similar to: idea

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "idea"

2019 Jan 09
BUG: cannot move messages to root mailfolder in namespace "There can be only one namespace with inbox=yes"
Hi, this setting might work. The default namespace "inbox" is managing INBOX and defines Special-Use folders on the same hierarchic level as INBOX. There is an extra namespace "4archives" which defines Archive as a mailbox on the same level as INBOX but stored on a different location. Set mailbox attribute auto to your liking. namespace inbox { type = private disabled = no hid
2010 Sep 21
expire_tool trouble + howto part sasl from 1.1.7 -> 2.0.1?
Hello! Let me smuggle 2 questions in 1 email: 1) I upgraded from 1.1.7 to 2.0.1, but couldn't get it to work, because the 'dovecot + postfix sasl howto' doesn't seem to be updated and the old sasl settings are incompatible with new version. How do I set up sasl with dovecot2 ? Is there any updated howto available? 2) In dovecot 1.1.7: my expire_plugin seems to work fine, new
2007 May 03
Video Strangeness in Wine
I have 2 programs installed in wine - watchtower library and firefox, and have done nothing except update my fedora 5 (yum update) Now firefox gives a black screen - entirely black. The wt library did as well, but restarting X fixed that. Not so firefox. I can have another program open on another screen, so wine is not crashing. I moved another small gnome window onto the same screen, and video
2019 Jan 02
BUG: cannot move messages to root mailfolder in namespace "There can be only one namespace with inbox=yes"
> >> >> I get this error message from apple mail when I right click and choose >> archive >> "The IMAP command "UID COPY" (to Archive) failed for the mailbox "INBOX" >> with server error: Mailbox isn't selectable" >> > >Did you notice that you have a mailbox called 'Archive' and namespace called
1999 Jun 16
Wastebasket/Recycle bin?
Am I missing something here? Unless I am wrong, the "Recycle Bin" works only on LOCAL drives. I have not seen any options for network drives on any of my 95, 98 or NT clients, or NT servers. Somebody correct me if I am wrong, and tell me how to enable it. Like Jonathan Kelly, I mirror network drives at night to a backup server which writes them to tape during the day. The backup
2005 Apr 26
Jabberd and Centos 3.4
I am trying to setup a local Jabberd server for our members of our IT department to use. I downloaded the source for 2.0s8 from the jabbered site. When i run ./configure I receive the following error: "configure: error: Libidn >= 0.3.0 not found" I went out to dag and downloaded and installed the libidn-0.4.6-1.1.el3.dag rpm. When i ran ./configure again it failed again. After a
2003 Oct 31
Samba and private shares
I'm running samba 2.5 on a FreeBSD box using winbind to do authentication with my PDC/BDC. I'm able to configure shares that everyone on the NT network can access but when I configure private shares (only 1 or 2 users have access to) the users get prompted for a username and password and are not allowed access. What am I doing wrong? Below I have included a copy of my smb.conf and pam.conf
2003 Oct 13
Private shares problem
Hi, I have something weird going on and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have Samba 2.2.8a running on FreeBSD 5.1 with NTLM authentication. I have been able to get a public share to work and it authenticates fine. When I try to create a private share with only 1 or 2 users having access it asks for a user name and password and when I supply the username and password it won't
2005 May 31
CentOS 4 in Virtual PC for Mac 7.0.1
Hey all. Has anyone been able to successfully install CentOS 4 in Virtual PC on the Mac? I have tried numerous times in both gui and text install mode w/ and w/o package customization and minimum and everything install. The install dies just when packages are beginning to be installed or very shortly thereafter. I don't get a full screen of errors to share as they pass by the screen too
2012 Aug 02
Using pry-rails with a Rails engine.
I created a new Rails 3.2.6 engine via a command like this: $ rails plugin new $engine_name --skip-bundle -d $database_type -T --dummy-path=spec/dummy --full --mountable Then, I set it up with RSpec 2.11.0, and included the "pry-rails" gem as a dependency: $ grep pry-rails $engine_name.gemspec s.add_development_dependency ''pry-rails'', ''~>
2006 Jan 26
Re: OT: Legacy systems / fax
Around 1978, when I was consulting to a multinational company in the business of agriculture, I witnessed this configuration in their communications center in NYC: A paper tape punch attached to a teletype machine was busily punching out a tape that was being spewed into a wastebasket. Somehow, running behind it by several feet of tape, was a paper tape reader on another teletype drawing
2019 Jan 09
BUG: cannot move messages to root mailfolder in namespace "There can be only one namespace with inbox=yes"
Hi Martin, Thanks for the reply. I got the error below, but when I changed the prefix in 4archives to Archive/ I am getting indeed something that is looking ok, I still have to test with a few clients. Why did you call the namespace 4archives? Because it would load before inbox? Or does this not matter at all. Error: namespace configuration error: Duplicate namespace prefix: ""
2013 Jul 13
Dovecot 2.2.4 metadata-plugin not support UTF7
In Dovecot 2.2.4 metadata-plugin crach on setmetadata but worked on ascii folders? but not worked on utf7 (non ascii) folders. [13-Jul-2013 19:15:36 +0400]: [F537] S: A0002 OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE SORT SORT=DISPLAY THREAD=REFERENCES THREAD=REFS THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT MULTIAPPEND URL-PARTIAL CATENATE UNSELECT CHILDREN NAMESPACE UIDPLUS
2005 May 25
Betr.: Centos and SAMBA
Hi, I've setup a SAMBA PDC on Centos 4 last weekend and migrated my NT4 PDC (Users, Groups, etc) to the new Centos Server in a matter of a couple of hours. I've used the scripts and howto from: Thom van der Boon E-Mail: Thom.van.der.Boon at ===== Thom.H. van der Boon b.v. Havens 563 Jan Evertsenweg 2-4 NL-3115 JA
2005 Jun 10
Betr.: IP Problems - Address won't stick on reboots!
The file to edit is /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 It should look something like this. You should edit it with your settings DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx NETMASK= ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet Thom van der Boon E-Mail: Thom.van.der.Boon at ===== Thom.H. van der Boon b.v.
2008 Aug 04
Help needed: strange issue with share mapping at logon
Hello all, I've run into an issue while migrating a client's Samba PDC from Debian 3.x to OpenSuSE 10.3, have been beating my head against it for over a week, and am now turning to the mailing list for help. We're running Samba 3.0.26a-3-1478-SUSE-SL10.3 authenticating against OpenLDAP 2.3.37. Integration of Samba and OpenLDAP works, and importing the 2000+ existing user accounts
2005 Jun 23
Betr.: Multiple IP Addresses in a single NIC
Hi, You need to issue two commands: /sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 /sbin/route add -host dev eth0 For example: /sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 /sbin/route add -host dev eth0 You can even assign multiple aliases to one NIC (One of my servers has about 10 ip addresses): For example: /sbin/ifconfig eth0:0 /sbin/route add -host
2005 May 23
Betr.: VPN
IF you are not stuck to IPSec, you might want to take a look at OpenVPN ( I found OpenVPN easier to install than FreeSWAN (an IPSEC VPN) and have setup an OpenVPN solution between my German office and our mainoffice in a matter of hours. Thom van der Boon E-Mail: Thom.van.der.Boon at ===== Thom.H. van der Boon b.v. Havens 563 Jan Evertsenweg 2-4 NL-3115 JA Schiedam