similar to: Automatic hosts files update protocol extension for Tinc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Automatic hosts files update protocol extension for Tinc"

2015 Oct 16
Automatic hosts files update protocol extension for Tinc
That sounds pretty amazing. Excellent work and thanks for contributing, I hope this gets implemented. On 16 Oct 2015 11:02, "????" <lynx at> wrote: > Hello dear Tincers! > > I recently developed an extension to tinc 1.0.x protocol which > introduces automatic and decentralized hosts update subsystem. > > The idea is to provide stable protocol
2016 Mar 13
Fwd: How to avoid friends of friends joining the vpn ?
Thanks I will look into StrictSubnets, while digging through the mailling list I came across this: which is pretty close to what I need That looks to be a fork on its own, with no PR raises for addding that functionality to the main tinc, unless I missed it out. Are there any plans to bring that functionality in ? -azul
2016 Mar 13
Fwd: How to avoid friends of friends joining the vpn ?
Tinc 1.0 3 control masters Many service hosts Laptop (road warrior) The control masters have the public keys for the service hosts and the laptop so that they can join the network. How can I prevent the laptop user to connect additional boxes to the network? In my view he can simply add new 'foreign' hosts and specify connectTo to point to the laptop. As keys are exchanged automatically
2014 Dec 15
Windows TAP Problems?
Hello tincers, I was recently trying to add a new Windows client to my tinc network and ran into an interesting error; upon starting tinc I am met with the usual successful startup (debug level 0; detects TAP device; Ready), however it appears that any writes/reads from the TAP device fail with: "Error while writing to Windows tap device <device ID truncated>: (997) Overlapped I/O
2016 Jul 25
How does tinc server handle the case one client's key file is removed after connection
Hi Guys, Say when tinc is running all good, the "server" contains all the key files of clients. If we remove the key file for client A during run, how long before does server find out the key file is gone? I see a "KeyExpire" option in the conf file, is this the time? In my own experiment, the client will still be able to connect to the tinc network even if the key file is
2015 Jan 12
Windows TAP Problems?
Etienne Dechamps <etienne at ...> writes: > > You should mention your tinc version and the version of the > "TAP-Windows Adapter V9" driver for the virtual network device you're > using (i.e. the contents of "Driver version" as seen in the Device > Manager). > > On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Adam Del Vecchio <adam at ...> wrote: >
2015 Oct 17
Automated Windows installer
On Sat, 17 Oct 2015 14:54:17 +0200 Guus Sliepen <guus at> wrote: > On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 02:54:01PM +0700, ???? wrote: > > > The problem starts with Windows itself. We have tap-win{32,64} > > directories. Inside them, there is a few batch files and > > tapinstall.exe binary. It actually performs installation process of > > TAP driver and new
2013 Apr 23
Tinc power consuption
hello tincers, when I on battery on my notebook, running powertop, I get nic:<tinc-net-name> as the most power consuption resource in my notebook just after the screen. This happens no matter if I have traffic or not. I am not really sure that if this is really a tinc fault or a tap/tun implementation that never sleeps. any advice? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2015 Oct 17
Automated Windows installer
Does anyone had an experience with automating Windows installation process? I am planning (after my extension programming) to implement the following inside it: User runs installer, goes through usual pages and then installer asks for a name of his/her future node. It's not a problem to embed our network bootstrap configuration inside installer. The problem starts with Windows itself. We
2016 Jul 25
Memory leak on tinc
Hi guys, Second question for me today:), really appreciate the help. I have been using tinc in a linux environment, due to our need, I kept it running all the time.(i.e. several months) Recently I found out the system's memory usage is gradually going higher and higher, and eventually triggering oom-killer in the system. After disabling process one by one, I identified tinc is the reason for
2015 Oct 20
Problem starting connection - build tinc VM
Hello, I have send the message below this message before. I guess nobody is familiar with my problem. So the next step is "use the source". The thing is I'm a windows developer. I have tried to build tinc before, a few years ago. And I know the linux developers think it is easy. And it always is, once you know what to do. But I got so many errors last time, I just gave up. I
2015 Oct 18
Bug? Tinc does not reread it's host file into config_tree on SIGHUP
Just started building the new network with automatic updates and noticed a very weird thing: when master tincd was reloaded (which sends updates), it stopped sending updates. Debugging session revealed that lookup_config(config_tree, NAME) returned NULL when NAME was any configuration item from our host file _after_ SIGHUP. Before it, it returned valid value. I see config_tree is appended with
2004 Nov 16
Tinc on MacOs X
My intention is to set up tinc so that I can connect from home to an office network. All CPUs are running MacOs X, 10.2.8 or 10.3.5. I have read the tinc manual, tincd.8 and tinc.conf.5. However, I am still unclear about a few issues. First and foremost, how to I setup the VPN interfaces on the hosts, on MacOs X? Which file do I have to alter and what is the exact syntax on Os X to setup
2015 Nov 22
Authenticating VPN addresses: a proposal
TL;DR: a proposal for a new tinc feature that allows nodes to filter ADD_SUBNET messages based on the metaconnection on which they are received, so that nodes can't impersonate each other's VPN Subnets. Similar to StrictSubnets in spirit, but way more flexible. BACKGROUND: THE ISSUE OF TRUST IN A TINC NETWORK In terms of metaconnections (I'm not discussing data tunnels here), one of
2010 Jan 03
FOSDEM 2010 lightning talk
Hello, At FOSDEM 2010 (, I will give a lightning talk titled "tinc: the difficulties of a peer-to-peer VPN on the hostile Internet". The talk will probably be on Saturday 7th of Februari at 15:20 CET, but this might still change. If you would like to meet at FOSDEM with me or other persons using or developing tinc, just reply to this email. The abstract of the
2010 Jan 03
FOSDEM 2010 lightning talk
Hello, At FOSDEM 2010 (, I will give a lightning talk titled "tinc: the difficulties of a peer-to-peer VPN on the hostile Internet". The talk will probably be on Saturday 7th of Februari at 15:20 CET, but this might still change. If you would like to meet at FOSDEM with me or other persons using or developing tinc, just reply to this email. The abstract of the
2003 Aug 09
Darwin binary
I am looking for help how to install the Darwin binary under MacOS X 10.2.3 on a G4 or G3 powermac or recent iBook. Download of the binary yielded a file "tincd-1.0-darwin-powerpc-dynamic" This file is not recognized by the OS X installer, apparently it is not a package. I am well familiar with the Mac (GUI), have some basic knowledge in Unix and networking, and no experience with
2013 Jan 07
Hello Tincers, Is it possible to replicate the TOS of a package (or even the mark) from a packet before entering the TAP to match the encrypted packet that goes to the Internet? I have a 20+ nodes in a tinc network and I need to privilege ssh packets that goes inside the VPN above anything. I can't just give priority to all tinc packets as there are a lot of bulk traffic going on that does
2004 Nov 24
Tinc on OsX, slowly getting there....
I have now got the tinc demons (on network OFFICES) on BranchB and BranchA talking to each other, and I have been able to access services (like AFP, Apple file sharing) between the two hosts (in both directions), but not beyond the local network connected to BanchA. I am unclear which routing can be provided by tinc and which routing would I have to add manually. The aim is: BranchB is a
2015 Oct 20
Problem fixed, still like to build tinc
On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 11:08:35 +0200 Henk van der Meer <henk at> wrote: > Hello, > > With regards to my previous message and to help others. > Using the source I tracked the problem down to a call to getaddrinfo > that failed. > After a lot of trying I found out that somehow my host file got > notepad++ macintosh file endings. Never even knew it existed.