similar to: Calculating Listeners

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Calculating Listeners"

2010 Jun 14
Tools to process access log files
Good Afternoon, Can anyone tell me of any tools they use to process the access logs generated by Icecast, so I can have running readable data in a user friendly format? For example: How many listeners were listening to a particular song or how many listeners in a given day. Thank You. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Jul 08
Notation for previous observation in a data frame
I've created a data frame in R, but in order to clean up some of the data, I need to set certain variable observations equal to the value of their previous observation (it would be conditional, but that part's less important right now). In Stata, I would simply set var = var[_n-1] in those cases. What is the R equivalent? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 30
nls and discontinuous functions
Folks; I have looked for this subject extensively using all the resources I have available and could not find a solution; therefore I am sending you this email seeking for help. I need to solve a discontinuous nonlinear function, but R 2.6 keeps giving me an error. Below is a simple example: f <- function (t,k,l,u) { r0<-346.1 x<-t-l if (x<0) r0 else (r0-u)*exp(-k*x)+u
2009 Apr 28
R 2.9 and XML
After I installed R 2.9.0 my XML package cannot load; I get an error "This application has failed to start because iconv.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem". I already re-installed both but the problem persists. Does anyone know what is going on? I would appreciate any help. Thanks a lot -- ___________________________ Luís Orlindo Tedeschi
2019 Jul 11
Need help with streaming to Icecast
Hi, I am having problems with sending a video stream to Icecast server. On the icecast management platform my stream is being considered as an audio stream?? and I am unable to play it I am with no ideas on how to solve this. Am I doing something wrong? Please take a look on the code bellow Thanks in advance genre various listener_peak 0 listeners 0 listenurl
2020 Mar 26
making sense of the stats
I can't make sense of the connection stats on the admin page. We have one source and one mountpoint. What is the difference between _client_connections_ and _clients_ and _connection_s? How can they be so different in value? Same questions for _listener_connections_ and _listeners_? The connections values seem high for only 5 listeners and one admin. Here is a snapshot of the admin
2010 Nov 01
Camera MJPEG to Icecast
Dear All ... I have AXIS camera with output mjpeg format. I try to relay it to outside world using ffmpeg and it work The recipe is taken from Now .. I want to do it the otherway with Icecast I try with wget -nv -O - http://root:root at | ffmpeg2theora -a 0 -f mjpeg -o /dev/stdout |
2014 Oct 23
Icecast stats.xml
On 2014-10-23 09:02, "Thomas B. R?cker" wrote: > Thanks for taking the time to report this. > > On 10/23/2014 06:38 AM, Roger H?gensen wrote: >> Consider this a Ticket for Icecast 2.4 >> >> ******************************************************************************** >> If you look at >> {{{ >> admin/stats.xml >> }}} >> >>
2020 Mar 27
making sense of the stats
Hi, Robert. I appreciate the explanation. Indeed, the terminology is not consistent or intuitive. So by your "4 services" you mean _sources_? If clients are source connections (one and the same?), then how do we reconcile limits for both clients and sources? Is it like saying, 'for all of the X sources, they can have a total of Y connections'? How can I set limits on the
2013 Sep 19
Vignette problem and CRAN policies
Hello, All: The vignette with the sos package used "upquote.sty", required for R Journal when it was published in 2009. Current CRAN policy disallows "upquote.sty", and I've so far not found a way to pass "R CMD check" with sos without upquote.sty. I changed sos.Rnw per an email exchange with Prof. Ripley without solving the problem; see below. The
2019 Jul 11
Need help with streaming to Icecast
Hi Martin, Yes, I am using ffmpeg icecast protocol Marvin Scholz <epirat07 at> escreveu em qui, 11/07/2019 às 20:53 : > On 11 Jul 2019, at 20:50, Pedro Constantino wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > I am having problems with sending a video stream to Icecast server. On > > the > > icecast management platform my stream is being considered as an audio
2019 Dec 22
Kicking duplicate connections
Hello fellow mailing list readers, My question relates to multiple / duplicate connections to the ice cast server from the same IP address. I am well aware that this is an issue that lies with the music player (listener agent) used by the listener. When a listener connects to the stream, sometimes it appears as two connections to the stream from the same IP address. This may last only a few
2008 Jun 09
Cross-validation in R
Folks; I am having a problem with the cv.glm and would appreciate someone shedding some light here. It seems obvious but I cannot get it. I did read the manual, but I could not get more insight. This is a database containing 3363 records and I am trying a cross-validation to understand the process. When using the cv.glm, code below, I get mean of perr1 of 0.2336 and SD of 0.000139. When using a
2018 Aug 24
Client auth failed with ""
Hello, We are using url authentication and getting the item bellow at the log: [2018-08-24 23:26:05] INFO auth_url/url_add_listener client auth ( failed with "" I put try/catch and reviewed all my code ensure always return a proper status and header error code, so what trigger this kind of error? Regards, Thiago --------------
2015 Apr 28
Segmentation fault issue with new install
Hi all, see my reply inline. Cheers, Jan-Pieter 2015-04-26 7:23 GMT+02:00 "Thomas B. R?cker" <thomas at>: > On 04/25/2015 07:32 PM, Jan-Pieter wrote: > > Hi all, > > > > I am a long-time user of Icecast, always without problems. However i > > made a new setup using icecast 2.4.1 on a fresh and quick CentOS VPS. > > EPEL package or from
2009 Dec 27
slow printing from windows xp to a samba print share
I have a windows xp maching which have very slow printing to a linux samba server I am running fedora core 10 x86_64 as the serverr and here is my smb.conf file > THIS IS THE MAIN sAMBA CONFIGURATION FILE. yOU SHOULD REAd the > # SMB.Conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed > # here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options (perhaps too > # MAny!) most
2015 Apr 25
Segmentation fault issue with new install
Hi all, I am a long-time user of Icecast, always without problems. However i made a new setup using icecast 2.4.1 on a fresh and quick CentOS VPS. The issue is that starting icecast gives a segmentation fault at around 80% of all starts. No core file nor a entry in error.log is posted. In the remaining 20% of the starts icecast start with no problem. Contents of the error.log with a succesfull
2009 Dec 31
windows XP cant browse network
I recently migrated from Fedora Core 10 to fedora core 12. smbd -V Version 3.4.2-47.fc12 I had this configurations file [global] # ----------------------- Netwrok Related Options workgroup = CHIPSDOMAIN server string = Samba Server Version %v ; netbios name = MYSERVER interfaces = lo wlan1 hosts allow = null passwords = yes # ---------------------------
2009 Apr 22
Exporting objects plotted with plot3d() - rgl package
Dear all, Can anybody tell me how to export a 3d figure made with the plot3d function? I'm careless about whether it's still interactive or not in another format, as long I can get it out of R. Thanks! Alejandro Gonz?lez Departamento de Biodiversidad y Conservaci?n Real Jard?n Bot?nico Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas Claudio Moyano, 1 28014 Madrid, Spain Tel +0034
2009 Jun 18
Sources can't connect to my server
I have IceCast 2.3.1 running on Window XP SP3 as a windows service. My computer is behind a d-link router, and the router is configured to pass through to port 8000 on my computer. On the same computer I am running WinAmp with an oddcast dsp and streaming work fine, people beyond my router can listen no problem. I also have a laptop running Windows Vista SP2 with WinAmp and a Spacial dsp,