similar to: [Flac-users] How should I do?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "[Flac-users] How should I do?"

2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] FLAC Plug-in for Windows Media Player?
I was wondering if there is a FLAC plugin for Windows Media Player? Just from doing web-searches, it doesn't look like there is, at least as far as I can tell. So, if there isn't a plug-in for WMP, well, why isn't there? And is there anyone working on one?
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Warn overwrite output file
I have had this happen to me once: Encoding of a .wav file was interrupted somehow, so an incomplete .flac flie was generated. I accidentally ran a decode on that .flac file, which wiped out the original .wav file. I suggest that flac adopt one of the following to handle the situation that an output file is specified with -o or implied, and the output file already exists: 1. rename the
2006 Mar 08
REGISTER headers changed
Can someone help me with upgrading to the lastest version. I am using the same sip.conf file, but the headers have changed and registration fails. Has something change in the conf file that would cause this? Notice 1.2.5 has no Authoization at all... Regards, Jason Version 1.0.9 --------------------------- REGISTER SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] FLAC FAQ
I just uploaded a new FLAC FAQ: Let me know if I forgot any common questions. Josh __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] metaflac: "memory access error"
Hello all, I used metaflac to add replay-gain to a lot of flac-files. But with few of them metaflac exit and sais "Speicherzugriffsfehler" which I translate to "memory access error" or somethin like this. The problematic files has the same size like the other ones and I dont know why metaflac has a problem with them. I tested them with flac and the files seems to be ok. I use
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] a litle stupid quession
sorry for this, but I want know: flac commandline syntax. support ordinary win. com.line ? other words: if I tape at encoding options --cuesheet=*_cdimage.cue, flacenc look it as '*_cdimage.cue' or as ''any'_cdimage.cue'? best ragards... "Opossum" <>
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] command line util to read tag info
[edit: sorry Josh, sent the first one to the wrong address] I'm trying to automate the process of converting flac to mp3 while preserving tag information, but can't find any way of reading the fields from the flac file on the command line (unix). Neither flac nor metaflac seem to have any option for printing the tag info to stdout. Any ideas? mike
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Quicktime plug-in?
Is there any quicktime plug-in being developed for flac, especially on a Mac? I've searched, but haven't been able to locate one. Also, are the mailing list archives searchable? If they are, how?? Thanks, TJ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] documentation
Hi all, I'm preparing a little presentation of flac at the local audio club and i'm looking for some documentation about flac: how/why it came into being, some technical info ... I've googled up pretty much everything else i wanted. Also, i remember an ask slashdot some time ago about flac licence. Now i'm unable to dig it up ... does anyone have a direct link? Thanks, --
2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] Winamp 2/Winamp 3 and FLAC plug-ins
I know that Winamp has its loyal following. I've never used it much. Also, I'm a novice at computer music. I've always just bought CD's and never used computer music. So perhaps I'm an idiot or just not very music-software literate, but I so far haven't been impressed with Winamp, or the FLAC plug-in. Just for one example, I've got a dual-Althlon MP 2000 system
2006 Apr 18
ISDN in Japan?
Hi all, general query here --- I'm about to set up an asterisk box for use in Japan but can't figureout if it's all ISDN there or what? I have gathered so far that the two major providers, NTT and KVH both offer ISDN lines with .......INS1500 and maybe INS64 protocols? Not sure... But I'm seeing stuff about J1 vs. T1/E1 .... so does that mean I can't use a Digium card it
2007 May 09
Mobile Number to Mobile carrier mapping
Hi Folks, Is there a way to find out the mobile/landline carrier name based on the phone number? For example, who is the mobile carrier for (415)2345678 I had heard about some query but just don't remember how/what? Thanks in advance. Ritesh -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Oct 15
warning diego viola the trouble maker for the world
i folk warning from diegoviola from paragway he say working for bridgecomm then teliax then flowroute isn't that a lie only? he need free morocco mobile traffic from me i refuse him i say to him if you help me with some web developement i can provide you lowered rate because was a friend of mine but now i am avoiding him step by step the asterisk folk may allready know him he
2003 Sep 03
I am working with the telantek.adsi file, and I was wondering how I would create a softkey for Transfer. I tried making a key definition and using SENDDTMF "#", but that didn't work. Is there another way I could do this? Also, does anybody have any ADSI scripts for use with Asterisk that they would like to share? Thank you for your time. __________________________________ Do you
2004 Aug 06
noobie questions
Winamp3 is broken according to some posts here. Try Winamp 2.91 or the latest XMMS. Of course, XMMS requires the xmms-mp3 libraries. Try that and see if it helps. KJ <p>On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 15:56, Jeff Ousley wrote: > Thanks, all, for the pointers. I think I have > everything configured properly, but, something is > obviously still wrong. I'm using Kerry's guide with >
2003 Sep 08
Adtran TA750 MWI problem
I recently set up Asterisk with an Adtran TA750. All is well except the phones do not show the MWI. I have configured zapata.conf properly, as all phones will receive a stutter dial tone if there is a message waiting in it's assigned mailbox. Does anybody know how I might fix this problem? Thank you for your time __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free,
2003 Nov 23
Distribution transformations
Dear R-Users, I have a question that bothers me in the last few days. It is supposed to be easy but I can't come up with a solution. Are there any functions in R dealing with transforming empirical and parametric distributions? I have two data sets of observed variables that I want to transform to Frechet and Uniform distribution. I would appreciate if someone could inform me about
2003 Aug 25
T100P/ TSU 600 installation problem
I have just received a T100P and an Adtran TSU 600 in the mail. I seem to be having a problem with the T100P card. So far I have done the following: vi zaptel.conf fxoks=1-22 fxsks=23-24 ... vi zapata.conf ... signalling=fxo_ks ... channel => 1-22 ... signalling=fxs_ks ... channel => 23-24 I then run modprobe zaptel modprobe wct1xxp ztcfg -vv There are no errors to report. In
2003 Sep 23
Segmentation Fault on reload (gdb output included)
I keep getting segmentation faults when I do a reload. Here are the core file outputs from gdb: (I have three of them and they produce the same output) (gdb) core core.6044 Core was generated by `asterisk'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x401519fc in ?? () I have no idea what that means, but if somebody could point me in the right direction, that would be
2013 Jan 31
A proposal to extend (create) a codified set of revisited and additional FLAC tags
Hello... For the last three years, several of us have been developing a FLAC-based digital music library for use at our radio station here in northern California. This was started first as an experimentwith the goal of understanding what it takes to make a useful library on a central network file server. In the process, we developed an improved and far more useful schema for tagging the