similar to: Installing Rstudio and shiny free server on Debian

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Installing Rstudio and shiny free server on Debian"

2019 Jan 12
Installing Rstudio and shiny free server on Debian
Thanks Dirk, I wonder if I'm hitting problems you're not seeing not only because of running stretch/stable but also because of running the i386 version. I suspect most people are on 64 bit systems now. Anyway, I have managed to install Rstudio OK by going up to stretch-cran35. Rstudio wouldn't install from there: root at Toshiba-L750-Stretchi386:/etc/apt# apt-get install rstudio
2019 Jan 12
Installing Rstudio and shiny free server on Debian
----- Original Message ----- > From: "Dirk Eddelbuettel" <edd at> > To: "Chris Evans" <chrishold at> > Cc: "r-sig-debian" <r-sig-debian at> > Sent: Saturday, 12 January, 2019 21:23:46 > Subject: Re: [R-sig-Debian] Installing Rstudio and shiny free server on Debian > On 12 January 2019 at 20:30,
2020 Oct 14
Can anyone advise me on running R and Rstudio on an AWS virtual machine
This is a funny one and if it's off topic here, I would be grateful if I could be guided to where it would be on topic. I have done some searching but not very successfully so far. Situation: I am doing some analyses of data that are stored in a postgres database in the AWS cloud and using the RJDBC and dplyr packages for the specifics of yanking the data to my own machine. They work and
2019 Jan 22
So nearly there, but can't install rJava
Wow, this has amplified my respect and gratitude for the R Debian repositories. Doing all the install.packages() and following the clues about missing dependencies has taken hours! However, I have almost all the packages I want installed on this machine and Rstudio and the shiny server are installed and running fine. Bizarrely, to my mind, I am totally failing on rJava and hence a number of
2019 Jan 20
Still hitting odd problems trying to install R 3.5.2 on Debian amd64 machine
My Emails a week or so back were about installing Rstudio and the R shiny server on Debian. I was using an old Toshiba laptop as a sandbox for that and it would only install i386 (same for Ubuntu). Using the information at I did get to the point where I had R 3.5.2, Rstudio and the server on there (with some help from Dirk that is in the list archives).
2019 Jan 21
r-api-3 with R 3.5.2. on Stretch: is there a workaround?
Now that I am at least mapping the right repository to my Debian version (doh!) I have another question. In the installation page at there is the line: "Please note that R packages from the Debian stretch distribution are not compatible with R 3.5.x, as it provides r-api-3.5, while the stretch packages depend on
2019 Jan 22
So nearly there, but can't install rJava
As ever, I learn from this: I didn't know apt-file. Got it, installed it, used it: root at DebianAdvent:/home/chris/Downloads/gmp-6.1.2# apt-file search jni.h android-libnativehelper-dev: /usr/include/android/nativehelper/jni.h android-platform-frameworks-native-headers: /usr/include/android/android/asset_manager_jni.h android-platform-frameworks-native-headers:
2023 May 02
Reg: Help regarding ggplot2
It's not clear what you want but ... On 02/05/2023 10:57, Upananda Pani wrote: > Dear All, > > I have a dataset which contains date and 12 other countries data. I > have extracted the data as xts object. > > I am not able to recall all the series in the Y axis. My data set > looks like this > > index crepub finland france germany italy netherlands norway poland >
2019 Jan 12
Installing Rstudio and shiny free server on Debian
On 12 January 2019 at 20:30, Chris Evans wrote: | I wonder if I'm hitting problems you're not seeing not only because of running stretch/stable but also because of running the i386 version. I suspect most people are on 64 bit systems now. Cannot speak to i386. I gave up on it relatively late given that I always had lower-memory laptops. It may be time to let that one go. I can only
2024 Aug 16
boxplot notch
That's not really a reprex Sibylle.? I did try to use it to see if I could work out what you were trying to do and help but there is so much in there that I suspect is distraction from the notch issue and its error message. Please can you give us something stripped of all unecessary things and tell us what you want? Something like data that we can read as a tribble() or from a dput() of
2016 May 24
RStudio 0.99.902 installation under sid: libgstreamer0.10-0 and libgstreamer-plugins-based0.10-0 missing
Dear r-sig'ers I use Debian sid (amd64). I downloaded the most recent version of rstudio .deb from their official site and issued: dpkg -i rstudio-0.99.902-amd64.deb to no avail: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of rstudio: rstudio depends on libgstreamer0.10-0; however: Package libgstreamer0.10-0 is not installed. rstudio depends on libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0;
2019 Jan 23
So nearly there, but can't install rJava
Thanks Sebastian, Johannes and Dirk for your inputs, I think this can be marked [SOLVED] though I still don't understand how it started. The answer seems to be that something sets an environment variable JAVA.LIBRARY.PATH and this wasn't set correctly. I had never directly done anything to set that so that's odd but what I had done that was causing the problem (I think) is that I had
2019 Jan 22
So nearly there, but can't install rJava
Thanks Dirk and Enrico, First clarification: I'm in this mess because I'm trying to run R 3.5.2 within Debian stable (9/"sretch") using the stretch-cran35 repository. That uses and provides r-api-35 but many of the packages depend upon r-api-3. As Johannes said a day or so back, the way around this is to use install.packages() in R to get the packages you want. That leads you
2023 Jul 02
How to plot both lines and points by group on ggplot2
Thank you that is exactly it! The problem was to connect each point of the series 'Conc' with a line. Best regards Luigi On Sat, Jul 1, 2023 at 8:33?PM Chris Evans <chrishold at> wrote: > > > On 01/07/2023 19:20, Luigi Marongiu wrote: > > Hello, > > I have a dataframe with measurements stratified by the concentration > > of a certain substance.
2017 Apr 27
RStudio en Ubuntu 17.10
Estimados Colegas: Como antecedentes les informo: a).-Traté de actualizar mi sistema de Ubuntu 16.10 a 17.04; sin embargo una falla de electricidad me cortó la instalación. b).- Me vi en la necesidad de reinstalar, pero formateando lo que tenía instalado, entre otros RStudio. Ahora que he estado tratar de recuperar la versión 1.0.143-i386, de RStudio, que tenía me encuentro que se debe instalar
2019 Apr 06
Issues Installing R
Dear Devloper, Trust you are well Please got stucked installing R on my Linux i stopped at the instruction sudo gdebi -n rstudio-1.1.463-amd64.deb its saying This package is uninstallable Dependency is not satisfiable: libgstreamer0.10-0 please what do i do . The linux runs on a chromebook and the Version is Version 72.0.3626.122 (Official Build) (64-bit) Thanks for your swift response
2023 May 02
Reg: Help regarding ggplot2
Dear All, I have a dataset which contains date and 12 other countries data. I have extracted the data as xts object. I am not able to recall all the series in the Y axis. My data set looks like this index crepub finland france germany italy netherlands norway poland <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
2023 Aug 13
Is r2u at 3.4.1?
I am putting this here as it may be of general and not just my own interest.? I am currently running 4.3.1 on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS but am hitting an issue that the magick package won't update because libmagick++-dev won't update because, presumably, of two repositories in my sources.list disagreeing about versions required.? That's not so urgent an issue for me that I wont just wait
2017 Feb 24
Estimados colegas: Tuve que instalar en mi PC Ubuntu 16.10 y quiero instalar nuevamente RStudio, sin embargo no sucede así, porque en la terminal se indica que hay dependencias incumplidas. He encontrado que se ha cambiado una librería libgstreamer y no se como hacer para que se pueda instalar adecuadamente el paquete RStudio. ¿Alguno de ustedes me puede decir el procedimiento completo para lograr
2019 Jan 12
Installing Rstudio and shiny free server on Debian
Chris, I fear you may be overcomplicating things. RStudio tends to just work; the .deb files are also large and "mostly self-contained" -- so that generally only require one or two other packages you should find without trouble. Of course I cannot fully speak to your experience as I do not run Debian stable (mostly current Debian (ie "testing") or Ubuntu (ie now 18.10) for