similar to: Multiple EM connections on separate threads

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Multiple EM connections on separate threads"

2008 Jan 06
Having very odd problems with UDP.
I am using eventmachine 0.8.1 on windows XP and am having very odd problems. This snippet of code gives the error that follows it. class EchoServer def receive_data data puts data send_data ">>>you sent: #{data}" if data =~ /quit/i puts "quitting" close_connection EventMachine::stop_event_loop end end end
2007 Feb 25
Crash occurs where EventMachine.connect is
Hi everyone, If you subclass EventMachine::Connection and call it outside an EventMachine::run event loop, EventMachine crashes! Example: class Put < EventMachine::Connection include EventMachine::Deferrable HOST="localhost" PORT=8080 def self.request(data) EventMachine.connect(HOST, PORT, self) {|c| c.instance_eval { @data = data } } end #
2008 Apr 23
Status of EventMachine.fork
Hi All, I''m currently looking into doing a bit of evented network programming in ruby and i''m currently looking into packet, eventmachine and rev. The problem is that I need to be able to fork and start a new reactor within the forked child (it also should open a socket and write status information back to the main process). I have not been able to do this with EventMachine.
2008 Jan 14
Using EventMachine to listen from non-network
I''ve actually found a way to make EventMachine listen to events from a serial port, but only by using the pure Ruby version, using Guilliame Pierronnet''s Ruby/SerialPort library. It turned out to be simpler than I thought it would be: require ''serialport'' $eventmachine_library = :pure_ruby require ''eventmachine'' module EventMachine class
2007 Dec 09
Hello, I have been looking at the Ruby/EventMachine. First let me say it look very good. Reactor model with no threads makes for fast reliable server, and I have read about marvelous Twisted framework for Python and am glad to see something similar for Ruby. I am writing network app with Ruby threads now and it very slow, and I try new Ruby 1.9 with native threads that make it much slower.
2007 Nov 07
Gracefully stopping EventMachine?
Hello all, I''ve been learning Ruby and playing with a chat server I built using GServer. After into an issue I found with GServer, that no one else seemed to notice (actually, similar to this question, GServer is hard to kill nicely, especially when you want to.), I found references to EventMachine, and rebuilt my server using it. I much prefer EventMachine''s model. The
2008 Aug 06
Event loop responsiveness + client
Hello, on the application that I''m working on, we are using Thin. The server implements long polling and commands that alter its internal state. Connecting to the long poll is a very fast operation, while updating the state of the server is a relatively slow operation. The long poll connection is held open until there is a change to be sent to the connection. Here is my current
2006 May 22
I''ve added experiments/core-model-2 to SVN. I think this is pretty clean and satisfactory. Jeff, please have a look and see if you like the placement of timeouts (which are currently unimplemented). Any event now has the possibility of a timeout. To get an application-level timeout, you''d just post an event with a timeout to a nil target. When the timeout expires, the errback
2007 Nov 09
EventMachine::run - How can I ensure that this
Friends, I am writing an event system which has an interface on a web site which can create events. The creation of events opens up EventMachine::run and connects to the event server, and sends messages. The problem comes if this is run inside of say, event driven mongrel, where it will crash fatally, the same as: EventMachine::run { EventMachine::run { } } The only solution that
2007 Sep 14
epoll appears to break
The following program is a minor variant on the sample given in the README with eventmachine-0.8.1. I am running under CentOS 4.5 (kernel with a ruby-1.8.5 RPM from the CentOS testing repository. When I run it, I find that set_comm_inactivity_timeout doesn''t do anything. That is, if I client opens a connection, it stays open indefinitely. However, if I comment out
2008 Feb 01
epoll increasing latency big time
Sorry this is going to be a bit vague, but I''ve noticed something rather odd going on with EventMachine on Linux. I''ve written something uses EventMachine to proxy HTTP to other processes. On OS X, it works great, adding only about 20% extra latency into the connection when proxying versus connecting to the original backend process directly, so a 5ms connection might now take
2006 Nov 03
How to send data,
Hello, First of all I''m new to working with sockets, so the problems I''m having are probably because of my lack of understanding. What I''m trying to accomplish is to create a mac os x client gui to ruby-debug. When a application that includes ruby-debug is started, it starts listening for 2 connections; 8989, 8990 The connection is made by calling the connectToApp
2011 Sep 26
undefined method `options' for #<EventMachine::HttpClien
Hi , I am writing a rake task to consume twitter stream API. The task contains the following code: consumer =, CONSUMER_SECRET, :site => '''') access_token =,ACCESS_TOKEN,ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) oauth_params = {:consumer => consumer, :token => access_token} do # now,
2006 Aug 08
Core dump using sample DumbHttpClient
I''m using the current release branch from the repository (version_0) on freebsd 6.1 with ruby 1.8.4. This is the error that is generated when running the code below at the bottom of the message, plus a gdb bt. Sorry no debugging symbols built into ruby but maybe the bt will help anyways. terminate called after throwing an instance of ''std::runtime_error'' what():
2006 Dec 15
Testing event driven Socket classes
Ok, here is the class, I want to Unit Test, its part of a large app and is based on EventMachine library. I want to mock the class TickServer ( i.e not stub it) . Since in actual scenario, you can''t do this on this class: @server = # will toss an exception at your face you must initialize the server like this: {
2009 Feb 26
0.12.4 dies with call SetTlsParms before
I upgraded from 12.2 to 12.4 and found that my happy little eventmachine processes die with: terminate called after throwing an instance of ''std::runtime_error'' what(): call SetTlsParms before calling StartTls Here''s what I believe is the relevant snippet of my code, which calls start_tls() in the connection_completed() callback: connection =
2008 Dec 12
jruby em
What repository should I pull from to get the latest snapshot of the EM java code for jruby? cr
2007 Aug 15
Interfaces for accessing SSL/TLS certificates
Hi everyone. Does anyone have any preferences or ideas for an interface for SSL certificates, both client-side and server-side? At present, the only interface is EventMachine::Connection#start_tls, which uses a built-in self-signed cert on the server side. On the cilent side, it accepts any well-formed cert (that is, it doesn''t check that the remote cert is signed by a trusted authority).
2008 Aug 22
EventMachine website down?
Hi all Is the EventMachine website ( down? I can''t access it from South Africa, and have tried using tor as well with no luck. I''m kinda new to EventMachine, so I first have a lot of examples to work through and reading to do before I start pestering the mailing list with questions. Thanks to everyone who partook in creating the library, so far
2008 Oct 23
ANN: EMDRb 0.1.0
I am pleased to announce the release of EMDRb version 0.1.0, a rudimentary implementation of a distributed Ruby server based on EventMachine. It''s available on Rubyforge at but I must admit that it has thus far only been lightly tested and still a bit feature incomplete. The server implementation can already do all of the basic stuff one expects DRb