similar to: Small inaccuracy in the Writing R Extensions manual

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2016 Jan 12
Small inaccuracy in the Writing R Extensions manual
G'day Duncan, On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 07:32:05 -0500 Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > On 11/01/2016 11:59 PM, Berwin A Turlach wrote: > > G'day all, > > > > In Chapter 1.4 (Writing package vignettes) the Writing R Extensions > > manual states: > > > > By default @code{R CMD build} will run @code{Sweave} on all > >
2011 Nov 07
CRAN: How to list a non-Sweave doc under "Vignettes:" on package page?
Hi, is it possible to have non-Sweave vignettes(*) in inst/doc/ be listed under 'Downloads' on CRAN package pages? For instance, in my R.rsp package I have a inst/doc/report.pdf (part of the source *.tar.gz) that is not detected/listed. The PDF is not based on a Sweave vignette but an *.tex.rsp vignette that is dynamically created via inst/doc/Makefile. It is listed (*) BTW, can the
2009 Feb 19
vignette compilation times
Dear All I am preparing a number of vignettes that require a very long time to process with Sweave. The longest one takes 10 hours. I love the weaver package! Is a package that includes such a computationally intensive vignette acceptable on CRAN? Are there any guidelines here? -- Robin K. S. Hankin Uncertainty Analyst University of Cambridge 19 Silver Street Cambridge CB3 9EP
2006 Feb 18
Bug in Sweave? -- scoping problem? (PR#8615)
I have found a strange scoping problem in Sweave. The following Rnw file doesn't produce the same output in Sweave as it does if I produce an R file using Stangle and execute that: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} <<R>>= election <- data.frame(A=1:3, B=9:7, C=rep(0,3)) partytotal <- rep(0, ncol(election)) for (i in 1:ncol(election)) { partytotal[i] <-
2020 Feb 08
Development version of R fails tests and is not installed
G'day all, I have daily scripts running to install the patched version of the current R version and the development version of R on my linux box (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS). The last development version that was successfully compiled and installed was "R Under development (unstable) (2020-01-25 r77715)" on 27 January. Since then the script always fails as a regression test seems to fail.
2015 Mar 25
vignette checking woes
I'm having trouble with R CMD check of my quantreg package. All is well until I get to: checking running R code from vignettes ... ?rq.Rnw? ... failed ERROR Errors in running code in vignettes: when running code in ?rq.Rnw? when I see a snippet from the vignette code and then: Loading required namespace: MatrixModels When sourcing ?rq.R?: Error: could not find function
2008 Aug 05
literate programming
I'm working on the next iteration of coxme. (Rather slowly during the summer). This is the most subtle code I've done in S, both mathematically and technically, and seems a perfect vehicle for the "literate programming" paradym of Knuth. The Sweave project is pointed at S output however, not source code. I would appreciate any pointers to an noweb type client that was
2014 Mar 14
Problems building package vignette: Sweave requires multiple passes to build document.
Dear R-devel, Question: How can I get Sweave to recognize that the \thebibliography section is already created and generate the vignette pdf with a single pass? Or is there a way to let R CMD build know that Sweave needs to be run twice? If (1) is not possible, any suggestions how to auto-generate a crude generic bibtex .bib file from my existing document? Background: I maintain
2013 Mar 13
Failed to locate 'weave' output file / vignette product does not have a known filename extension
Hello, I'm seeing three different vignette-related errors with recent versions of R-3.0.0 alpha. First, with the package BitSeq (, I get the following when trying to build the package: Error: processing vignette ?BitSeq.Rnw' failed with diagnostics: Failed to locate the ?weave? output file (by engine ?utils::Sweave?) for
2016 Jun 18
Error in texi2dvi
Hello: Changes in R seem to have broken the sos vignette, and I don't know how to fix it. The build on R-forge, "", ends as follows: Error in texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = TRUE, clean = clean, quiet = quiet, : Running 'texi2dvi' on 'sos.tex' failed. LaTeX
2005 Nov 11
A 'sweave' strange problem !!!
Hello list, I have found a problem (bug?) with Sweave. I hope that someone could help me. Try this little example : \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \title{toto} \author{toto} \begin{document} \maketitle <<ni1, fig=T, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, debug=TRUE, results=verbatim, include =FALSE, width=7, height=7>>= a<-rnorm(1)+1 a plot(1:10) @ patati <<ni2, fig=F, eval=TRUE,
2020 Feb 08
round(x, dig) [was "Development version of R fails tests .."]
>>>>> Hugh Parsonage >>>>> on Sat, 8 Feb 2020 21:12:43 +1100 writes: > The only observation I can make is that the change to > round() was made in r77727 whereas your R-devel appears to > be r77715 (so would not exhibit the fixed behaviour). My > guess is that there was a perpetual installation failure > after r77715 but that
2015 Mar 25
vignette checking woes
Thierry, I have this: if (require(MatrixModels) && require(Matrix)) { X <- model.Matrix(Terms, m, contrasts, sparse = TRUE) in my function rqss() I've tried variants of requireNamespace too without success. If I understand properly model.Matrix is from MatrixModels but it calls sparse.model.matrix which is part of Matrix, and it is the latter function that I'm not
2012 Jun 01
Requests for vignette clarification (re: Writing R Extensions)
I apologize that these questions are stupid and literal. I write to ask for clarification of comments in the R extensions manual about vignettes. I'm not great at LaTeX, but I'm not a complete novice either, and some of the comments are puzzling to me. 1. I'm stumbling over this line: "Make sure all files needed to run the R code in the vignette (data sets, ...) are accessible
2013 Aug 30
Problem with texi2pdf(..,clean=TRUE)
Dear all, To create a *.pdf file from a *.Rnw file I do: olddir <- getwd(); setwd(outdir); tryCatch({Sweave("QAReport.Rnw"); tools::texi2pdf("QAReport.tex", clean=TRUE) }, finally = setwd(olddir) ); This works fine, however 'clean=TRUE' does only work when: outdir <-
2013 Apr 12
"Failed to locate the 'texi2pdf' output file"
Hi, Every day a few Bioconductor packages (different ones each day) fail to build, on Windows only, with an error like this: D:\biocbld\bbs-2.13-bioc\meat>D:\biocbld\bbs-2.13-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data OrganismDbi [...] Error in find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) : Failed to locate the 'texi2pdf' output file (by
2013 Feb 04
Error building R from SVN - unable to run 'pdflatex' on 'example-1.tex'
G'day, I'm trying to build R using the code from SVN. I am able to successfully build the source from here: However, when building the code checked out from SVN (either from 2.15.2 tag, or the trunk) I get the following error: Error: running Sweave on vignette
2013 Oct 08
"Failed to locate the 'texi2pdf' output file"
Just thought I would mention that the issue below (and in is still not resolved. It hasn't been a big problem, but it potentially could be, if a critical package were to have this error on release day, then all its dependencies would fail to build, which would probably require us to postpone our release. See the complete thread
2008 Nov 29
including Sweave tangled code in '.Rnw' document
Hello List, I have been using Sweave for my homework this last quarter and have been very impressed at how much time and effort it saves me. I, however, have run up against a problem which I have not been able to solve using any of the Sweave/LaTeX tricks I know. I work through my homework one problem at a time, typesetting equations and writing R code, etc. and occasionally use
2016 Apr 17
Building R-patched and R-devel fails
G'day all, probably you have noticed this by now, but I thought I ought to report it. :) My scripts that update the SVN sources for R-patched and R-devel, run `tools/rsync-recommended' (for both) and then install both these versions from scratch failed this morning. Apparently the new version of the recommended package `survival' depends on the recommended package `Matrix', but