similar to: [Flac-users] a litle stupid quession

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "[Flac-users] a litle stupid quession"

2003 Oct 28
litle question (proxy transparent+authtenticate+shorewall)
Hi, I try configure squid proxy transparent and shorewall In my squid.conf have this configuration: http_port 8000 acl all src acl password REQUIRED http_access allow password http_access deny all authentica_program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/passwd In my rules have: REDIRECT loc 8000 tcp 80 - !MY_IP_EXTERNAL ACCEPT fw net tcp 80 I try
1998 Jul 07
(Off Topic, a litle) WinFrame/WinCenter, other Multi-User NT
I'm looking for experiences with the various Multi-User NT products with SAMBA, and in general. My intent is to set up a single Multi-User NT box as a shared email/productivity program environment for my six full time UNIX users. My environment is such that I'll be using Outlook 97 to talk to MS Exchange 5.5 servers, and running MS Office Pro 97 (among other) tools from SGI 6.4
2006 Dec 06
Big litle endian issues in 1.6 beta 5
Hi All, Attached is a proposed patch, which should solve some issues with mixed endians. Unfortunately I was not able to access the latest code on the CVS to see what other fixes might be there. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: pack_generic.diff Type: text/x-patch Size: 2816 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2006 Dec 06
Big litle endian issues in 1.6 beta 5
Hi All, Attached is a proposed patch, which should solve some issues with mixed endians. Unfortunately I was not able to access the latest code on the CVS to see what other fixes might be there. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: pack_generic.diff Type: text/x-patch Size: 2816 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2008 May 19
Memory leaks due to Metadata object vorbis comment API ???
Hi List, I recently was assigned a task to port FLAC Encoder to our embedded platform. Thanks to OO-like design of the libFLAC and throught documentation, that porting went like a charm. I had some problems with chmod/chown like routines while porting but I was able to safely remove that piece of code without any trouble. I have observed that the my application FLAC Encoder failes in
2011 Feb 14
Begining with RoR, litle questions
Hello, First, sorry about my english. I come from lamp+symfony world, i understand the MVC design and so on... my questions... 1. Should learn ruby 100% before entering the documentation for RoR? 2. Works with apache as module? 3. What about DB abstraction? something similar to PDO in php? Appreciate a few links in addition to the official. In short, a little guidance of where to start PD:
2010 Aug 09
PCA analysis, presence-absence of mammals in parks
Hi everyone, So I am trying to see which ecological parameter of different parks in nyc influence the most the diversity of the medium-sized mammals in those parks. I have a bunch of different parameters for each park I'm done studying and the presence (1) and absence (0) of each mammal. I wanted to do a principal component analysis of those data to know which ones of those parameters are the
2005 Apr 21
bogons update
hi: Just a litle update: 41/8 allocated to AfriNIC (APR 2005). 73/8 allocated to ARIN (MAR 2005). hope it helps.
2005 Jan 12
samba across internett
I am quite novise to samba and networking but I have a litle timepressure as I need two branchoffice to be connected to my server at the mainoffice Does anyone know if it is possible to do this with samba alone or do I need somthing extra. Eivind
2010 Aug 19
help making fileserver
Hi, folks ! Perhaps somebody can help me with a litle isuue. I?ve got a PDC with Ubuntu+Samba 3.5 +LDAP working fine in my network. But now I?m trying to implement a fileserver that autenticate against my domain server. If someone have any idea about how to do it and can give me a link or some clue about it, I really will apreciate it! Thank you very much for your time.
2010 Aug 09
Youtube Video
Hi there, I've created a litle video explaining on how to setup some group policy to redirect folders using Active Directory Tools and Group Policy Management tools, it works and I've tested it so i decided to include it on my small youtube Linux collection. Hope you enjoy it and like; might be it can make it to the wiki video library. Thanks for Samba 4, it really _IS_ the thing.
2003 Oct 06
Alternatives to FXS cards?
Hi everyone, I know someone makes a product that's a POTS phone to SIP converter, where you just plug your POTS phone in one side and the network cable in the other. Has anyone successfully used any of these with Asterisk, and if so how expensive were they? I ask partly out of frustration with the FXS cards but mostly because it would make installation MUCH easier for what we're
2008 Sep 27
Problems with ToolBar Sintaxis
First of all, it''s my first week learnig ruby and so is for wxruby,also this is my first time working with a GUI so please, please, be patient. I''m having problems with the code for a toolbar, i want to add an item, but a don''t know how. this is my code for now: @toolBarPrincipal.add_tool(-1, ''&Bonzai'',
2013 Oct 15
quality opus_demo vs opusenc
Hi, I have found differences in quality between opus_demo and opusenc/opusdec. I used for both applications the same raw pcm file,16 bit,48khz,litle endian. i use libopus 1.1-beta and opus-tools-0.1.7. The command for opus_demo is: opus_demo audio 48000 1 64000 -cvbr -framesize 10 in.pcm out.pcm For opusenc/dec: opusenc --raw --raw-chan 1 bitrate 64 -cvbr --framesize 10 in.pcm in.opus
2015 Mar 23
Samba 4.1 gentent, ls, no display domain user name on Primary ACDC but wbinfo -u yes
On 23/03/15 15:18, Jhon P wrote: > Yes im see the same as you on the member, but not in the ADDC. > > A question, do you have idmap configs on the smb.conf of the ADDC? > > No, I basically have what the provision provided, just the addition of the template lines, the idmap config lines are only of use on a member server, as far as I can see, that do nothing on a DC. > >
2003 Jan 23
Rsyncing of block devices to a remote file
Hello, I'm looking for some assistance in modifying the rsync code Situation: I used to back-up some of my (unmounted NTFS) disk partitions remotely using the following shells construct: dd if=/dev/hda1 | gzip | ssh me@backupmachine 'cat > /backup-dir/hda1-backup.gz' But now I want to use rsync for this, since transfering 10 gig takes a litle to long if a file of a few kB has
2016 Jan 22
Return value from TargetLowering::LowerOperation?
Hi, I'm a litle bit puzzled by the TargetLowering::LowerOperation function, and what different callers of this function assumes about the returned value. In several places it seems like it is assumed that LowerOperation can return three kinds of values: * Something completely new. * SDValue() * The same SDValue as LowerOperation was called on. However in some places, e.g. in
2004 Oct 07
Dialplan to Pick up calls that are ringing onother extensions?
Well I dont want it to operate as a group. I understand that it is *8 on most PBX systems but I would like it to work as dialing *8+extension-thats-ringing to have it go over to my extension. I am having a lot of trouble finding more information from the wiki and google. Thanks! -James -----Original Message----- From:
2002 Jan 23
Wierd problem with rysnc.
Hi folks, I'm having a problem with my rsync between two areas between a WAN. The problem is really odd. I have a script that runs every night. Lately, we've been having problems with rsync. The source side is an ordinary file while the destination side is a symlink. We've been having problems with rsync deleting the symlink and repacing it with the source copy despite having it in
2004 Sep 11
Is posible to ad a VFR or pseudoVFR to theora without breack the stream?
My litle idea to vfr is: Use de frame rate as base time and use a bit flag as: is 0 duration is 1 frame is 1 read next bit { if 0 read next 8 bits as a number, duration is 2+number frames if 1 read next 16 bits as a number, duration is 2+number frames } the only question if exist any free bit in the farme header for a flag