similar to: MRTG drop/reject hits 1.3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "MRTG drop/reject hits 1.3"

2003 Jan 07
MRTG drop/reject hits
I have created shell script for MRTG statistics of droped/rejected packets: rsync:// example: It is not based on /var/log/messages (syslog), but iptables counter. A lot of packets are droped/rejected
2005 Feb 15
Updated PDFs available
Thanks to Juraj Ontkanin, updated versions of the documentation in PDF format are now available at Juraj''s site: rsync:// -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \
2003 Jan 17
PDF - Shorewall 1.3.13
PDF Documentation for Shorewall 1.3.13: rsync:// Juraj
2003 Mar 12
1.3.14a PDFs
Juraj Ontkanin has informed me that he has updated the PDF files for 1.3.14a. The PDFs are available at: Also available (or will be shortly) at your favorite mirror in the contrib/pdf directory. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy Shoreline, \
2008 Feb 28
MRTG question on CentOS
I'm trying to get MRTG up and running on CentOS, but the displayed http page says that I don't have permission to access /mrtg/ on the server. Here are my commands yum install mrtg vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/mrtg.conf /etc/init.d/httpd restart cfgmaker --global 'WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg' --global 'Options[_]: bits,growright' --output /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg public at
2002 Dec 29
MRTG and Shorewall
Hello. Is there any command in the shorewall script that prints how many or the hits the last 5 min? /Rickard Eriksson
2008 Jan 29
Asterisk and MRTG, a little help please...WORKING
On 1/28/08, JR Richardson <jmr.richardson at> wrote: > > You need to take a step back and first test the script without using > > MRTG. Execute it like this: > > # /opt/bin/asterisk-mrtg -h localhost -u XXX -p XXXX -1 SIP -2 Zap > > 10 > > 10 > > 10 > > 10 > > > > You should get 4 lines of numbers. That respresents your SIP
2007 Jul 27
MRTG with 14all.cgi on centos 5
Hi, I have setup MRTG with 14all.cgi cgi script. I downloaded it from below URL. and did only below 3 changes to that file. those can be seen in BOLDletters. # if (from mrtg) is not in the module search path (@INC) # uncomment the following line and change the path appropriatly: #use lib qw(/usr/local/mrtg-2/lib/mrtg2); use lib
2008 Aug 08
MRTG Problem - no traffic recorded
Hi all, I've just recently replaced my old firewall with a new one, running CentOS 5.. Yesterday, I decided to get MRTG up and running again, so I entered sections like this into the mrtg.conf file: Title[vlan10]: Bandwidth usage on (Internet) PageTop[vlan10]: <H1>Traffic stats on VLAN 10 (Internet)</H1> Target[vlan10]: `ifconfig vlan10 | /usr/bin/awk
2011 Sep 04
mrtg 2.16.2 ipv6 on centos 6
Hi, i'm running CentOS 6.0 on my server and installed mrtg from the rpm-package mrtg-2.16.2 . I also installed the depending packages perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-Socket6 .... mrtg works fine with IPV4-Addresses. When i specify a Target by IPV6-Address (or hostname resolving to a V6-address) mrtg fails. Here i have a small sample-config for V4 which is working: LogDir: /tmp ThreshDir: /tmp
2009 Jul 13
CentOS/SNMP update breaks MRTG?
I got itchy fingers over the weekend and decided to fix what wasn't broken and upgraded one of the older servers from Centos 5.2 to Centos 5.3. Following the recommended process of updating glibc and such before the rest, it appeared to work perfectly and rebooted without problem. However, MRTG 2.15.2 started complaining about unexpected values. I installed/updated both MRTG (2.16.2) and
2002 May 13
RE: [Shorewall-users] SMTP outbound problem (fwd)
I think we should add an FAQ entry for tcp_ecn. I remember Tom giving a good description in one of his many responses and there is mention of it in the pptp page, but I could not find the response from Tom about different tcp stacks. Thanks, -- Steve Herber work: 206-261-0307 Systems Engineer, AMCIS, UoW home: 425-454-2399 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat,
2006 Oct 01
mrtg monitoring shaped traffic
Dave, In a post to LARTC on 18 Sep 06 you said "I run MRTG on all outbound traffic". I''m a newbie with respect to mrtg. I have rrdtool and mrtg built on my Linux box but I have no SNMP so "nothing works". Could you please provide basic instructions for implementing mrtg with respect to traffic shaping? What is needed? Net-SNMP? OpenSNMP? If yes, what is SNMP used
2004 Oct 08
hey, i'm trying to setup mrtg to monitor swap and memory. though every mrtg-config i've tried have faild. i've got the same mrtg-configs working in gentoo. so i'm wondering if anyone got mrtg working properly and if they could share their config? greetings.
2008 Jan 27
Asterisk and MRTG, a little help please...
Hi All, After reading the sparse info and attempting to get this running, I'm unsuccessful and could use some guidance. I already have a MRTG server up and running serving hundreds of router interface graphs. I would like to add SIP/IAX channel graphs for all our asterisk servers. I'm running asterisk 1.2 and MRTG 2.4.17. I tried the script from but get
2003 Feb 11
MRTG + Samba
Hi all Just wondering if anyone has pointers for graphing data from Samba using MRTG. I already have MRTG graphing things like signal strength (cisco aironet pci), total kbps in/out each interface, mem and disk i/o usage. I'd like to graph, for example, average number connections over time; or maybe logins per hour .... or failed logins per hour. I know MRTG's requirements for input
2006 Apr 07
Some quick mrtg help
Ok, I'm having a major brain hemorrhage or something. I just can't get mrtg setup on my box. I've done it before and it's not like it's brain surgery but there's a mental block or something that I just can't get around. All I want to do is have a nice, simple graph of the traffic on the box and the gateway in the standard day/week/month/year thing. I've got the
2008 Sep 12
Hi all. I am having an issue and quite frankly would rather not spend the entire next two days learning the entire snmp program. I am hoping someone out there has used MRTG and SNMP to make it work. I have both installed. Single server, polling itself. Question 1- does snmpd have to run as a daemon, or only run once so I can get OID and MIBs from it? Question 2- does anyone know the command
2005 Jul 20
Asterisk and MRTG
I have tried to get MRTG to graph my Asterisk box but have run into a problem. When I run the perl script provided at: I get the following error: [root@tsr asterisk]# ./asterisk-mrtg -h<>-v -1 SIP -2 IAX2 -u 109 -p xxxx Asterisk Call Manager/1.0 Action: Login Username: 109 Secret: xxxx Response:
2009 Oct 03
Monitoring OpenVPN TUNs with MRTG
I want to check some client OpenVPN TUN interfaces with MRTG running at my VPN server, so I have to specify their OID interface numbers in mrtg.cfg. The problem is, these numbers are dynamic, as they may change whenever OpenVPN restarts for any reason... so, how can I write stanzas such as Target[somehostvpninterface] : ifInOctets.X&ifOutOctets.X:public@ <SOMEHOST.IP> without wiring up