal Cost Multipath), I know BGP would work, but something like ECMP would be much simpler. I have full control of both ends of the connections and I can have both ADSL lines terminate in
2004 Jun 29
PAM clustering: using my own dissimilarity matrix
Hello, I would like to use my own dissimilarity matrix in a PAM clustering with method "pam" (cluster package) instead of a dissimilarity matrix created by daisy. I read data from a file containing the dissimilarity values using "read.csv". This creates a matrix (alternatively: an array or vector) which is not accepted by "pam": A call
1999 Mar 29
Modem Pooling with Samba
Has anyone used samba v2.0 to share pooled modems. I have a large pool of identical modems available as a single TCP service on a terminal server with Samba running under HP-UX 10.20 . Any ideas how to make this modems an accessible share for Windows 95 clients Reply to
2007 Feb 17
Two ADSL links and one gateway only
Hello! I read the Split access and Load balancing sections into LARTC (Chapter 4). However I have one gateway only and the LARTC says about 2 links. I need to know how to make a load balance with my links. Thanks in advance. Eriberto - Brazil
2012 Mar 30
pooling in MICE
Hi everyone, Does anyone here has experience using MICE to impute missing value? I am having problem to pool the imputed dataset for a MANOVA test, could you give me some advice please? Here is my code: > library(mice) >
2009 Mar 05
Connection Pooling on Rails 2.2.2 (Windows Vista)
Hi, I''m trying to setup rails 2.2.2 pool connections to MySQL by specifying the pool setting with 5 in database.yml but no hope.. It doesn''t work. My rails is running on webrick in the production mode and the webrick is launched by RadRails. Even though I send multiple requests to my app on rails at the same time, it seemed only one connection is shared ( pooled ). I also
2010 Apr 16
Multiple comparisons on Anova.mlm object
I would like to perform multiple comparisons or post-hoc testing on the independent variable in an Anova.mlm object generated by the Anova function of the car package. I have defined a multivariate linear model and subsequently performed a repeated measures ANOVA as per the instructions in section #3 of the following comprehensive tutorial on the subject from the Gribble lab at UWO:
2005 Jun 22
Question: TEQL via gateway
Yesterday I posted a question, but I guess too much detail is provided that no one would bother to read, so I rephrase the question and hopefully some one may be willing to read. Sorry to spam. I am using TEQL on two computers, each with two network interfaces. The two eth0 are connected directly, and the two eth1 are connected via a gateway (a linux machine). The problem is that when I send
2000 Oct 10
TEQL: 2 Mbit eth1 + 2Mbit eth2 = 1Mbit teql0
Hi there, I have two ethernet connections of 2Mbit/s each and I''m trying to add them together to one 4Mbit/s connection but I cannot get more than approximate 1Mbit/s! My setup: I have a LAN (, connected to a larger network ( by two WAN-connections with 2Mbit/s each. On each end I have a Linux router. I first setup the routers to use TEQL with one of the
2011 Feb 28
[LLVMdev] Extending FunctionType
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 5:10 PM, John Criswell <criswell at> wrote: > On 2/28/11 10:04 AM, Frits van Bommel wrote: >> I don't think a full clone is necessary, since he wants to replace the >> function. He only needs to create the new function and splice in the >> body of the old one. > > That is exactly what MakeFunctionClone() does.  It creates a
2010 May 03
Bridging old system (ESI IVX E) with new Asterisk server
All: My company has an existing ESI IVX E-class system with 45 phones. I can add one more card, to expand it another 6 phones, but it's $8000, and then the system will have to be replaced. I have the Asterisk server up and running, with 2 sip lines from the local phone service. (Thanks to you guys, it is working great!). I'm pretty sure this is the way the company will move, and
2002 Feb 22
Assertion failure in transaction.c
I am running RedHat 7.2 basic installation on a couple intel boxes with 2 CPU at 550 and 1G of memory. Hardware from different vendors , but configuration is identical. Each box running Sendmail only and have mounted tmpfs that use 512 Meg. This file system can be mounted/unmounted dynamically. The file activity is pretty high. For example I was forced to set file-max to 20480 and number of
2005 Jun 23
urgent TEQL problem
OK, I spammed the mailing list recently, but I will be fired if I can''t solve the problem today. (just kidding, but I did waste lots of time on it :( ) The common configuration for teql is for two computers connected directly with two links. My topology is a little different: one link is connected directly, but the other is connected through a gateway. My problem is teql can''t
2011 Dec 06
[LLVMdev] Changing order of instructions
Given a segment of a MachineBasicBlock containing the instructions [MI4, MI5, MI6] at an arbitrary point, what would be the best way to change this segment with the same instructions in a different order, say, [MI5, MI6, MI4]? I looked into splice(), but it was impossible to hold iterators that remained valid before and after the splicing. I tried erase/remove() with insert/insertAfter(),