similar to: Strange problem with ActiveRecord#find in worker

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Strange problem with ActiveRecord#find in worker"

2016 Aug 11
after classicupgrade
Your lucky man, I always to it, because i notices it somethimes didnt tot it automaticly, and running it does not hurt. That somethimes happens when you install/remove/install again. Gr. Louis > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at] Namens Rowland Penny via > samba > Verzonden: donderdag 11 augustus 2016 11:41 > Aan: samba
2004 Nov 25
Callus, Mame and other emulators
Hi! I'd like to play with snes, arcade and other retro games, but unfortunatelly there isn't any linux emus for this. So I run the emutaltor callus with wine, with medius succes: Callus works fine, everything is ok, but it uses 100% CPU, and becouse of that, the soung goes wrongs somethimes. I don't know why it is takes so mutch work to wine... Callus emulate only 66 Mhz... The
2004 Jun 22
Tcp listen limit.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi folks. Please, someone confirm if i'm right. if i'm wrong, please forgive-me. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've developed a little tool to stress test tcp connections.( Sending syn and answer ack-syn ). that simuates a real tcp connection. (
2010 Oct 02
Unicorn doesn't reload the app after the HUP signal
Hi folks, I''ve experimented a problem while deploying my app, I''ve sent the HUP signal to the master process, I''ve checked everything is ok: new master and workers are spawned and the old ones are killed(I''ve checked the PIDs), but the new code deployed isn''t reflected in the living site, so I''ve to stop and start again unicorn in order to see
2016 May 10
CentOS 6 as DNS-Server
On 10.05.2016 21:36, ????????? ???????? wrote: >>> I'm also using ddns and have my zone files in >>> /var/named/chroot/var/named/dynamic. >> are you using DDNS in DualStack (IPv4 and IPv6 together) or do you >> have only DHCP or DHCPv6 and not both? > > IPv4 only. > if a host has IPv4 only or IPv6 only this works fine, but when a host has both -
2017 Mar 21
Public share ask for a password
Well, im never trying to change your optionion Rowland, i wont dare.. > Just what has an init system got to do with mounting a filesystem ?? Compaired to fstab, i get a better result with my nfs mounts. Before, somethimes, with the fstab setup, when logging in on ssh on an automounted userhome dir, with NVSv4 kerberized. Did fail for now and then. Now with the systemd, i didnt have any
2003 Jan 09
encoding to fixed window length vorbis file
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi! I want to encode wav file into fixed window length vorbis file. I don't know if "window" is good name for that, but i mean MDCT buffer size. This buffer is passed to mdct_backward() as "in" and it's size is determined by "init->n" variable which is also passed to this function. So, when I say "window
2008 Jan 13
{worker} after :end-time worker freaks out
Hi all, i was using bdrb a while ago and it wasn''t stable enough in version 0.2.1 for doing the job - it loss jobs or did execute only the first one invoked and so on. Now i gave the new version a try and i found a bug at playing around. When i start a worker_method over the normal Unix scheduler bdrb will start as much as possible the worker_method after the :end-time is reached.
2011 Apr 28
authentication ok but connection disconnects
To whom it corresponds, I have been trying to connect my RHEL4 machine through public key authentication against a windows server 2003 machine running OpenSSH for Windows v3.8.1p1-1. I set up everything: keys, user, etc. Doing sftp -vv user@<wsip> I see that authentication went ok but somehow, connection hangs up. I removed anti-virus and other security software on the ws2003 machine
2002 May 13
Interactive R, with wrapper
Hello team of R, We have a question about the interactivity of R in Windows, We are implementing a wrapper in C# for displaying graphics generated by R functions. The application in C# communicates with R by standard input and standard output. (when it is written "interactive()", the response is "FALSE") The problem we have is when writing in the standard input
2006 Nov 24
Rails 1.2 RC1 problem
Hi Have this helper method inside a sites_helper.rb module def distritos [ ['0', 'Todos'], ['1', 'Aveiro'], ['2', 'Beja'], ['3', 'Braga'], ['4', 'Brangança'], ['5', 'Castelo Branco'], ['6', 'Coimbra'], ['7',
2014 Jan 04
sudo issues after upgrading to samba/winbind 4.0.13 on Debian Wheezy
Hi I have upgraded from samba 3.6.19 to samba 4.0.13 on Debian Wheezy 64-bit with Samba 4.0.13 from wheezy-backports. I use winbind to authenticate against a two-server AD domain on Server 2012 functional level and forced LDAPS. After upgrading from 3.6.19 to 4.0.13 everything still works for me as usual. That is samba shares authentication, all things relying on the keytab, SSO logins with SSH
2006 Sep 18
problem in font
Hi, after a debian upgrade my dev.copy2eps dont work anymore. I have this message: Error in matchFont(postscriptFonts(family)[[1]], old$encoding) : unknown font I try to change the font family in my .Rprofile: setHook(packageEvent("graphics", "onLoad"), function(...) { grDevices::ps.options(family="ComputerModern") } ) But it no fix
2010 Jul 07
help with Date class
I am trying to work with the Date class which is written in S3 and I would like to access to the elements of the class (for example the year). I've tryed to do it for example like this: as.Date(Sys.time)->w w$year #Doesn't work w["year"] #is NA I would like to know the correct way to acces to this value. Thank you so much -- Elisenda Vila [[alternative HTML version
2010 Oct 22
covariance matrix
Dear all, I generated a covariance matrix and I would like to generate a 1D plot of the data that auto-correlate. any suggestions? Thanks, Marcelo -- Marcelo Andrade de Lima UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo Departamento de Bioquímica Disciplina de Biologia Molecular Rua Três de Maio 100, 4 andar - Vila Clementino, 04044-020 Lab +55 11 55764438 R.1188 Cell +55 11 92725274
2015 Feb 19
Bug#776094: dovecot-imapd: corrupts mailbox after trying to retrieve it (fwd)
On Sun, 15 Feb 2015, Timo Sirainen wrote: > On 14 Feb 2015, at 16:23, Santiago Vila <sanvila at> wrote: > > > I wrote about this three weeks ago but got no answer. I'm going to > > officially "forward" the Debian bug this time, with all the details. > > > > The test case is just 840 bytes long. Please give it a try. [ Small correction:
2007 Apr 26
looking for a worker that''s gone
In my app, I store the job key when a worker is fired off and then check back in periodically to see how its doing. The workers delete themselves when they''re done. I would expect when I try to get a worker that has been deleted, I would get nil or a proper exception, but instead I get: >> MiddleMan.worker(''foobar'') NoMethodError: undefined method
2011 Feb 11
Using merge
Hi, I have two tables and I need to merge both. I use the merge command, but in this way the name must be exactly. How I can make to compare independently of upper or lower-case? Look: data1<-data.frame(journal=c("Ecology","Environmental Entomology","Neotropical Biology And Conservation"))
2006 Nov 08
0.2.0 worker/slave creation
We ran into some problems accessing a freshly created worker, and had to insert a sleep of 1 second to get it to work. It looks like Ezra and skaar already know this: from middleman.rb: # HACK: there is a race in the worker/slave creation, we # currently need to sleep between create. sleep 0.1 You might want to increase it to 1 second for those of us on slowly mac books.
2008 Apr 10
Communicating Worker-to-Worker
Hi everyone, I have two workers, a connection_worker and an interface_worker, that I want to be able to call methods on each other. Initially I thought I could do this: connection_worker def alive? return true end end interface_worker def test_connection if MiddleMan.worker(:connection_worker).alive?(true) return true end end end Obviously this is a somewhat contrived