similar to: facebooker, respond_to and firefox 3 beta5/pre

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "facebooker, respond_to and firefox 3 beta5/pre"

2008 Mar 18
respond_to formats, fbml and fbjs
In my controllers I have a respond_to block for both fbml and fbjs. I created the fbjs mime type in environment.rb: Mime::Type.register "application/javascript", :fbjs However, even if I specify fbjs in a parameter name format during AJAX post requests, it is being overwritten by Rails or Facebooker as FBML. I confirmed this by placing logger.debug params[:format] immediately before
2009 Apr 03
RJS not rendering correctly when mime-type is 'iphone'
I have an iPhone version of my site, and for some reason none of the rjs works when viewing the iPhone version. This happens instead: ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template controller_name/ update.erb in view path app/views) The rjs works fine when viewing the site normally, and it worked when viewing the iPhone version prior to upgrading Rails to 2.3.2. Additional info: I have
2008 Oct 17
Error when posting facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser
posting ''facebook.feed.publishActionOfUser'' with {:title=>"<fb:fbml> <fb:name ifcantsee=\"A Hidden User\" linked=\"true\" uid=\"579947937\" /> wrote a <a href=\"\">caption</a></fb:fbml>",
2008 Jan 24
getting started with facebooker
Hi, I started with rfacebook but given the recent events figure its best to move over to facebooker. I have: 1.) Installed the facebooker plugin 2.) setup my facebook app (fbml/canvas) 3.) created a method on controller & view to handle initial request 4.) added "ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user" to top off application.rb I am able to get to my landing page
2008 Jan 11
couple of newbie questions about redirects
I''m working on an app, and am new to both ruby and facebooker. Here is my current area of confusion: What should happen on a user''s initial visit to my app? When I hit<my app> for the first time with no cookies or sessions or anything, I''m asked if I want to log into the app, etc., and am then redirected to my callback url outside of facebook.
2008 Jan 24
Is there a test for setting the session ID to the fb_sig_session_key param?
Hey all, I have a patch that fixes a problem I am having with IFramed pages in rails 2.0. I am relying on the session being retrieved via fb_sig_session_key. I am looking for the test code that tests this functionality but I can''t seem to find it. So you on the list today Chad, gotta pointer for me? Thanks, I want to get a test in for this fix, Dave
2008 Jan 21
Facebooker website
I just wanted to contribute a quick-start page with details about how to get the Facebook session (for internal apps), how to get user info, set profile FBML, post to the news feed, etc. I could even send this as text, or I can add a page using the Radiant CMS if it''s not too cumbersome. I am also working with Dave Clements to augment the configuration options to make it easier for
2008 Jan 31
Using facebooker AND Haml/Sass
For anyone using both and encountering trouble with stylesheets (specifically, the paths being incorrect in production mode)... Removing facebooker solves the issue. But I bet you don''t want to do that, eh? So, simply setting ActionController::Base.asset_host = '''' also works like butter. I''m not 100% clear on why asset_host has anything to do with
2008 Jan 25
More on routing, relative_root and facebooker
Hey there! I would like the discussion to continue on how facebooker handles routes, as it appears that there is an unsolved issue. Mike, I read your recent reply involving setting facebook''s callback_path to the root of the rails app, and adding a route to catch all calls to the app root where canvas => true. I just want to point out this is counterintuitive to some folks and
2008 Jan 11
Bebo at 100% Bebo Opens Up 100% in Bid For More Third Party Apps Written by Richard MacManus / January 10, 2008 6:50 PM / 2 Comments Following the December announcement that social network Bebo was aligning itself to the Facebook platform, the company announced today that the Bebo Open Application Platform is "100% open" ?
2007 Dec 13
session.send_notification for emails
Hey All, I am wondering if anyone has done any work around sending emails through the API. It looks like facebooker is using part of a deprecated API, Notifications.send used to take an email part. They now have a Notifications.sendEmail call which will take recipients, subject, text part and fbml part. Looking at the code it seems like I need to add a method to the session
2008 Jul 28
Profile updates using profile_main
Hi all! I just updated to the most recent version of Facebooker from Github and have been playing around with getting our FB app working with the new Facebook design at (using the "api: new" option in the facebooker.yml file). As far as I can tell, everything seems to be working as expected so far except I can''t seem to get our apps profile box to
2008 Jan 31
presenting validation errors via fbml?
Hi Facebookers, Is there a helper or suggested approach for presenting validation errors on an fbml form? Something to translate rails error markup to fbml:error markup? thanks Joel
2008 Jan 25
ajax with facebooker?
So if I am using fbml,canvas & facebooker, can I do ajax calls? if so how? From reading it seems they support some sort of mock ajax, but I don''t really understand, can somone explain to me? If I cant do ajax, can I still do javascript? Can I use 3rd party libs like prototype & scriptaculous? thanks Joel
2008 Apr 08
Session Expired for Profile Publishing
Ok. I''m not having any success with publishing profile FBML. Example code: class WelcomeController < ApplicationController layout "facebook" ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user def index @user = facebook_session.user ... @user.profile_fbml = render_to_string( :template => ''welcome/profile'' ) end end Results in
2007 Nov 09
Helpers and URL Rewriting
Hey folks, I''m part way through a project using, I think rev 73 of Facebooker, and was getting along pretty well. I''ve since tried the latest rev (86) and have run into a few problems. First one was with the helpers in that for some reason now none of them are available so I''ve had to use helper :application, etc in my controller. Second one, which
2008 Jan 10
A best practices question
Hey everyone. I''ve got a best practices question. How are you guys rendering newsfeeds? We have a couple of apps where we send newsfeed items from a backend process. As such, we aren''t in the context of a controller and can''t use the rails template rendering. We''ve tried about 3 different ways to make that bearable, but aren''t having much
2008 Mar 31
Problems with *_path() and *_url() helpers when using Publisher
Hello, I am running into issues using *_path() and *_url() helpers the Facebooker Publisher framework. I encounter the following error when using these helpers while *inside of a partial*: undefined method `default_url_options'' for ActionView::Base:Class I''ve seen a few other people speak about this issue, yet I haven''t seen any resolution on the mailing list yet.
2008 Apr 03
routes.rb definitions not working???
Hello Eveyone, I am new here, and am have no idea how to setup routes in the routes.rb file while using fbml. The regular map.resources :gifts map.resources :wishlists map.resources :invitations map.resources :comments does not work. This tutorial says to create a map.root, such as the one mentioned "map.root
2008 Apr 09
form_tag and form_for cause #protect_from_forgery errors
Hey All, I''m trying to do a simple form_for (and I also get it with form_tag) and I''m getting the following error: ActionView::TemplateError (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).) on line #2 of users/new.fbml.erb: 1: <h1>Welcome To Courses, Let''s Get