similar to: how to add ip addresses?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "how to add ip addresses?"

2002 Jan 03
error starting shorewall
hi, i installed and configured the shorewall-2.0.9 for standalone user interface in fc2,then removed the stop ,stopped and the routestopped files from the /etc/shorewall directory,and run the ''shorewall start'' command,at boot time the messages showing that it is not started,this is the /var/log/messages output fore shorewall: Jan 3 04:13:27 localhost netfs: Mounting other
2004 Dec 27
shorewall doesn''t restart at boot
hi, i installed the shorewall 2.0.9 in fc2,after configuring the shorewall i did shorewall start this is the last few lines of it is output: Processing /etc/shorewall/policy... Policy ACCEPT for fw to net using chain fw2net Policy DROP for net to fw using chain net2all Masqueraded Networks and Hosts: Processing /etc/shorewall/tos... Rule "all all tcp - ssh 16" added. Rule
2003 Feb 09
Re[2]: Help with Shorewall configuration using a static IP
Hello Tom, Monday, February 10, 2003, 2:35:45 AM, you wrote: TE> In the future, PLEASE POST PROBLEM REPORTS TO THE MAILING TE> LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TE> --On Monday, February 10, 2003 1:51 AM +0530 Srinivasa R Kotu TE> <> wrote: >> masq file >> >># interface subnet address >> eth1:
2005 Jan 14
Samba & ICMP allow problem
I am running a Redhat FC2 server, which runs postfix for mail, Squid for proxy and samba as Domain Controller and file server. I installed shorewall-2.1.11-1. In the shorewall rules /etc/shorewall/rules I added the following for samba ACCEPT LAN $FW: tcp 139,445 ACCEPT LAN $FW: udp 137:139 ACCEPT LAN $FW: udp 445
2004 Aug 13
Problem setting up Shorewall with 2 public IP''s
Greetings. I run an Amateur Radio system ( that requires 2 public ip''s on a RH 9.0 box. The primary one is and is used for connections to the normal linux system and the usual apps such as web, ssh, smtp, etc. The secondary address is and is routed via a pseudoslip link to the systems ampr address of This setup takes place in the
2004 Dec 29
Shorewall rpm failed dependency: iproute (ip is working)
Hello Shorewall gurus, as outlined on the shorewall site I have done the following after failure to install shorewall via the rpm: I have read all of the FAQ. I have read the quickstart guide with particular attention directed at the Mandrake solution. I have searched the mailing list archives (all old replies). I have studied the documentation index. I have previous experience using shorewall
2003 Jan 27
Mac Addresses in the Log
How does one interpret the mac addresses in the log which seem to have 14 segments... Example, this appears in the log... 00:40:c7:2e:09:c0:00:01:64:4a:70:00:08:00 Yet I can''t find that in the arp table norcomix:~ # arp -an ? ( at 00:10:4B:6A:AE:E7 [ether] on eth1 ? ( at 00:D0:B7:1D:F2:F2 [ether] on eth1 ? ( at 00:10:DC:67:BA:80 [ether] on eth0 ?
2004 Nov 27
New User on FC3
I am a new user of shorewall, and am having some difficulty getting it set up on a new Fedora Core 3 system. When I run the shorewall script in the /etc/init.d the following errror message is received. tarting shorewall: ./shorewall: line 26: 10555 Terminated $exec start >/dev/null 2>&1 [FAILED]
2005 May 21
Multiple Internet connections with Dynamic IP addresses
Cristian and Alex, Both of you have asked about this. A routing table can only have one default route so when the second link comes up, adding the second default route will fail. So in general, Shorewall can only reliably detect the gateway for P-T-P connections which is what the CVS current code does. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \
2005 Jan 05
How to specify in a rule all the IP addresses belonging to <>
Is there a way to state that a REJECT rule, for instance, applies to all IP addresses belonging to the <> domain? Costantino
2005 Feb 02
Need help with Shorewall
I am using debian sarge. I want to block all incoming requests except DNS (port 53) and allow all outgoing traffic. I did a apt-get shorewall. When I start shorewall, I cannot even ping to any external site. I am a newbie and difficult to follow the online guide. Can anyone please help me. Thanks !
2003 Jan 21
French traduction
I''v finished the french translation of the QuickStart Guides named "Basic two-interface firewall" As i''v not found the email of Tom Eastep i post this news here. I''m translating now the "Standalone", and after i will do the "Three interface" If there is some french guys here, may be they can read to find some errors ?! :) cya -- VETSEL
2004 Nov 09
Hi, I''ve a little problem, I hope so.. First a hint, I haven''t a static IP - Adress and so I used a dyndns Provider. In DMZ runs a sftp server. It should accessible from net. My router is forwarding the traffic from port 22 to the machine in DMZ. Now, in basic installation I have rfc1918-dropping configured by net interface. My problem: If rfc1918 dropping is on I
2004 Oct 08
clean install with 3 ip addresses
i am doing a clean install on fedora core 2 using the shorewall rpm and the Shorewall Setup Guide for multiple IP''s using a stock configuration except for AllowDNS and AllowWeb on the firewall (so i can post this message). my shorewall status file is attached. my setup = firewall = dmz server 1 = dmz server 2 my local network is
2006 Sep 30
Bug? Packets dropped but they shouldn't
Here is my config: dubenda:~ # shorewall version 3.2.1 dubenda:~ # ip addr show 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000 link/ether
2004 Sep 30
tcrules for proto "all" still not working in 2.0.9
I have just installed shorewall 2.0.9, having spent a day and a half tracking down why my tcrules wasn''t working properly in 2.0.8. I didn''t see the announcement of 2.0.9 because it didn''t go to -announce. Anyway I have 2.0.9 now (the package from Debian incoming) and the problem is still there. My tcrules file says: 1 tcp 22 1
2005 Apr 17
Re: dumb, dumb question ...
>Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 13:28:05 -0400 >From: "" <> >Subject: Re: [Shorewall-users] dumb, dumb question **follow-up on > support-request documentation** >To: Tom Eastep <> >Cc: Mailing List for Shorewall Users > <> >Message-ID:
2005 Apr 06
Publics IPs in a loc zone
Hi again, I have now configured a 2.0.8 shorewall with two interfaces: interfaces: net eth0 detect loc eth2 detect masq: eth0 eth2 the interface eth0 has the ip and its connected to internet the interface eth2 has the ip and its conected to a router (CMTS - Cable Modem Termination System)
2004 Aug 26
Standalone dilaup
Hey guys, I am having allot of trouble getting shorewall to allow DNS out to access anything. I have RTFM and searched via google to no avail. I have a meager 56k PPP Dialup connection that uses chap auth. my ip address is assigned dynamically. I do not want to run any kind of mailserver webserver etc my primary and secondary DNS servers are: heres the
2005 Jul 18
Comments on Areski Calling Card Solution plz
Hi, can anyone who has the Areski Calling Card solution on Asterisk working comment on it? Is is stable enough for a production system? Any pros and cons? thx, Arnd