similar to: Accentuation in the user's CN

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches similar to: "Accentuation in the user's CN"

2018 Mar 12
Accentuation in the user's CN
Am Montag, 12. März 2018, 17:01:24 CET schrieb Elias Pereira via samba: > Hi folks, > > I manage the AD with rsat and recently we had problems with the CN of > some users that have accentuation. When checking the user > configuration via samba-tool user edit <username> in the location > where the CN should be readable, a hexadecimal or something of that > type appears.
2011 Feb 23
rails & sqlserver collation problems
Boa tarde pessoal. Estou utilizando o intant rails com ruby v.1.8.6 e rails 2.0.2 com um servidor sqlserver2000, minha base de dados usa o collation SQL_latin1_general_CP1_CI_AS, quando tragos strings com acentuação e cedilha não consigo visualizar os carateres corretos, sei que para exibir corretamente o texto no ruby tenho que usar UTF-8. Como posso fazer pra mudar o collation da minha base ou
2006 Jan 19
Latin characters (accentuation) appear with problem within Notes - Solution
Hi all, I am writing just to keep a record for the solution for the problem we had with Notes Client. The problem is that latin characters (accentuation) appears strange at the emails using Notes Client. In order to the characters appears correctly you will have to *eliminate* the trebuchet font (either from msttcorefonts package or trebuc32.exe, installed via wine -
2007 Aug 11
Salut alex, j''utilise ce bout de code pour faire apparaître mon texte dans ma fenêtre: @dou =, -1, "",, 70),, 210), TE_RICH | TE_MULTILINE) @dou << "je vais à l''école" le problème c''est que l''encodage ne marche pas.Je ne peut pas mettre l''accentuation.J''ai essayer pas mal de
2007 Jul 04
Inconsistent results when using wild card queries
We get some unexpected results when using wild card queries. We''re using aaf and Ferret 0.11.4 For exampel, when seraching on a part of a collegues name (kristofer) and limiting it to a specific source_id: Query: source_id:25 AND kri* Result: 2 documents. None of them containg the word kristofer, but other matching words, as "kring" and "kring?" (swedish) Query:
2024 Feb 15
VPAT OR Accessibility Conformance Report Request
To Whom It May Concern, My name is Zach Benner and I am the Accessibility (A.D.A.-Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator here at University of Maine at Machias. I am reaching out on the behalf of our science professors here at UMM. The professor is looking to utilize your software to implement within his courses however, due to possible accessibility concerns our IT department will not
2024 Feb 15
VPAT OR Accessibility Conformance Report Request
To Whom It May Concern, My name is Zach Benner and I am the Accessibility (A.D.A.-Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator here at University of Maine at Machias. I am reaching out on the behalf of our science professors here at UMM. The professor is looking to utilize your software to implement within his courses however, due to possible accessibility concerns our IT department will not
2003 Sep 25
Problem with smbclient and tar archive
Hi, when I connect on Windows machine with smbclient, my terminal display the file's names correctly, but when I make a tar archive with this files, the names of this files with accentuation change to a characters ????? command used: smbclient //machine/share password -U windows_user -Tc file_name Any idea? Thanks.
2007 Jul 20
Salut alex. J''ai une question a propos de wx::statictext(wxruby2) est-il possible de mettre les accents pour la langue française?, car pour l''instant je ne peut pas mettre l''accentuation alors que ça marche bien avec "wxruby". merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2008 Mar 06
static vnc port
Hi, I''m trying so give all my guests a static vnc display my Configfile looks like this. 1 ostype = "opensuse" 2 name = "suse-10.3-testcups" 3 builder = "linux" 4 memory = 512 5 vcpus = 1 6 uuid = "c6d9aa20-06c4-46f5-81e8-7906f7cfb642" 7 on_crash = "destroy" 8 on_poweroff =