Hello fellow mailing list readers, My question relates to multiple / duplicate connections to the ice cast server from the same IP address. I am well aware that this is an issue that lies with the music player (listener agent) used by the listener. When a listener connects to the stream, sometimes it appears as two connections to the stream from the same IP address. This may last only a few seconds, or sometimes the listener may remain connected with two instances of the IP address. I’d like some advice on what is best practice in dealing with these duplicate connections. Many years ago, when I ran a shoutcast server, a developer wrote a script for me that would automatically kick one of the duplicate connections, so that only the first connection remained tuned in to the stream. I was considering reusing this script with the ice cast server. Would anyone advise against this practice? If so, for what reasons and would you advise an alteravie? Regards Damian
With NAT, also with carrier grade NAT becoming more poplular with ISP's yet to move to IPv6, if you have a very popular stream you could end up kicking valid listners behind the same IP. On 23 December 2019 2:18:35 AM NZDT, Damian <db76 at riseup.net> wrote:>Hello fellow mailing list readers, > >My question relates to multiple / duplicate connections to the ice cast >server from the same IP address. > >I am well aware that this is an issue that lies with the music player >(listener agent) used by the listener. When a listener connects to the >stream, sometimes it appears as two connections to the stream from the >same IP address. This may last only a few seconds, or sometimes the >listener may remain connected with two instances of the IP address. > >I’d like some advice on what is best practice in dealing with these >duplicate connections. Many years ago, when I ran a shoutcast server, a >developer wrote a script for me that would automatically kick one of >the duplicate connections, so that only the first connection remained >tuned in to the stream. > >I was considering reusing this script with the ice cast server. Would >anyone advise against this practice? If so, for what reasons and would >you advise an alteravie? > >Regards >Damian >_______________________________________________ >Icecast mailing list >Icecast at xiph.org >lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast-- Sent from Open Mail on Android. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <lists.xiph.org/pipermail/icecast/attachments/20191223/967e6034/attachment.html>
I see. However, it is often pretty easy to see that a duplicate connection is the same listener because the time connected to the server of the two connections is the same. In that case, I am wondering which would be the one to kick.> On 22 Dec 2019, at 23:39, Gavin Stephens <gavin at stephens.net.nz> wrote: > > With NAT, also with carrier grade NAT becoming more poplular with ISP's yet to move to IPv6, if you have a very popular stream you could end up kicking valid listners behind the same IP. > > >> On 23 December 2019 2:18:35 AM NZDT, Damian <db76 at riseup.net> wrote: >> Hello fellow mailing list readers, >> >> My question relates to multiple / duplicate connections to the ice cast server from the same IP address. >> >> I am well aware that this is an issue that lies with the music player (listener agent) used by the listener. When a listener connects to the stream, sometimes it appears as two connections to the stream from the same IP address. This may last only a few seconds, or sometimes the listener may remain connected with two instances of the IP address. >> >> I’d like some advice on what is best practice in dealing with these duplicate connections. Many years ago, when I ran a shoutcast server, a developer wrote a script for me that would automatically kick one of the duplicate connections, so that only the first connection remained tuned in to the stream. >> >> I was considering reusing this script with the ice cast server. Would anyone advise against this practice? If so, for what reasons and would you advise an alteravie? >> >> Regards >> Damian >> Icecast mailing list >> Icecast at xiph.org >> lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast > > -- > Sent from Open Mail on Android._______________________________________________ > Icecast mailing list > Icecast at xiph.org > lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast-------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <lists.xiph.org/pipermail/icecast/attachments/20191223/91685754/attachment.html>
2020-Oct-14 12:45 UTC
[Icecast] meaning of global connections and global client_connections in error log
hallo i want to ask if somebody could explain meaning of log records below DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (686) DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (685) number in parentheeses is increasing in every log line what is menaing of this number? because this number goes over 59669 and it seems that after that icecast2 server is not responding anymore so i tryied to restart it with systemctl restart icecast2 but with no success kill -9 is working and that number is start increasing from zero thanks for any advice regards tyctor full log example : [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (59753) [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (59669) [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (0) [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO main/_server_proc Caught halt request, shutting down... [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO main/main Shutting down [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO fserve/fserve_shutdown file serving stopped [2020-10-14 12:06:19] DBUG slave/slave_shutdown waiting for slave thread [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO slave/_slave_thread shutting down current relays [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO slave/_slave_thread Slave thread shutdown complete [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO auth/auth_shutdown Auth shutdown [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO yp/yp_shutdown YP thread down [2020-10-14 12:06:20] INFO stats/stats_shutdown stats thread finished [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO main/main Icecast 2.4.4 server started [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG yp/yp_recheck_config Updating YP configuration [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO yp/yp_update_thread YP update thread started [2020-10-14 12:11:56] WARN source/source_fallback_file unable to open file "/usr/share/icecast2/web/void" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] WARN source/source_fallback_file unable to open file "/usr/share/icecast2/web/archive" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO connection/get_ssl_certificate SSL certificate found at /etc/icecast2/bundle.pem [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO connection/get_ssl_certificate SSL using ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM- SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE- RSA-AES128-GCM -SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128- SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA- AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA- AES256-SHA: ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE- DSS-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA- AES256-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:AES128-GCM- SHA256 :AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256- SHA:AES:DES-CBC3- SHA:HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES- CBC3-SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/archive" from [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source sources count is 0 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] WARN format/format_get_type Unsupported or legacy stream type: "audio/mpeg". Falling back to generic minimal handler for best effort. [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_apply_mount Applying mount information for "/archive" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings sending metadata interval 16000 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings charset ISO8859-1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_apply_mount YP changed to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback /void [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings connect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-start" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings disconnect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-stop" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings public set to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings max listeners to 100 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings queue size to 524288 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings burst size to 65536 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings source timeout to 10 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback_when_full to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source source is ready to start [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client_callback Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_init Source creation complete [2020-10-14 12:11:56] EROR source/source_run_script Unable to run command /home/icecast/bin/stream-start (No such file or directory) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (3) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global sources (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new source stat /archive [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listenurl (punctum.cz:8000/archive) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listener_peak (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node public (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_name (Radio Punctum) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_description (Broadcast from Prague Žižkov) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_url (live.punctum.cz) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node genre (various) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_type (audio/mpeg) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node max_listeners (100) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node source_ip ( [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node user_agent (libshout/2.4.1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global source_client_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node bitrate (320) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node channels (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node samplerate (44100) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node audio_info (bitrate=320;channels=2;samplerate=44100) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listenurl (punctum.cz:8000/archive) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global source_total_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node slow_listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listener_peak (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node stream_start (Wed, 14 Oct 2020 12:11:56 +0000) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node stream_start_iso8601 (2020-10-14T12:11:56+0000) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] INFO source/source_main listener count on /archive now 0 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG slave/_slave_thread checking master stream list [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_apply_mount Applying mount information for "/archive" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings sending metadata interval 16000 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings charset ISO8859-1 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback /void [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings connect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-start" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings disconnect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-stop" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings public set to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings max listeners to 100 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings queue size to 524288 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings burst size to 65536 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings source timeout to 10 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback_when_full to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] WARN source/source_fallback_file unable to open file "/usr/share/icecast2/web/void" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node total_bytes_read (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node total_bytes_sent (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listenurl (punctum.cz:8000/archive) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listener_peak (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" public (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_name (Radio Punctum) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_description (Broadcast from Prague Žižkov) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_url (live.punctum.cz) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" genre (various) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event delete node bitrate [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_type (audio/mpeg) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" max_listeners (100) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (4) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (3) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Admin request (/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Got command (listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/command_list_mounts List mounts request [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/admin_send_response Sending XSLT (/usr/share/icecast2/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:59] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /style.css (/usr/share/icecast2/web/style.css) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:59] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /tunein.png (/usr/share/icecast2/web/tunein.png) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (5) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (4) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (3) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (6) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (5) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (7) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (6) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (8) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (7) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" total_bytes_read (0) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" total_bytes_sent (0) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Admin request (/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Got command (listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/command_list_mounts List mounts request [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/admin_send_response Sending XSLT (/usr/share/icecast2/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 1 [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:01] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /style.css (/usr/share/icecast2/web/style.css) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:01] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /tunein.png (/usr/share/icecast2/web/tunein.png) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (9) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (3) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (10) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (8) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (9) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (3) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (11) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (10) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (4) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) ... [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (686) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (685) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (687) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (686) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (688) [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (687) [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1)
2020-Oct-14 14:11 UTC
[Icecast] meaning of global connections and global client_connections in error log
hallo i want to ask if somebody could explain meaning of log records below DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (686) DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (685) number in parentheeses is increasing in every log line what is menaing of this number? because this number goes over 59669 and it seems that after that icecast2 server is not responding anymore so i tryied to restart it with systemctl restart icecast2 but with no success kill -9 is working and that number is start increasing from zero thanks for any advice regards tyctor full log example : [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (59753) [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (59669) [2020-10-14 12:06:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (0) [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO main/_server_proc Caught halt request, shutting down... [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO main/main Shutting down [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO fserve/fserve_shutdown file serving stopped [2020-10-14 12:06:19] DBUG slave/slave_shutdown waiting for slave thread [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO slave/_slave_thread shutting down current relays [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO slave/_slave_thread Slave thread shutdown complete [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO auth/auth_shutdown Auth shutdown [2020-10-14 12:06:19] INFO yp/yp_shutdown YP thread down [2020-10-14 12:06:20] INFO stats/stats_shutdown stats thread finished [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO main/main Icecast 2.4.4 server started [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG yp/yp_recheck_config Updating YP configuration [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO yp/yp_update_thread YP update thread started [2020-10-14 12:11:56] WARN source/source_fallback_file unable to open file "/usr/share/icecast2/web/void" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] WARN source/source_fallback_file unable to open file "/usr/share/icecast2/web/archive" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO connection/get_ssl_certificate SSL certificate found at /etc/icecast2/bundle.pem [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO connection/get_ssl_certificate SSL using ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM- SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE- RSA-AES128-GCM -SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128- SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA- AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA- AES256-SHA: ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE- DSS-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA- AES256-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:AES128-GCM- SHA256 :AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256- SHA:AES:DES-CBC3- SHA:HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES- CBC3-SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:56] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/archive" from [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source sources count is 0 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] WARN format/format_get_type Unsupported or legacy stream type: "audio/mpeg". Falling back to generic minimal handler for best effort. [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_apply_mount Applying mount information for "/archive" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings sending metadata interval 16000 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings charset ISO8859-1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_apply_mount YP changed to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback /void [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings connect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-start" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings disconnect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-stop" [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings public set to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings max listeners to 100 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings queue size to 524288 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings burst size to 65536 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings source timeout to 10 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback_when_full to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source source is ready to start [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client_callback Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:56] DBUG source/source_init Source creation complete [2020-10-14 12:11:56] EROR source/source_run_script Unable to run command /home/icecast/bin/stream-start (No such file or directory) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (3) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global sources (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new source stat /archive [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listenurl (punctum.cz:8000/archive) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listener_peak (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node public (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_name (Radio Punctum) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_description (Broadcast from Prague Žižkov) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_url (live.punctum.cz) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node genre (various) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_type (audio/mpeg) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node max_listeners (100) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node source_ip ( [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node user_agent (libshout/2.4.1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global source_client_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node bitrate (320) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node channels (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node samplerate (44100) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node audio_info (bitrate=320;channels=2;samplerate=44100) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listenurl (punctum.cz:8000/archive) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global source_total_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node slow_listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listener_peak (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node stream_start (Wed, 14 Oct 2020 12:11:56 +0000) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node stream_start_iso8601 (2020-10-14T12:11:56+0000) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] INFO source/source_main listener count on /archive now 0 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG slave/_slave_thread checking master stream list [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_apply_mount Applying mount information for "/archive" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings sending metadata interval 16000 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings charset ISO8859-1 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback /void [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings connect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-start" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings disconnect script "/home/icecast/bin/stream-stop" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings public set to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings max listeners to 100 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings queue size to 524288 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings burst size to 65536 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings source timeout to 10 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback_when_full to 1 [2020-10-14 12:11:57] WARN source/source_fallback_file unable to open file "/usr/share/icecast2/web/void" [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node total_bytes_read (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node total_bytes_sent (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listeners (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listenurl (punctum.cz:8000/archive) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" listener_peak (0) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" public (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_name (Radio Punctum) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_description (Broadcast from Prague Žižkov) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_url (live.punctum.cz) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" genre (various) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/process_source_event delete node bitrate [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" server_type (audio/mpeg) [2020-10-14 12:11:57] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" max_listeners (100) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (4) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (3) [2020-10-14 12:11:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Admin request (/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Got command (listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/command_list_mounts List mounts request [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG admin/admin_send_response Sending XSLT (/usr/share/icecast2/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:59] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /style.css (/usr/share/icecast2/web/style.css) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:59] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /tunein.png (/usr/share/icecast2/web/tunein.png) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (5) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (4) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (3) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (6) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (5) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (7) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (6) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (2) [2020-10-14 12:11:59] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (8) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (7) [2020-10-14 12:12:00] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" total_bytes_read (0) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/archive" total_bytes_sent (0) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Admin request (/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Got command (listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/command_list_mounts List mounts request [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG admin/admin_send_response Sending XSLT (/usr/share/icecast2/admin/listmounts.xsl) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 1 [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:01] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /style.css (/usr/share/icecast2/web/style.css) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:01] INFO fserve/fserve_client_create checking for file /tunein.png (/usr/share/icecast2/web/tunein.png) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (9) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (3) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (10) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (8) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (9) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (3) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (11) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (10) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global file_connections (4) [2020-10-14 12:12:01] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) ... [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (686) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (685) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:30:13] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (687) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (686) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG xslt/xslt_get_stylesheet Using cached sheet 2 [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2020-10-14 12:30:14] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (688) [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (687) [2020-10-14 12:30:15] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) _______________________________________________ Icecast mailing list Icecast at xiph.org lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast