similar to: 2.6.11 / IPSEC / Netfilter

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "2.6.11 / IPSEC / Netfilter"

2004 Oct 31
Maquerading through IPSECed wireless dropping packets selectively?
Hello, I''m stuck IPSECing my wireless network at home and would appreciate any comments. I appologize in advance if I''m wasting your time with trivia - I''m not a professional and staring at the problem for days from various angles hasn''t done me any good ... My home server/firewall (morannon) is hooked up through an USB to ethernet adapter (eth1) to my DSL
2005 Jun 12
kernel and netfilter patches already in Redhat AS 4 for IPSEC
I read LinuxFest NW 2005 Presentation pdf. On page 32, mentioned it required patches on kernel 2.6.x and netfilter and It only said that SuSE 9.2 and 9.3 had patches on it''s stock kernel. I''m using Redhat AS 4. Anybody knows does the stock kernel and netfilter had theses patches patched ? or How should I know the kernel and netfilter had these patches applied ? thanks!
2004 Oct 23
Legend/Substitute/Plotmath problem
Hello, I seem unable to construct a legend which contains a substitution as well as math symbols. I'm trying to do the following: strain2 <- "YJG48" legend.txt <- c( substitute( strain * %==% * "YJG45, rpn10" * %Delta%, list(strain=strain2) ), "Verhulst/Logistic", "Malthus" ) legend( 100,2.5, legend.txt, cex=0.75,
2010 Mar 10
ggplot2: "varwidth"-equivalent for geom_boxplot?
Hi, Is there such a thing? If no: is it easily simulated? thanks, Joh
2007 Dec 19
Factor Madness
Why is class(spectrum[["Ion"]]) after this "factor"? spectrum <- cbind(spectrum,Ion=rep("", nrow(spectrum)),Deviation.AMU=rep(0.0, nrow(spectrum))) slowly going crazy ... Joh
2004 Dec 14
ipsec-netfilter patches for 2.6.9
The patches may be found at: I found these patches on the netfilter-devel list and make no warranties as to how well they work (or not). -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP
2007 Dec 18
All anchored series from a vector?
>From: Johannes Graumann <johannes_graumann at> >Date: 2007/12/18 Tue PM 04:40:37 CST >To: r-help at >Subject: [R] All anchored series from a vector? lapply(1:length(myvector) function(.length) { c(myvector[1}:myvector[.length]) }) but test it because i didn't. >Hi all, > >What may be a smart, efficient way to get the following result:
2010 Aug 03
grid.table and expression in table body?
Hi, Is there any way to get an expression into a data.frame, such that "grid.table" from "gridExtra" will plot it evaluated in the table body? The docu does it for the header, but is the body possible? Thanks, Joh
2007 Dec 20
Efficient way to find consecutive integers in vector?
Hi all, Does anybody have a magic trick handy to isolate directly consecutive integers from something like this: c(1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,12,13) The result should be, that groups 1-4, 7-10 and 12-13 are consecutive integers ... Thanks for any hints, Joh
2008 Jan 24
Plot definition for custom class
Hi, Is there any way to trick R CMD check into not throwing this error after I created a dedicated "plot" incarnation for my custom function? * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING plot: function(x, ...) plot.MQUSpecMatch: function(x, mozlabel, labelcex) Thanks again, Joh
2005 Aug 23
Robust M-Estimator Comparison
Hello, I'm learning about robust M-estimators right now and had settled on the "Huber Proposal 2" as implemented in MASS, but further reading made clear, that at least 2 further weighting functions (Hampel, Tukey bisquare) exist. In a post from B.D. Ripley going back to 1999 I found the following quote: >> 2) Would huber() give me results that are similar (i.e., close
2010 Aug 30
getNodeSet - what am I doing wrong?
Hi, Why is the following retuning a nodset of length 0: > library(XML) > test <- xmlTreeParse( > "",useInternalNodes=TRUE) > getNodeSet(test,"//modifications_row") Thanks for any hint. Joh
2010 Jul 26
List to data frame
Hi, Any ideas on how to efficiently convert > list(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6)) to > data.frame(OriginalListIndex=c(1,1,1,2,2,2),Item=c(1,2,3,4,5,6)) Thanks for any hints, Joh
2009 May 11
readBin: read from defined offset TO defined offset?
Hello, With the help of "seek" I can start "readBin" from any byte offset within my file that I deem appropriate. What I would like to do is to be able to define the endpoint of that read as well. Is there any solution to that already out there? Thanks for any hints, Joh
2005 Jan 07
Shorewall & IPSec gateway
To all, I''ve just recently finished my "Security Gateway Server" project which separates a 10 laptop WLAN subnet from our main LAN/Internet network. I used Debian Sarge with kernel 2.6.9/ipsec-netfilter patched, and Shorewall 2.2.0-RC3 on a Asus P4S533, 2.4 GHz PenIV and 512MB memory. The Toshiba A60-S166, PenIV, 2.4G laptops run Windows XP Pro and have internal Atheros based
2013 May 01
grep help (character ommission)
Hello, Banging my head against a wall here ... can anyone light the way to a pattern modification that would make the following TRUE? identical( grep( "^Intensity\\s[^HL]", c("Intensity","Intensity L", "Intensity H", "Intensity Rep1")), as.integer(c(1,4))) Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Joh
2007 Feb 19
Data frame: how to create list of row max?
Dear all, Can anyone please shed some light onto how to do this? This will give me all "intensity" columsn in my data frame: intensityindeces <- grep("^Intensity",names(dataframe),value=TRUE) This will give me the maximum intensity for the first row: intensityone <- max(dataframe[1,intensityindeces]) What I'm now looking for is how to dfo this for the whole data
2004 Aug 25
Beginners Question: Make nlm work
Hello, I'm new to this and am trying to teach myself some R by plotting biological data. The growth curve in question is supposed to be fitted to the Verhulst equation, which may be transcribed as follows: f(x)=a/(1+((a-0.008)/0.008)*exp(-(b*x))) - for a known population density (0.008) at t(0). I am trying to rework the example from "An Introduction to R" (p. 72) for my case and
2004 Dec 22
IPSec and Roadwarrior
Tom, After reading your latest postings, I am correct in understanding that, even with the netfilter-ipsec and policy patches in kernel 2.6, I still would not be able to connect more that one roadwarrior at a time? Mitch
2010 Sep 08
choose.dir() gone?
Hi, I fail to find "choose.dir()" in my current R install (see below)? Didn't that exist at some point? How to achieve "file.choose()" equivalent functionality for directories? Thanks for any hints, Joh > sessionInfo() R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C [3]