similar to: Is programming Wxwidgets in Obj C possible?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Is programming Wxwidgets in Obj C possible?"

2010 Apr 03
wxwidgets RPM for Centos?
Anyone know of a wxwidgets RPM for Centos 5? Thanks! -- ---- Fred Smith -- fredex at ----------------------------- But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ------------------------------- Romans 5:8 (niv) ------------------------------
2006 Mar 17
New wxWidgets book released
The upstream wxWidgets folks just released a 700-page book about wxWidgets. Obviously it''s aimed at the C++ libraries, but most of it should be helpful for wxRuby users as well. It appears to be available as a free download, or as a bound book for purchase. It would be great to hear from anyone who has a copy to know how good it is. It would also be great if people actually buy a copy to
2004 Dec 17
WxRuby-SWIG and WxWidgets 2.5.x
A while back there was a discussion about what version of WxWidgets to target with WxRuby-SWIG. I don''t remember seeing any resolution, but I gather that thus far WxRuby-SWIG has continued to target 2.4.2, with the thinking that WxRuby-SWIG would quickly mature to the point that it could replace WxRuby, and once that was done the focus would shift to working with 2.5.x.
2006 Apr 15
Further problems with rubyt2 on MacOS X (intel)
List, I''m trying to build wxRuby on MacOS X 10.4.6 (intel). I''ve come across some of the problems mentioned on the list, i.e. the RubyConstant issue and the "id" keyword conflict issue. however somethings''s happening that as far as I can see has not been mentioned on the list. here''s the first few lines of the build fail report:
2005 Apr 27
does anyone have success with wxruby with wxwidgets 2.6?
Hello, All. I`m trying to compile wxruby with wxwidgets 2.6 under windows with latest mingw, but have lot of troubles. wxwidgets and ruby 1.8.2 compiles just fine, examples work pretty well. To make wxruby compile (non-swig, from cvs) i was made some minor changes like explicit cast ("IN2NUM(...)" to "INT2NUM((long) ...)"), removed some constant definitions from const.cpp
2007 Apr 12
I''m looking for a wxwidgets interface builder which can output ruby code
Hi ! well i''m looking for a wxwidgets programming gui ( such as gtk/glade qt-designer ), which can output ruby code, i found wxglade, and wxdesigner, but both can''t output ruby files ... do you one ? ( which runs on linux ) thanks _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2005 Nov 14
Error when building on OSX 10.4/wxWidgets 2.7
I''ve installed ruby 1.8.3, wxWidgets 2.6-cvs, and swig 1.3.27. When running rake here''s the error I get: src/App.cpp:1419: error: ''CreateLogTarget'' is not a member of ''wxRubyApp''src/App.cpp: In function ''VALUE _wrap_App_CreateLogTarget(int, VALUE*, VALUE)'':src/App.cpp:1612: error: ''class wxRubyApp'' has no
2004 Jun 04
RE: problems installing wxruby
Jeremy Stell-Smith wrote: > > actually... > > the mac distro only includes the mac readme, and doesn''t say > anything about > wxwindows/widgets at all, except for where to get it > > the source distro in the main readme says that it works with wxWidgets OR > wxWindows 2.4.x Probably a wording error that snuck in when trying to accomodate the name change to
2006 Mar 09
compile error on mac os x
hello :) i use Mac OS X 10.4.5 , and ruby 1.8.4 , wxWidgets 2.4.2 ( from cvs ). i tried to compile wxRuby, but there are always errors around "id" , dialog.cpp: In static member function ''static VALUEWxDialog::init(int,VALUE*, VALUE)'':dialog.cpp:60: error: expected unqualified-id before''='' tokenmake: *** [dialog.o] Error 1 like above. in that case, in
2004 Aug 26
wxRuby 0.5.0 has been released!
wxRuby 0.5.0 has been released and is now available for download from RubyForge at This release includes binary builds for Max OS X and MS Windows. Please report any bugs or feature requests here: Changes in this release include: * Added XRC (Xml Resource File) support. * Added totally awesome HTML widget from Tobi
2004 Aug 20
wxruby-swig: where does wxclasses-2.4.2.xml comes from?
Was trying to understand more about the internals of wxruby-swig, where does the big chunk of XML comes from? I saw something similiar in Python, is that massaged out of there? The codes produced by extractxml.rb and wxclasses-2.4.2.xml is quite different from the original header files. Just for example the WxDialog class. OnXXX are non-virtual in WxWidgets, but virtual in wxruby-swig
2004 Apr 22
Proposed license change(s)
The current wxRuby license is too complicated. It is licensed under the wxWidgets/wxWindows license, which sounds straightforward. But if you look at the LICENSE file, you''ll see that the license itself is copyrighted by the wxWidgets folks, but we are applying it to wxRuby. Beyond that, the wxWidgets license itself is confusing. It starts out as LGPL (and refers you to COPYING.LIB),
2007 Oct 20
Learning sources
When i decide to create a GUI for my desktop "Ruby" application, i have been stucked about wxruby. Then i have looked at wxwindows and wxwidgets sources but the syntax was not so familiar to me. Because the examples were written in C++ generally. For understanding main concept this experience was good for me. Later, for more familiar syntax i have looked at wxphyton sources and i read
2004 Dec 12
Re: Problem building wxRuby: htmlproc.h not found
I''ve heard of this before. Try running this line and send me the output ruby -e "p RUBY_PLATFORM" Nick Andreas Schwarz wrote: > I''m trying to build wxRuby 6.0 on Linux (Ubuntu). When I run make I get > an error because htmlproc.h is not found (it does not exist in the Linux > version of wxWidgets). I see that the html* object files are removed > from
2010 May 18
gem for snow leopard?
Does anybody plan to post binary rem for SL? Id''love to rely on its availability in the installation script... As wx included in installation package makes it huge... Sergey Chernov
2004 Aug 05
libraries needed to distribute app
Hi I''m making an installer for my WxRuby app, using exerb. I''ve included in the package, and it seems to work fine on my computer, but are there any other dlls or whatever I''m likely to need, for example for WxWidgets itself? Cheers alex
2011 Jan 04
Wxwidgets 2.9.1
- is released for a few monthes already. Dies anybody tried it with 64-bits mode (thus, cocoa) on mac with any wxruby? Need a portable modern gui framework bad :) and one that works in mac@64. Btw what happened to Yours, Sergey
2004 Oct 19
Loading wxListCtrl subclass from XRC file
I''m trying to use the wxLC_VIRTUAL style of the wxListCtrl, which seems to require that I subclass the control (as opposed to being able to provide a data model a la Swing or Cocoa), and I''m running into trouble when loading the control from an XRC file. Apparently I need to specify the name of my subclass in the XRC as follows: <object class="wxListCtrl"
2007 Aug 02
wxSocket..... or wxRubySocket....
Hey Alex, I was looking into figuring out a way to create a truely Asynchronis Socket type for Ruby, and thought I''d go down to the bare minimal implementation of it, to start creating a socket, and then I got to thinking. Looking at the wxWidgets C/C++ Code, it doesn''t do much different then what I''m doing, only in Ruby, so I thought maybe, as a way to avoid
2009 Jul 12
wxWebConnect - Web Browser Control Library for wxWidgets
wxWebConnect Project - Web Browser Control Library for wxWidgets Found it from wxWidgets home page, downloaded the sample app, and impressed. Zhimin -- Posted via