Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "xvidtune powertools CentOS 8"
2019 Dec 12
log4j12 package in CentOS 8
According to the RHEL docs, package log4j was replaced with package
log4j12 in RHEL 8.0. However, when I attempt to install the package in
CentOS 8, dnf cannot find it. I have the Base, AppStream, Extras and
PowerTools repos enabled. What am I doing wrong?
2024 Aug 13
CyberPower PR1500LCDRT2U via serial port
I'm trying to access a Cyber Power PR1500LCDRT2U via the serial port (because
I need the use the USB connection for a windows machine), but not having any
luck with the powerpanel driver. Any other suggestions?
Orion Poplawski
he/him/his - surely the least important thing about me
Manager of IT Systems 720-772-5637
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office FAX:
2018 Dec 05
Error: Corrupted record in index cache file
With dovecot-2.2.36-3.el7.x86_64 we had a couple hours where mail_plugins did
not properly include zlib for all of the needed services. This seems to have
led to some corruption in our mdbox mailboxes.
I've run doveadm force-resync on a number of users, but I'm still seeing
messages like this:
dovecot[13563]: imap(USER): Error: Corrupted record in index cache file
2020 Jan 25
Installing KDE on C8?
Good morning,
I'm try to install KDE on C8. I can see the grouplist for KDE:
yum grouplist
Last metadata expiration check: 0:06:07 ago on Sat 25 Jan 2020 11:43:01 AM
Available Environment Groups:
Server with GUI
Minimal Install
KDE Plasma Workspaces
Virtualization Host
Custom Operating System
Installed Environment Groups:
Installed Groups:
2020 May 20
DNS names for AD joined samba server
I'm trying to figure out a puzzling thing that we are seeing with some
recently joined or re-joined samba servers. Our linux servers are in a
different DNS domain than our AD machines (nwra.com or cora.nwra.com vs
ad.nwra.com for the AD machines). Generally when we've joined a machine to AD
the DNS name recorded in AD is their regular linux FQDN. But a couple
machines have ended up with
2023 Apr 07
nut server without nut-client/monitor?
Isn't "nut" package there an umbrella/meta-package (in terms of other
distros) to pull together the likely suspects in one command?
Not at a computer now, but I think Debian and OpenIndiana packages were
grouped this way. Likely all packages with daemons would depend on a
"nut-common" package then, to consistently deliver user accounts,
systemd-tmpfiles and other similar
2022 Jun 01
Update RPM GPG key for EL9
Looks like the GPG key we use to sign our RPMs is not longer good with EL9:
# rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-nwra
error: RPM-GPG-KEY-nwra: key 1 import failed
gpg key info:
sec rsa2048/35DDB0B86218AC2F
created: 2017-08-16 expires: never usage: SC
trust: ultimate validity: ultimate
ssb rsa2048/6A7FBC1E9DB22E8E
created: 2017-08-16 expires: never usage: E
Can someone
2019 Nov 18
ansible in ovirt repo
Just saw this:
Package Arch Version Repository Size
ansible noarch 2.9.1-2.el7 ovirt-4.3-centos-ovirt43 17 M
which seems new. No longer pulling ansible from
2020 Aug 11
Install OpenVAS on CentOS Linux release 8.2.2004 (Core)
On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 9:24 PM Ralf Prengel <ralf.prengel at rprengel.de>
> Hallo,
> not direkt a solution but I m using a kali rolling release installation on
> hard disk.
> Works fine here.
> Ralf
I am facing the below mentioned issue.
#wget -q -O - http://www.atomicorp.com/installers/atomic |sh
[root at openvas8 ~]# yum -y install openvas
2020 Feb 27
mingw compiler for x84_64 CentOS 7
Hello there,
it seems that EPEL only provides mingw cross-compiler packages for
aarch64. Aren't there x64_64 ones for CentOS 7, as there were for
CentOS 6?
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2008 Jan 10
Want to log all ISP traffic to ULOG
I want to use fprobe-ulog (http://fprobe.sourceforge.net/) to generate
NetFlow information about traffic going through my router. The question
is how to get the logging rules added to the appropriate chains (I''m
assuming eth2_in and eth2_out in my case)? I''m using the perl version
of shorewall 4.0.6.
Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager 303-415-9701
2020 Jun 02
Bridge network for virt-manager
Hello. I desire to get bridge network working using virt-manager.
Centos 7 and centos 7 guest.
>From researching I think I need to have a ifcfg-br0 file like this ?
cat ifcfg-br0
Is that for sure needed ? The use that nm-bridge0 as the network name?
2011 Aug 02
selinux issues
Please see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=727648 for more info.
Shorewall executes some bash code like the following:
while read address interface external haveroute; do
qt $IP -4 neigh del proxy $address dev $external
[ -z "${haveroute}${g_noroutes}" ] && qt $IP -4 route del
$address/32 dev $interface
2020 May 14
Users loose supplementary groups after a time
All -
I seem to be suffering from the common complaint that users loose
supplementary group access after a while - in our case it seems to be
connections left overnight. Restarting smb fixes it. I haven't been able to
determine the cause.
From the logs I've been able to determine a bad access looks something like
AuthZ reports a S-1-5-21- SID:
[2020/05/14 09:49:40.474490,
2022 Jun 01
Update RPM GPG key for EL9
On 6/1/22 13:43, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On 01/06/2022 19:51, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>> Looks like the GPG key we use to sign our RPMs is not longer good with EL9:
>> # rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-nwra
>> error: RPM-GPG-KEY-nwra: key 1 import failed
>> gpg key info:
>> sec? rsa2048/35DDB0B86218AC2F
>> ????? created: 2017-08-16?
2019 Dec 14
CentOS Net Install
Hey all,
Is a Network Install ISO planed any time in the near future for CentOS
8? I don't see it in the mirrors, but that might be a function of my
poor searching abilities.
^ ^ Mark LaPierre
Registered Linux user No #267004
2020 May 15
Users loose supplementary groups after a time
On 14/05/2020 21:59, Orion Poplawski via samba wrote:
> Sorry, I thought I had re-enabled delivery, but I had not. So trying to reply
> to Rowland Penny here:
>> On 14/05/2020 18:46, Orion Poplawski via samba wrote:
>>> All -
>>> I seem to be suffering from the common complaint that users loose
>>> supplementary group access after a
2023 Jan 30
thunderbird-102.7.1-1.el8 breaks OAuth authentication
On 29/01/2023 18:24, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> It seems that thunderbird-102.7.1-1.el8 (at least on CentOS Stream)
> broke OAuth authentication with outlook.office365.com.? Downgrading to
> 102.4.0-1.el8 resolved the issue.
> Error console reports:
> XHR POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token
> [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 293ms]
> Is
2017 May 12
Samba server with NFSV4/kerberos
On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 01:43:18PM -0600, Orion Poplawski via samba wrote:
> > I have some code that does this I gave to a (large) user
> > site to test. It took a forwarded ticket from the Windows
> > client and saved it in the /tmp/krb5cc_XXXXX file so that
> > the NFS client redirector on Linux could use it.
> >
> > I got it to work in testing, but never got
2019 Oct 21
C8 regression / tmp on tmpfs
Does someone have a working tmp on tmpfs via
systemctl enable tmp.mount
under CentOS8/RHEL8? This seems to work straight in EL7 ...
# LANG=C systemctl enable tmp.mount
The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy, RequiredBy, Also,
settings in the [Install] section, and DefaultInstance for template units).
This means they are not meant to be enabled using systemctl.