similar to: Playback + Replay Gain questions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Playback + Replay Gain questions"

2005 Jun 21
Playback + Replay Gain questions
--- CE <> wrote: > I'm hoping to set up a headless system to playback my audio once I > get back home after an extended leave. Ideally I'd just ssh in and > use a curses based player to play back FLACs and mp3s. This leads me > to a few quesitons: > 1. What is the minimun processor speed needed to decode and play > flac files? I have an old
2005 Jun 21
Playback + Replay Gain questions
Thanks! You've been most informative. Do the command line options vary for album and track or is the album gain computed automatically if it's done on a batch of files? You Wrote: > > there are two tags for replaygain, the 'album' tag which applies > to the whole album, and 'track' tag for each track.
2005 Jun 25
Playback + Replay Gain questions
Thanks :D I did see that but wasn't sure if there was an option needed or how it decided to do the album gain. I fiddled with metaflac and checked for the REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN and my files seem to have it :D Suppose there is only 1 file to encode. Does FLAC still add the album gains? You Wrote: > see > >
2005 Feb 03
Bug Report. Replay-gain and ogg.
I just bought an I Audio mobile device (Btw, these thigns are the coolest players on the face of the earth.. might want to check em out). It plays ogg vorbis files rather nicely. My whole music library is sitting in flac format. When I encoded my flac files (the majority a year ago) I used replay gain to save the album and track information if the flac file. Unfortunately, the I audio doesnt like
2002 Jun 23
(Un)Usefulness of Vorbisgain?
I've just Replaygained several of my Vorbis albums with Vorbisgain, ranging from 80's metal to present day soft rock. What I don't understand is why does Vorbisgain actually make all tracks QUIETER? I see an average of -7db on most albums. And after that, not only are they substantially quieter than my MP3s (which is a pain), but it also fails to really "even out" the volume.
2009 Dec 30
flac --replay-gain
I have FLAC files that I would like to re-encode with --replay-gain. I have my Flac's organized in Artist/Album folders, so I should have no problem getting an album gain/peak per album. Do I need to first de-code the flac's to wav files and then "flac --replay-gain *.wav", or can this be accomplished by going to each Album directory and "flac -f --replay-gain
2012 Mar 13
PATCH: Add test for metaflac --add-replay-gain
Erik ? ? Testing FLAC file with unknown metadata... OK ? ? ./ line 450: syntax error near unexpected token `then' ? ? ./ line 450: `? then' Do both /bin/bash and /bin/dash give exactly the same error message ? Earl ________________________________ From: Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+la at> To: flac-dev at Cc: Earl Chew
2008 Apr 13
Hello everyone, I'm new to this flac thing (started about a week ago) but I have read a lot about flac and replaygain. As far as I understand it, replaygain is lossless in the sense that I can tell my player to ignore the settings or I can even use foobar2000 to remove the tags entirely, hence getting back to the original audio. If that is the case, why is there a warning in the foobar2000
2014 Jun 18
R128gain & metaflac
>The use of R128 also raises the question about "REPLAYGAIN_REFERENCE_LOUDNESS" >tag. Currently flac/metaflac writes "REPLAYGAIN_REFERENCE_LOUDNESS=89.0 dB" >but doesn't use it when decoding (it seems that nothing uses this tag). >R128 defines reference level differently, so this tag makes little sense for >it. IMHO it's better not to write this tag when
2005 Jun 18
Playback + Replay Gain questions
I don't recall seeing anything about how to apply the same gain to an album as opposed to a mix of tracks. Man page and site seem vacant on it. Any clues as to where to look? I looked at mpd but ended up not using it due it not working with my sound cards as I had them setup. I do remember there being a very good curses player though. Before leaving gnump3d worked quite well for me since
2014 Jun 15
R128gain & metaflac
Hi has anyone looked at adding R128gain code to metaflac so we can select to use this calculation for RP tags rather than replay gain? Best regards -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Oct 24
oggdec.exe not using album gain stdout option
This question is mainly directed at John Edwards, I believe. I'm attempting to use oggdec.exe in a batch conversion of ogg vorbis files for use on a portable player. I'm using the -o option to redirect output to the LAME encoder. So far so good. However, I also want to do volume leveling using the replaygain tags. If I specify track (radio) gain, everything works fine, however, when I
2004 Sep 10
plugin optimizations
Here is all-in-one patch, if this is a problem, i will try to make separated patches. Changes: plugin_common/ * FLAC__plugin_common__pack_pcm_signed_little_endian * accept FLAC__int32 *input[] * supports more channels * fixed clipping bug (BTW, random number generator in dither.c is low quality, it should be replaced, generator in replaygain is much better) *
2004 Jun 16
ogg123 volume?
Hi, I need to adjust the output volume from ogg123 the same way that mpg123 has the "-f n change scalefactor [32768]" option. I need to do this within ogg123, instead of alternatives that involve pipes, such as piping the output to sox. I do not believe that this is currently possible in ogg123, and I'm looking for some suggestions as to how it can be accomplished by modifying
2004 Jun 16
ogg123 volume?
Hi, I need to adjust the output volume from ogg123 the same way that mpg123 has the "-f n change scalefactor [32768]" option. I need to do this within ogg123, instead of alternatives that involve pipes, such as piping the output to sox. I do not believe that this is currently possible in ogg123, and I'm looking for some suggestions as to how it can be accomplished by modifying
2008 Apr 15
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 02:10:51AM -0500, Charles Velasquez wrote: > If that is the case, why is there a warning in the foobar2000 > converter dialogue box stating that "applying ReplayGain adjustment > during conversion will irreversibly alter data in encoded file, > unlike ReplayGain scan after encode"? ReplayGain, as the name implies, works by calculating a scaling-factor
2012 Mar 18
PATCH: Add test for metaflac --add-replay-gain
Erik, I cannot reproduce the problem you see with either dash(1) or bash(1). > test case62: --import-picture-from... OK > Testing FLAC file with unknown metadata... OK > Testing FLAC replaygain 8000 (8000 x 1) ... OK > Testing FLAC replaygain 11025 (11025 x 1) ... OK > Testing FLAC replaygain 11025 (11025 x 1) ... OK > Testing FLAC replaygain 12000 (12000 x 1) ... OK >
2009 Dec 30
flac --replay-gain
Dat Head <dathead2 at> wrote: > can somebody explain replaygain a bit - is it kinda like normalization > but w/o modifying > the files (just giving software a number to use to obtain the level > boost needed?) Try although the pages haven't been updated since 2001. (In the past I have e-mailed updates to the maintainer, but got no
2008 Feb 10
Hi List, Is there a way to correctly use the replay-gain feature on flac files that contain an entire album (i.e., multiple tracks with seekpoints added from a cue sheet)? -- Chris
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Grip, FLAC, and album replay gain
OK, here's a problem: I want to set the album replay gain in each track, but I'm using grip to rip and encode the tracks one by one. grip knows that all the tracks are on a single album, but FLAC sees them one at a time. I put the --replay-gain option on the FLAC command line, so it emits four comments into the vorbis commebnt block, e.g.: comment[9]: