similar to: Multiple Internet IP to Local Server at Datacenter

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Multiple Internet IP to Local Server at Datacenter"

2005 May 29
webmin page
Hello, I am not able to open the webmin web interface on my server. Shorewall is blocking it. How to allow it on the server. Thanks Varun
2011 Apr 11
Redcar Editor
I''m new here and I wanna make some marketing to Redcar Editor<> . I have used this amazing editor for a while and I have to applaud it. It''s an excellent free (as in speech) alternative to TextMate. It''s made on Ruby (run on JRuby), so it has the heart of the Ruby community. It has support to TextMate Themes and Snippets, it''s very
2013 Oct 30
virsh esx return "error: internal error: Could not find Datacenter"
Hello, I’m running virsh v1.1.3 compiled on a ubuntu system with the "--with-esx=yes” support. root@kvm-189:/home/cisco# virsh --version 1.1.3 I also have a vcenter 5.5 environment that has following structure (couple of hosts at datacenter level, others part of cluster group): MIC-VC-ADMIN MIC-DC-ADMIN MIC-CL-ADMIN
2012 Oct 23
Permission "nfsnobody" and mounting an nfs share in a datacenter
Hi A datacenter I use provides mountable nfs shares that are provided through a subnet, the only person having access to the nfs share is me. If I do this: mount -t nfs /mnt/share/ then I get the share: [root at hostname /mnt/share] #>ls -la total 12 drwxrwxrwx 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 4096 Oct 9 18:04 . drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Oct 9 17:55 ..
2010 Jan 22
FW: Call Xfer issue between DataCenter and User Site
Sorry to bump this one... Anyone have any other ideas on it? Regards Steven Davison Net Technial Solutions -----Original Message----- From: asterisk-users-bounces at [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Steven Davison Sent: 21 January 2010 08:41 To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Call Xfer issue
2009 Aug 14
Windows 2008 datacenter no cdrom.
[This email is either empty or too large to be displayed at this time]
2005 Mar 18
Problem with Samba 3.0 and Sun DS 5.2
Hello, i have installed Sun Java Enterprise Directory 5.2 configured it for messaging and posix accounts i can logon to solaris no problem i complied samba with --with-ldapsam i configured the smb.conf testparam check and report Ok when i start samba no errors in messages when i try to add smbpasswd -a root here is the error No builtin nor plugin backend for ldapsam found Loading
2012 Feb 09
oops, or how to bring a datacenter router down with one setting
so I gave up on bonding. I found about 300 posts showing eth0 and eth1 both pointing to br0 (bridge) as interfaces. I followed them correctly, or so I thought. I pointed both ethx to the bridge, restarted network and bam...!!! entire ip block went out. when I called datacenter they told me the router was under attack and I was like 'uh oh' and told them to just shut off my computer I
2010 Jan 20
Call Xfer issue between DataCenter and User Site
Hi, I am running a Asterisk 1.6 box in our Data Centre, and have a number of users connecting to that box, as their PBX. Calls in and out work fine, as does voicemail. The PBX at the Data Centre has an External IP, Nat?d to it by the firewall, and the relevant ports are open. The Office users have a dedicated internet connection for the phone lines, and calls are seen to traverse this
2006 Jan 24
Is it possible ?
Hi everyone, I am a new one for that lists....actually i have final year project on VOIP & IMS i want to install asterisk on my pc ...IS it possble that ...we can call on small LAN network without buying any card...i will clear my point as that...suppose i have a linux machine on which i want to install asterisk and HOW it will install...and second point is that ..i have 2
1998 Dec 08
Hi If I add a specific machine to my hosts allow list in the global section of my smb.conf, then that machine can access any of the shares on that server. If I only add the machine to a hosts allow list in a specific share, when I try and connect to that share from that machine I get an error : 'Specified computer did not recieve your request' and in log.smb : 'Connection denied from
2007 Feb 28
Samba share not working
Guys, I've a simple setup where a Solaris 8 server running Samba 3.0.4 serves out a single share. User authentication is done through Windows Active Directory servers. This has been working fine with a Windows client where the user can map the share without any problems. The user has now setup a new Windows server and is failing to map the share. I can see the following error message in the
2005 Mar 15
Samba + PDC + LDAP (Sun One DS 5.2, Messaging and Identity)
Hello, I am planing to install Samba as PDC for Windows XP Machines and LDAP (Sun ONE DS 5.2 + Messaging + Identity ) as backend sam if some one have already setup this kind of environment and can write down the steps in which order i have to install and configure products what would be great i am planing to go in following order Install Solaris Install Sun One DS 5.2 + messaging + identity
2005 May 31
Can shorewall be setup in a datacenter environment?
Hi, New here... I would like to setup shorewall on a dedicated box protecting a mutiple web, mail and dns server in the datacenter. All the ip address will be public ip (No LAN setup). I would also like to do traffic shaping and install Snort as well in the same box. Can Shorewall do all this? Is there any docs on that? Do i need to configure Shorewall as a bridging firewall in order to do
2009 Jun 13
re-install over internet
Hello, I just got back from a datacenter where I installed a new server running CentOS 5.3. I set up a software raid with md0 being /. (Only one mount, didn't split anything up.) I just discovered that instead of raid 1, it did raid 0... Not exactly what I wanted! Probably missed that little check when installing. So now, I need to change this. But since the whole OS is on this raided
2012 Jun 02
Redundant setup across two datacenters with two XCP hosts
Hello all, I am looking to run only 1 VM on this setup, don''t need to do live migration, although that would be nice, I just want to protect against hardware and datacenter/network failure. The VM is lightly loaded, not much disk I/O or CPU load. I have two machines, each one with 2 x SATA 250GB, and 1 SSD 128GB. (There is a simple RAID-1 SATA hardware controller on board). I am
2006 Jan 09
ATA failover between datacenters
Hi Everyone, Does anyone know of any ATAs that can do proxy failover without using SRV. I don't want to rely on dns if at all possible. Basically, I have Asterisk boxes in two different data centers and I need ATAs to be able to uses the server at DC2 if DC1 goes down. The servers are already in a HA setup at each datacenter. I am looking for added protection if one of the datacenters
2008 Feb 29
7.0 - slow/unstable Internet access via Linux router
Hello, recently I've installed 7.0 and now I'm observing strange thing with my Internet connection. Access to some sites may be VERY slow or doesn't work at all with different kinds of timeout messages or without messages at all (but other sites works fine). For example, firefox may say "Transferring data from..." message and then "The connection to the server was reset
2001 Dec 08
almost printing
Ok, I've managed to print to my HPDeskjet 694c attached to a Solaris 8 box running samba 2.2.2 from Win98. Problem is with the left margin, there are these little lines (garbage) running down the 1st column on the left side of the page. Also, when I print a page from Word 97, the whole page doesn't print (about 95% of it) and starts a little too far down the page. Printing was perfect
2012 Jul 17
Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Study at Auburn University
Dear Sir/Madam, We are two graduate students from Auburn University, working with Professor Munawar Hafiz. We are working on an empirical study project to understand the software engineering practices that go in companies that produce secure software; in particular, we are concentrating on how developers write code to prevent buffer overflow and integer overflow vulnerabilities. We are interested