similar to: win32 icecast2 login problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "win32 icecast2 login problem"

2008 Jul 13
Icecast Digest, Vol 50, Issue 8
Geachte relatie, Van 11 t/m 30 juli ben ik op vakantie. In deze tijd zal ik mijn mail op onregelmatige tijden trachten te lezen. Met vriendelijke groet, Johan van der Stoel Dear relation, I am on vacation from July, 11th - 30th. During this time I will read my mail irregularly. Best regards, Johan van der Stoel
2016 Feb 26
Metadata in xsl files
The default ices.conf.dist file from the source distribution contains: <!-- Header protocol to use when communicating with the server. Shoutcast servers need "icy", icecast 1.x needs "xaudiocast", and icecast 2.x needs "http". --> <Protocol>http</Protocol> I haven't checked the code to see if this is used for
2005 May 09
Very slow bufferring and delay on windows media player and icecast server (sourced by m3w)
I'm trying to broadcast a radio from a linux server that is coming from a windows machine using m3w. it's working very well for Winamp and linux mplayer as client - but while using Windows Media Player it's buffering for about 8 minutes then it start to work well w/ a delay of 8 minutes !! I've this set up : <burst-on-connect>1</burst-on-connect> <!--
2016 Feb 26
Metadata in xsl files
So why does the ices.conf file have <Protocol>http</Protocol> ic it is going to use icy anyways? On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 2:00 AM, Marvin Scholz <epirat07 at> wrote: > On 26 Feb 2016, at 7:03, A. Craig West wrote: > > > I have been trying to access the "artist" and "title" metadata in the > > xml > > files as separate
2004 Aug 06
Multiple Stream? Request for Config
Greeting all -- I'm having some problems setting up multiple streams with iceS, for example, a hi-bandwidth and lo-bandwidth stream of the same audio. Could someone post a config that works in this case? thanks .oOo.oOo.o..o.oOo.oOo. Ben Wilson admin -- 'OoO'OoO'O''O'OoO'OoO' --- >8 ---- List archives:
2004 Aug 06
Ices0 & Icecast2
> > I compiled and installed both icecast2 and ices0 fine, but ices0 seems > to > > fail to authenticate. > > > > [2004-02-09 22:16:10] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source (/) > > attempted to login with invalid or missing password > > [2004-02-09 22:16:11] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source > > logging in at mountpoint
2004 Aug 06
official communication protocol definition / documentation?
Hello, I am looking for a documentation of the communication protocolls icecast is capable of: ICY, XAUDIOCAST and a modified HTTP. In order to write client software being capable of all available features I was searching on the net for those documentations but no luck so far. How come? Isn't this protocoll documented? How does the developer team know what options and functins are available
2004 Aug 06
libshout1-based mp3 streaming to icecast2
According to what I've read on this mailing list, it should be possible to stream MP3 data to icecast2 using ices-0.2.3, which I assume also should be the case for any other streaming client based on libshout1. So I decided to test this out to see if we really could dispense with icecast1 altogether on the server I help administer. My results were not promising, to say the least. I wiped out
2004 Aug 06
cannot get icecast and ices to talk...authentication failed
I have a weird one... I installed icecast 2 and ices .23 on Mandake, and am not having any luck I compiled and installed the nightly icecast just today. It seems to work fine, however when I telnet to it (, port 8000), I am unable to login unless the first line contains ONLY the password. I used ethereal to see that iceS is trying to send to authenticate, and it is sending (as the first
2004 Sep 19
Icecast2 Server - AAC/HE-AAC/aacPlus Support
Hello- You guys have done an excellent job with the Icecast2 server. I probably don't need to tell you that, but I did anyway. We are Coding Technologies licensees and have recently developed a streaming audio encoder supporting AAC/HE-AAC/aacPlus using RTSP/RTP, SHOUTcast HTTP/ICY, and Icecast2 HTTP/ICY, Orban Opticodec-PC. More information here:
2004 Aug 06
time out issues with icecast2
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Arc wrote: > "Origional" Icecast (icecast1) uses ICY protocol for streaming, being > compatable with Shoutcast to the point that you can use a Shoutcast > client to connect to it. The same is not true for Icecast2. This is not correct, or at least is not meant to be. icecast2 is meant to be able to accept connections from ICY sources. Some people,
2006 Oct 20
Re: Icecast Digest, Vol 29, Issue 12
Van 14 t/m 23 oktober ben ik niet bereikbaar. Voor dringende zaken verzoek ik u een mailtje te sturen naar of even naar ons kantoor te bellen (040 2556036). Met vriendelijke groet, Johan van der Stoel >From October 14th-23th I am not available. For urgent issues please send an email to or call our office (+31 40 2556036). Best regards, Johan van der Stoel
2006 Oct 20
Re: Icecast Digest, Vol 29, Issue 13
Van 14 t/m 23 oktober ben ik niet bereikbaar. Voor dringende zaken verzoek ik u een mailtje te sturen naar of even naar ons kantoor te bellen (040 2556036). Met vriendelijke groet, Johan van der Stoel >From October 14th-23th I am not available. For urgent issues please send an email to or call our office (+31 40 2556036). Best regards, Johan van der Stoel
2008 Jul 11
Icecast Digest, Vol 50, Issue 6
Geachte relatie, Van 11 t/m 30 juli ben ik op vakantie. In deze tijd zal ik mijn mail op onregelmatige tijden trachten te lezen. Met vriendelijke groet, Johan van der Stoel Dear relation, I am on vacation from July, 11th - 30th. During this time I will read my mail irregularly. Best regards, Johan van der Stoel
2008 Jul 16
Icecast Digest, Vol 50, Issue 11
Geachte relatie, Van 11 t/m 30 juli ben ik op vakantie. In deze tijd zal ik mijn mail op onregelmatige tijden trachten te lezen. Met vriendelijke groet, Johan van der Stoel Dear relation, I am on vacation from July, 11th - 30th. During this time I will read my mail irregularly. Best regards, Johan van der Stoel
2009 Aug 17
Icecast-dev Digest, Vol 60, Issue 3
Geachte relatie, Van 15 t/m 30 augustus ben ik op vakantie. In deze tijd zal ik mijn mail niet lezen. Met vriendelijke groet, Johan van der Stoel Dear relation, I am on vacation from August, 15th - 30th. During this time I will not read my mail. Best regards, Johan van der Stoel
2004 Aug 06
OGG streaming and Icecast2
No, Ices is not for Windows. Oddcast is a good Windows streamer, though. (WinAmp plugin) >===== Original Message From "Brandon" <> ===== >Not too much information there on how to write your own streamer...BUT > >it was very very educational. > >>From reading the document it lookes like ices would be great way to stream
2005 Apr 04
Using alias to relay Icecast2 to shoutcast problems
Hi all I wondered if anyone was succesful in doing this? I found some information on using alias's to patch a stream through to a different port ie: <alias port="8002" source="/" dest="/nfa2.m3u"/> However this does not appear to work properly. If I type the url into a browser, this then opens up and plays as it should in winamp, however if I type it
2005 Mar 09
encoder->server->listener lag
We're running a setup with M3W on a PC in Sri Lanka, encoding to a server in the UK. What factors govern the time delay between things being said to the microphone in SL and heard by a client connecting to the server, and how can we reduce it as much as possible? Currently we're experiencing 20-30 secs or more.
2008 Oct 09
Icecast Digest, Vol 53, Issue 2
Beste, Het e-mailadres waar u zojuist een e-mailbericht naar heeft verstuurd, bestaat niet (meer). Omdat er door zogenaamde spambots regelmatig misbruik wordt gemaakt van onbestaande e-mailadressen, worden deze berichten niet bezorgd. Indien u ons toch een mailtje wenst te sturen, verzoeken we u dit te doen op het adres i n f o @ s t r e a m i t . e u . Ook via onze website,,