similar to: redirect outbound port 25 ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "redirect outbound port 25 ?"

2005 Mar 19
Re: rule isn''t permanent?
Robin Lynn Frank wrote: > > My question is why is the rule successful only until the shorewall box > is rebooted? When you re-boot, Shorewall is started with the "-f" (fast) option. This means that if there is a restore file generated by a "shorewall save" command (as given by the RESTOREFILE setting in shorewall.conf) then Shorewall is restored from that file
2003 Jan 24
For the last couple of days, I''ve been seeing a bunch of these from 8 different domains from Germany to South Korea, etc. Can anyone give me an idea as to what may be going on? Jan 24 09:37:18 omega kernel: Shorewall:net2all:DROP:IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= LEN=44 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=49 ID=47415 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=53121 DPT=25 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 CWR
2004 Aug 06
LIB usage
Hello, I'm trying to use the speexlib but I just can't do it. I've made just like the example (on the site) says. Some times I get SIGFAULT. Also, I'm reading the input_frames from /dev/dsp (directly). What is missing here? speex_bits_init(&bits); enc_state = speex_encoder_init(&speex_nb_mode); speex_encoder_ctl(enc_state, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &frame_size);
2004 Mar 04
Why does a W2K (pro) client do more than it is asked to do?
Desperate to find out why connecting to a samba share(on an AIX server) from W2K is so slow, I tried connecting to the same share from a Linux box, using smbclient: smbclient \\\\aixserver\\sharedir$ -U lynn The results were amazing. The connection was so MUCH FASTER then connecting from a W2K (pro) workstation: \\aixserver\sharedir$ (in the Start|Run edit box) When I examined the samba log
2007 Aug 07
saving output
I have a question about how to save the output of a logistic regression model in some format (delimited, preferably) so that I can manipulate it to make nice tables in excel. I have tried print, save, write, none seem to do what I want them to. Does anyone have any ideas? Lynn D. Disney, Ph.D., J.D., M.P.H. Research Analyst SEIU 1199 1771 E. 30th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Telephone:
2009 Mar 31
[Cucumber] Running single feature from command line
I am using Cucumber 0.2.3 and am having problems running a single feature. In particular, the cucumber Textmate bundle was not working so I traced it back and discovered that I could not run single files or features from the command line either. My setup has the following line in cucumber.yml default: -r features/support/env.rb -r features/support/plain.rb -r features/steps
2005 Apr 10
Re: whitelisting one IP in blacklisted netblock
Robin Lynn Frank wrote: > I have an entire /8 blacklisted. The problem is there is a single IP in > it I want to exempt from this. Searching the web site, I note there > used to be (circa version 1.3) a whitelist feature, but I couldn''t find > a simple solution to what I want to do. > > What would be the bes/easiest way to accomplish this? I can''t think of a
2002 May 21
Automating Joining a Domain
Hello everyone, Is there an easy way to automate the process of joining a Samba domain? Keith Lynn Systems Administrator School of Computer and Information Sciences University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36608 Phone: (251) 460-6390 Fax: (251) 460-7274 Alternate E-mail: URL:
2008 Feb 08
Loading Data to R
This is the most basic question ever...I haven't used R in a couple years since college so I forget and haven't been able to find what I'm looking for in any of the manuals. I just need to figure out how to load a dataset into the program from excel! Thanks! CL [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Nov 03
Red Hat is Planning To Deprecate KDE on RHEL By 2024
On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 at 19:22, Nicolas Kovacs <info at> wrote: > My reaction to GNOME 3 has been roughly the same as with systemd. At > first, I hated it with a passion. Then I saw everyone else seemed to use > it. So I started to read the docs and experiment a little bit. And now > I'm using it on a daily basis, and to my bewilderment, I've grown to >
2007 Aug 01
Hardware that can ring my phone?
Hello, I am a small business owner in need for a solution that automatically answers an incoming call, prompts the caller via touch-tone menu ("press 1 to leave a message, press 0 to speak to a representative") and will ring my (real) phone ONLY if requested by caller. I know that Asterisk is capable of all the logic behind what I described above. However, I couldn't find a
2018 May 16
Bilateral matrix
xtabs does this automatically if your cross classifying variables are factors with levels all the cities (sorted, if you like): > x <- sample(letters[1:5],8, rep=TRUE) > y <- sample(letters[1:5],8,rep=TRUE) > xtabs(~ x + y) y x c d e a 1 0 0 b 0 0 1 c 1 0 0 d 1 1 1 e 1 1 0 > lvls <- sort(union(x,y)) > x <- factor(x, levels = lvls) > y <-
2007 Sep 04
Howto sort dataframe columns by colMeans
I read from external data source containing several columns. Each column represents value of a metric. The columns are time series data. I want to sort the resulting dataframe such that the column with the largest mean is the leftmost column, descending in colMean values to the right. I see many solutions for sorting rows based on some column characteristic, but haven't found any
2002 Jan 13
Windows XP
Good evening all, I'm running samba 2.2.2a on RedHat 7.2 as a PDC and until today all was well. One of my users upgraded their workstation to Windows Xp pro and although they received a message "Welcome to the domain" when they try to log on they receive the message that the domain comptroller cannot be located to validate their account. The workstation show up in the browse list.
2012 Apr 12
Organizations where IT has approved the use of R software
Hi Gang, I realize this post is not directly related to programing issues with R, however, it appears this may be the best place to ask my question. I am putting forward a request that R be considered "approved" software in my organization. Never an easy task, this is made much more difficult given that it is open source software (sends the IT gang into little fits). So, I am
2004 Aug 06
Icecast 1.3??
According to this list I was told that it was available to download? The only thing on the download page is the info on icecast 2 from cvs? Perhaps I'm missing something?? -- Ted Lynn <> --- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
2018 May 17
Bilateral matrix
Dear William and Ben, Thank you for your replies and elegant solutions. I am having trouble with the fact that two of the previous locations do not appear in current locations (that is no one moved to OKC and Dallas from other cities), so these two cities are not being included in the output. I have provided a better sample of the data and the ideal output (wide form - a 10x10 bilateral matrix)
2007 Feb 19
supsmu produces segfault when handed all NAs. (PR#9519)
When handed an argument with all NAs, supsmu() causes a sigfault causing termination of R. The following example reproduces the problem (on a linux gentoo system), but I have verified the same behavior on a solaris builds as well as several versions of R. x <- (1:100)/10; y <- sin(pi*x) + rnorm(length(x)); tmp <- supsmu(x,y); # works y[c(2,5,10)] <- NA; # a few NAs
2004 Mar 05
SMB gurus: please help - I am desperate.
I apologize up front for re-posting this, but I need to find a solution to this problem. I have been having hard time to believe that there isn't one person among the SMB gurus that doesn't know how a W2K client connects to an SMB server. So, if you happen to know even the slightest hint to this baffling problem, I would be forever grateful. OK. Here goes (original subject line was:
2012 Aug 24
(no subject)
I'm very new to R and just finding my way, so be gentle! I've hit a swift halt doing some summary statistics on a simple continuous data field, divided into two categories. I'm getting the following error message. I am unclear why length(names(tth$ is zero and how to alter this. This is preventing me from carrying the summary data forward to any further analyses,