similar to: Shorewall support for 2.6 test kernels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Shorewall support for 2.6 test kernels"

2004 Sep 22
Re: Shorewall-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 47
I said: > # MSS CLAMPING > # Your kernel must have CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TCPMSS set. > > I''ve activated the option, but to no result watsoever. > Checked my kernel config, and it states that CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TCPMSS is a > loadable module, that should be loaded on demand. > Simon said: > Did you try adding it to /etc/shorewall/modules ? Actually, no I
2004 Aug 24
Shorewall-Linux and Vonage VOIP rules setting+
Hello - I am not a subscriber to the mailing, please email me with help at My shorewall (v2.0.1) has been working wonderful for the past year. I just added my Vonage and cannot get the Phone Adapter to sync up (2 blinks (looking for IP)) All I have done is run an ethernet cable from the WAN outlet on the phone adapter to a lan port on the router. After googling, I found
2004 Aug 25
Tricky problem of public proxy server
Hello All, I have installed Shorewall 2.0.7 and configured , I am using masq to share internet for users. I have problem of perticular sites . I blocked site IP address. and succeeded but i have problem of Public proxy addresses , some user use anonymous proxy Ip and get thru it and use blocked sites. I blocked Public proxy adresses but it lot of them( I mean more than one public proxy
2010 May 18
open-vm-tools 20100425 rpm
All, I've updated the open-vm-tools packages that have been floating around to the latest release - 4/25/2010 - for those that are interested. There is quite a bit of new additions/changes over the past year such as the addition of a fuse driver for vmblock devices, vmxnet3, pvscsi, etc. SRPMS and .spec's available here:
2004 Nov 08
Shorewall on FC3?
What version of shorewall do you suggest I try on a FC3 system? TIA, /ChJ
2005 Feb 02
Routing all connections through a OpenVPN tunnel
Hi all, I have set up a working OpenVPN2 connection between my Server and my gateway at home. Now I want all traffic to be routed through this VPN connection. Currently everything is going through eth1 to the internet (to the gateway of the University which forwards it to the internet :-). We must use a prox-server and because of this I am not abel to watch the real-Media streams on
2005 Jun 01
Firewall stress test
Hi all, We want to do some stress testing of firewall configurations/hardware. We have discovered hping that seems a great tool for this, but funny enough Shorewall cuts it !!! even when you leave ports open :) So besides hping, any tool for this? Why is shorewall cutting this traffic? Thanks in advance. Regards. -- Jaime Nebrera - Consultor TI - ENEO
2005 Feb 03
Architecture Help: OpenVPN
(Appologies if you receive this twice, GMANE seems to have lost my original posting.) I currently have a setup where 20 remote networks are router through IPsec tunnels and I am using Shorewall''s terrific support for the kernel policy match module. I also have mobile clients using OpenVPN to connect into our head office network in setup bridged setup. All is good. (Thanks Tom for your
2004 Sep 09
Allow Microsoft Activation & Updates
Hi, I had set rules so that my client can only visit few sites instead of the whole net. My question is, how can I allow my client to activate it''s product key and also to run windows update? One more thing is, can I use domain name in the rule config? if yes, can I put just to refer to Please advice
2004 Aug 04
DCC rule set
I have been given a set of "firewall rules" to open my firewall for DCC to support my spam filtering. (I have done many web searches trying to find info relating to DCC with Shorewall, to no avail. The problem is that I am clueless on how these "rules" translate into the shorewall rule format. Could someone please help me translate these? allow udp local gt 1023 to remote
2005 Apr 19
allow ssh access from net to fw?
Hi, I''m trying to enable ssh (when that works, want to add:pop3s,smtp,web) from the internet to the firewall but it does not work. I managed to DNAT ftp to a host in the loc network ( successful but I don''t know why SSH: Does not work for me: ACCEPT net fw tcp 22 Works from the loc network: ACCEPT loc fw tcp 22 I have tried also with (no success): AllowSSH
2004 Sep 08
netfilter modules
hi, there is no support for patch-o-matic netfilter modules. what i have to do if i want to use several patch-o-matic modules? which parts of code has to be changed and will that changed be included into the main shorewall tree in future or not? best regards claus
2004 Sep 20
Change in Shorewall Support
Folks, I can''t keep this up. The demands that my job and my personal life are currently placing on me are such that supporing Shorewall to the extent that I have been doing is just not possible any more. I will continue to be active on the development list and will continue to develop Shorewall if at all possible. I will also continue to read the user''s list and will help
2004 May 28
One NIC, filtering access
Hello all, What I am doing seems fairly straight forward to me, I just am not sure how to put it into Shorewall''s config files. Here is what I have: I have a single router that takes 5 public IP addresses and routes them to internal IP addresses. In the past, I had control over that router and could port filter at the router, forwarding only the traffic I wanted. However, now, I
2004 May 14
YASP (Yet another Samba Problem) and Shorewall
I''m running a Fedora Core 1 Samba server and Shorewall 2.0.1 Connections to Samba shares from both loc hosts and the fw host are usually impossible, unless I boot the Server and connect a loc machine to a Samba share before starting Shorewall. This requires manually toggling the startup_disabled filename and starting Shorewall manually after each boot. I used the two-interface
2004 Dec 01
PPTP connections through Shorewall - WinXP Workstation to Win2003 Server
The problem scenario I describe was reported previously in the Shorewall lists but its resolution does not seem to have made it into the lists. Scenario: Windows XP client seeking to establish a VPN connection to a Windows 2003 Server located behind a Shorewall firewall (running on Mandrake kernel 2.4.22-37mdk). The connection cannot be made, the client reports error code 721. Discussion:
2004 Jun 22
Linux choices ?
First of all, My apologies for this maybe slight OT post, but I have so much confidence and read so much good replies on this list, that I am still asking my question. I''m looking for a linux distribution to use on our school''s homemade routers. The routers are small miniITX based systems with 2 network interfaces. I added a 4 port D-Link network card in some cases, when I
2004 Oct 05
Something Changed?
Problem: "Firewall" machine cannot get DNS but is allowing DNS through internally. Something changed with the configuration but we''re not sure what. Here is the pertinent info: Shorewall Status Entries Oct 5 09:24:50 all2all:REJECT:IN= OUT=eth2 SRC= DST= LEN=55 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=50982 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=32973 DPT=53 LEN=35 Oct 5
2015 May 07
Apache 2.2 itk - 404 not found
Hi all, Freshly installed apache 2.2 with httpd-itk (from epel). When I try to access apache's document root from a browser on local network, it always serve me the Apache welcome page, even if I have a index.html and a phpinfo.php file in the /var/www/html folder. If point the browser specifically to http://server/index.html, I get a '404 Not found error'. I'm running CentOS
2015 May 07
Apache 2.2 itk - 404 not found
I forgot to mention it. All the files under /var/html are owned by apache:apache On 15-05-07 04:07 PM, Eric Lehmann wrote: > Have you checked the file rights under your document root ? > Your apache group need reading right. > Am 07.05.2015 21:42 schrieb "John" <tuxfed at>: > >> Hi all, Freshly installed apache 2.2 with httpd-itk (from epel). When I