similar to: List

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "List"

2014 May 15
Fwd: For the CentOS list: rkhunter and NFS
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <m.roth at> Date: Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:40 PM Subject: For the CentOS list: rkhunter and NFS To: lesmikesell at Hi, Les, Could you forward this to the CentOS list? That damn nixspam is blocking my hosting provider's mailhost *again*; it was on and off yesterday, and today it won't even let me remove it, and
2014 Oct 08
Actual complaining: nixspam
John accused me of complaining about systemd... this here's *real* complaining. Several times every month, my email starts getting bounced by freakin' nixspam, because my giant hosting provider, that hosts millions of domains. Akemi has argued that nixspam works just fine (if so, then why did we get that spam a few weeks ago?). I've politely requested being put on a whitelist, and
2015 Aug 27
please block user
On Thu, August 27, 2015 9:29 am, m.roth at wrote: > Gary Stainburn wrote: >> Bad news Guys, they've just moved the emails to somewhere else and have started again: > <snip> > > A suggestion: there should be a way to filter using *domain* AND mailhost; > that is, if emails come from a domain, and through one mailhost, then block the domain. If many domains,
2015 Aug 27
please block user
Gary Stainburn wrote: > Bad news Guys, they've just moved the emails to somewhere else and have > started again: <snip> A suggestion: there should be a way to filter using *domain* AND mailhost; that is, if emails come from a domain, and through one mailhost, then block the domain. If many domains, and the same mailhost, only then block the mailhost. I've been thinking about
2011 Aug 10
listadmin, Can you PLEASE, PLEASE find *any* other blacklist than manitu? This asshole's method was ok a dozen years ago; these days, with hosting sites hosting tens or hundreds of thousands of domains, with too many running Windows, and so infected and sending out spam. They then send all mail via one mailhost, with the result that those of us with *no* spam coming out are frequently
2015 Oct 26
semi-OT: HW
Gordon Messmer wrote: > On 10/26/2015 08:23 AM, m.roth at wrote: >> We've got a new RAID (a JetStor), and are trying to >> plug it in. > > When you asked about this three weeks ago, you didn't answer questions > about the model of JetStor product, and the conversation died there. > Could you provide that? I thought I had (unless it bounced, thanks to
2011 Jul 22
failed creating protocol instance to play queued url
I run thunderbird (both 3.x and 5.x) against dovecot 2.x and frequently see delays "loading message". I admit to having a very large mailbox and running multiple imap clients. I've turned on thunderbird debugging, and at least one pattern I see in the log during the delays (maybe a minute long) is the failed protocol message above. These are no the only delays, but are the ones
2013 Jan 16
dovecot + antispam plugin - no retraining
Hi, dovecot -n # 2.1.7: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 3.8.0-0-generic x86_64 Ubuntu Raring Ringtail (development branch) listen = login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c mail_debug = yes mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir managesieve_notify_capability = mailto managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character
2008 Jan 10
FYI: CentOS mailserver on nixspam RBL
In case someone's using the nixspam RBL and wondering why the influx from the CentOS mailing lists has stopped today: Kai -- Kai Sch?tzl, Berlin, Germany Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:
2010 Dec 10
deliver -m causes crash: Panic: stream doesn't support seeking backwards
When exim runs deliver -m and tries to write to a directory that does not exist is causes a crash which stops the exim MTA. Dec 9 23:20:38 mailhost exim: [ID 197553] 2010-12-09 23:20:38 1PQpmu-0007O9-OD <= at [] P=esmtp S=2714 id=1291936811.2991.135.camel at Dec 9 23:20:38 localhost
2014 Jun 27
Admin business
Karanbir, PLEASE! You've never responded to my question about whitelisting. That asinine nixspam did it to me again, and this time... seriously, I urge you, personally, to go there and try to remove a site. They've "enhanced their security", that is, mangling the capchas, to the point that it took me about five minutes or more, and about a dozen or 15 challenges, before I
2005 Sep 17
[OT] ....
.... does anyone onlist have any 1st-hand experience (good or bad) w/ for procuring computer components ? Thanks in advance :-). I am interested in them as a potential source for parts to build an Opteron box running Linux, probably CentOS, to bring this slightly on topic .... -- William A. Mahaffey III ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Apr 11
LMTP, PAM session and home directory autocreation
Hi, mail is delivered by Dovecot's LMTP locally and I need user's home directory to be created if it doesn't exist yet. There is a setting in Dovecot's configuration, "session=yes", in /etc/Dovecot/conf.d/auth-system.conf.ext, which should do that. passdb { driver = pam args = session=yes dovecot } But I think it does not work in my setup because I do not see any
2019 Apr 09
LMTP, PAM session and home directory autocreating
Hi, mail is delivered by Dovecot's lmtp locally and I need user's home directory to be created if it doesn't exist yet. There is a setting in Dovecot's configuration, "session=yes", in /etc/Dovecot/conf.d/auth-system.conf.ext, which should do that. passdb { driver = pam args = session=yes dovecot } But I think it does not work in my setup because I do not see
2015 Sep 01
Nomiipro at
2011 Aug 10
ffmpeg (resending, blocked by
Scott Robbins wrote: > On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 05:11:12PM -0400, m.roth at wrote: >> This is annoying. I've been trying to get motion working correctly on CentOS 6. First, there was no ffmpeg rpms. Now, I try to install it, and <snip> >> I've run into problems with libfaad being missing before. Here's the real question: how were the ffmpeg and ffmpeg-libs
2003 Aug 05
Does Wildcard x100p support BT Caller ID in UK?
Hi all, I can't seem to find any info on this anywhere on the web, except that BT caller ID doesnt use the standard bellcore system in use in the US. So, if anyone here in the UK is onlist and using the x100p successfully, please let me know. TIA, Dave
2013 Apr 02
LDAP: error with iterate_query
Hello. Used 2.2.rc3. Try LDAP search: # ldapsearch -LLL -D "uid=dovecot,ou=Services,o=m" -b "ou=C,o=m" -w 1 -s subtree "(objectClass=mailUser)" mail dn: uid=test,dc=m.u,ou=C,o=m mail: test at m.u dn: uid=basov,dc=m.u,ou=C,o=m mail: basov at m.u mail: wow at m.u dn: uid=postmaster,dc=m.u,ou=C,o=m mail: postmaster at m.u dn: uid=ogo,,ou=C,o=m mail: ogo
2013 Dec 22
Dovecot proxying with LDAP - an example?
Hi all, I have been struggling trying to understand the syntax to configure dovecot as a proxy against an LDAP server. As a single server dovecot works great. Now I want to add the "mailHost" attribute which, if present, should indicate the DNS name of the host that contains the person's mailbox. If the mailHost matches the local hostname, the mailbox should be served locally as it
2015 Apr 21
userdb username change ignored when using (My)SQL was: Re: userdb username changed
On 20-04-15 15:09, P?ter M?rton wrote: > Hi! > > It works when using LDAP. > I've duplicated the "username change" debug line, just to see that the > variables are really updated: > > Apr 20 14:30:27 imap21 dovecot: auth-worker(27127): Debug: > sql(ppp at username changed ppp at -> uppp > Apr 20 14:30:27 imap21 dovecot: