similar to: R CMD check --as-cran and (a)spell checking

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "R CMD check --as-cran and (a)spell checking"

2017 Nov 29
SAMseq errors
Hi, I am trying to using SAMseq() to analyze my RNA-seq experiment (20000 genes x 550 samples) with survival endpoint. It quickly give the following error: > library(samr)Loading required package: imputeLoading required package: matrixStats Attaching package: ?matrixStats? The following objects are masked from ?package:Biobase?: ? ? anyMissing, rowMedians Warning messages:1: package ?samr? was
2017 Nov 29
SAMseq errors
Sorry forgot to use plain text format, hope this time it works: Hi, I am trying to using SAMseq() to analyze my RNA-seq experiment (20000 genes x 550 samples) with survival endpoint. It quickly give the following error: > library(samr) Loading required package: impute Loading required package: matrixStats Attaching package: ?matrixStats? The following objects are masked from
2014 Sep 30
Shallow copies
I have a question about shallow copies in R. Since R 3.1.0, subsetting a dataframe with respect to its columns no longer result in deep copies. This is an amazing change in my opinion. Now, subsetting a data.frame by rows (or subsetting a matrix by columns or rows) still does deep copies. In particular, it is my understanding that running a command on a very large subset of rows (say
2013 May 11
How to repeat 2 functions in succession for 400 times? (microarray data)
Hi, May be this helps: ?set.seed(24) ?mydata4<-,10*38,replace=TRUE),ncol=38)) ?dim(mydata4) #[1] 10 38 ?library(matrixStats) res<,lapply(1:400, function(i) {permutation<-sample(mydata4); (rowMeans(permutation[,1:27])-rowMeans(permutation[,28:38]))/(rowSds(permutation[,1:27])+rowSds(permutation[,28:38]))} )) ?dim(res) #[1]? 10 400 A.K.
2007 May 14
Native implementation of rowMedians()
Hi, I've got a version of rowMedians(x, na.rm=FALSE) for matrices that handles missing values implemented in C. It has been optimized for memory and speed. To avoid coercing integers to doubles, and hence allocate an additional 200% memory, there is one C function for integers and one for doubles. The rowMedians() implementation is currently sitting in my non-CRAN package R.native
2014 Dec 04
\U with more than 4 digits returns the wrong character
If I type a character using \U syntax that has more than 4 digits, I get the wrong character. For example, "\U1d4d0" should print a mathematical bold script capital A. See On my machine, it prints the Hangul character corresponding to "\Ud4d0" It seems
2018 Jan 25
sum() returns NA on a long *logical* vector when nb of TRUE values exceeds 2^31
Just following up on this old thread since matrixStats 0.53.0 is now out, which supports this use case: > x <- rep(TRUE, times = 2^31) > y <- sum(x) > y [1] NA Warning message: In sum(x) : integer overflow - use sum(as.numeric(.)) > y <- matrixStats::sum2(x, mode = "double") > y [1] 2147483648 > str(y) num 2.15e+09 No coercion is taking place, so the
2018 Feb 20
Take the maximum of every 12 columns
It looks like OP uses a data.frame, so in order to use matrixStats (I'm the author) one would have to pay the price to coerce to a matrix before using matrixStats::rowMaxs(). However, if it is that the original data could equally well live in a matrix, then matrixStats should be computational efficient for this task. (I've seen cases where an original matrix was turned into a data.frame
2012 May 22
Median computation
Hi, I have a 250,000 by 300 matrix. I am trying to calculate the median of those columns (by row) with column names that are identical. I would like this to be efficient since apply(x,1,median) where x is created by choosing only those columns with same column name and looping on this is taking a really long time. Is there an efficient way to do this? Thanks! [[alternative HTML version
2018 Jan 30
sum() returns NA on a long *logical* vector when nb of TRUE values exceeds 2^31
Hi Martin, Henrik, Thanks for the follow up. @Martin: I vote for 2) without *any* hesitation :-) (and uniformity could be restored at some point in the future by having prod(), rowSums(), colSums(), and others align with the behavior of length() and sum()) Cheers, H. On 01/27/2018 03:06 AM, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengtsson at>
2018 Feb 20
Take the maximum of every 12 columns
On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 11:58 AM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at> wrote: > Ista, et. al: efficiency? > (Note: I needed to correct my previous post: is required for > pmax() over the data frame) > > > x <- data.frame(matrix(runif(12e6), ncol=12)) > > > system.time(r1 <-,x)) > user system elapsed > 0.049 0.000
2015 Aug 15
Why not pthreads on Windows in 'parallel' package?
Aaaah ... and argh - I should have better not to post R question at midnight, especially when I know it forks the process and it's not using threads. Brain meltdown. (So, we'll proceed trying to use pthreads in matrixStats also for Windows). Sorry for the noise and thanks Kasper. Henrik On Aug 15, 2015 02:52, "Kasper Daniel Hansen" <kasperdanielhansen at> wrote:
2014 Dec 04
\U with more than 4 digits returns the wrong character
Great spot, thanks Mark. This really ought to appear somewhere in the ?Quotes help page. Having a warning under Windows might be nicer behaviour than silently returning the wrong value too. On 4 December 2014 at 22:24, Mark van der Loo <mark.vanderloo at> wrote: > Richie, > > The R language definition [1] says (10.3.1): > > \Unnnnnnnn \U{nnnnnnnn} > (where
2015 Mar 19
Familia *pply
Hola Jorge, muchas gracias por tu pronta respuesta, no me di cuenta que el formateo podría causar problemas, envío de nuevo el código sin formatos. La idea básica es para un set de números de columnas (desordenados) y un set de numeros de fila el loop lo que hace es ir a la fila y columna correspondiente de data, tomar el valor y luego hacer la media sobre esos.
2015 Aug 14
Why not pthreads on Windows in 'parallel' package?
On Windows there are a few 'pthreads' implementation, e.g. pthreads-w32 and winpthreads []. We're thinking of giving them a try for the matrixStats package, and basic tests indicates it works, but since Windows pthreads are not used by core R (or?) I've got a little bit worried that we will face overwhelming
2008 May 01
Error while making R package
Hi All, I am trying to make R package using R 2.6.2 And I am getting following error. When I give R CMD check t1\ ---------- Making package t1 ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION making DLL ... making CGHseg_rewrite.d from CGHseg_rewrite.c making rowMedians.d from rowMedians.c making runavg.d from runavg.c gcc-sjlj -std=gnu99 -Ic:/R/R-2.6.2/include -O3 -Wall -c
2008 Oct 15
Standard deviation for rows
Hi everyone, I have just started using R, and I have a simple question. How can I get the Standard deviation for rows. basically I am looking for something like "rowMeans()" but for Standard deviation (I tried "rowSds()" didn't exist) Thanks, -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2015 Mar 21
Familia *pply
Muchas gracias a ambos Carlos y Jorge por las respuestas. Pido disculpas en la demora de respuesta, pero estuvo complicada la semana. La pregunta era un ejercicio de ejemplo para poder entender mejor los usos, creo que me armaré una guía en markdown con ejemplos varios para ir consultando cuando me salgan dudas de como usarlos. En realidad no importaba tanto si mejorara demasiado los tiempos
2006 Feb 13
MinGW and the ld bug
Hi. I noticed that Brian Ripley found and corrected a bug in MinGW's ld.exe, see Thanks for this. I wonder if this is the same bug that cause my problems. I have tiny toy package with C code that installs perfectly on R Version 2.2.1 beta (2005-12-18 r36792) [this version was mislabelled "beta" the first few hours on CRAN when the stable
2014 Oct 27
OSX Yosemite (10.10): Are package binaries the same as for OSX Mavericks (10.9)?
I'm trying to help someone to troubleshoot possible OSX Yosemite issues, but I've only got access to OSX (< 10.9) so I cannot check myself. When building/installing binary R packages, there are different binaries depending on OSX version. For instance, CRAN provides different binaries for 'OS X Snow Leopard' and 'OS X Mavericks', e.g.