similar to: AES spesification

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "AES spesification"

2012 Dec 02
Problem with figures
I am having problem making ggplot2, tikzDevice, and knitr working together. I used a very simple example: ---------------------------example.Rnw----------------------------- \documentclass[preview]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{figure} <<fig1,eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,dev='tikz'>>= library(ggplot2) qplot(displ, hwy, data = mpg, colour = factor(cyl)) @ \end{figure}
2010 Oct 26
discerning plot dots using colors
Dear List, I am using the command plot to present the relationship between bird richness (Y axis) and elevation (X axis). However, I would like to observe the distributions of bird richness in different administrative areas (A, B, C, …., G) in this plot. For example, the dots in area A might fall in the upper right part of the plot, while those in area B might appear in the middle of
2003 Feb 01
Read.table problem
Hi ! I am new to R, and using the MAC version onto Mac OS 9.1. My question concerns the problem I encounter when I try to read some data I have using the read.table function. I always get an error of type : Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, : line 1 did not have 9 elements Here is my code: varnames <- c("names", "symbol",
2018 May 02
Merging dataframes
Thanks - Peter, Eivind, Rui Sorry, I perhaps could not explain it properly in the first go. Trying to simplify it here with an example - Say I have two dataframes as below that are NOT equally-sized data frames (i.e., number of columns are different in each table): Table_A: Email Name Phone abc at John Chan 0909 bcd at Tim Ma
2018 May 02
Merging dataframes
Hi, I'll coded your example into R code: Table_A <- c('abc at', 'John Chan', '0909') Table_A <- rbind(Table_A, c('bcd at', 'Tim Ma', '89089')) colnames(Table_A) <- c('Email', 'Name', 'Phone') Table_A Table_B <- c('abc at', 'John Chan', 'M',
2006 Oct 18
[PATCH] Compiz Events
I wrote this quick patch because I want plugins to be able to communicate with each other with events. Using the option values to communicate with each other is a bit cumbersome if you want to monitor for changes or do anything which requires events. It is just a small patch and works in the compiz way (ie by wrapping the core event). Some potential events that I can think of at the moment are
2016 Apr 26
ylim in barplot()
Thank you David, That's a nice workaround using plotrix::barp(), but that doesn't explain why ylim doesn't work as intended (or at least, as I expect it to work), or why xpd has no influence when using devEMF::emf()... The problem with saving directly in RStudio is that it requires to manually save the plot, and this becomes troublesome when there are a lot of plot commands in a
2010 Jan 31
hepta valen t snugg ling initi ators optio naliz e
handc raftm an dost schem atics retyp ing poser s smoke neces sitie s nonre alist ic wooll ens verti cally bayan ihan actab ility total ises bayan ihan gauzy solon chak metas tasiz es inter surve y phosp hatid ic displ ayabl e invoi cing ridde r benig nancy eddys tone urim islan der awake ning piran dello parre l davit s displ ant losse s rubeo lar visio nal legen d
2010 Nov 01
frame size for a given quality?
Jeff, It's in the manual: (table 3 and 4). However, if you're asking this, you're probably trying to do something wrong, or the hard way. You probably shouldn't be taking speex output, and trying to "count bytes". If you are using the API, then you will just get the bits out, and then you'll know how
2004 May 07
Lattice xyplot - problem trying to produce multiple output files with a 'for' loop
I am stuck on trying to get the Lattice xyplot to output a separate PNG file each time through my 'for' loop. The files get produced but are empty. Here is the code. I'm running 1.9 on Windows. BTW is there a more efficient way of creating the separate output files than looping over the levels and subsetting? ......................................................... lev <-
2010 Nov 01
frame size for a given quality?
Have you tried typing "speex rtp" into google code search? It gives lots of examples of real applications which do exactly that. -SteveK On 11/1/10 1:13 PM, "Jeff Ramin" <jeff.ramin at> wrote: > >Thanks again Steve. I'll search for the term you mention below. > >What I really want is to
2010 Nov 01
frame size for a given quality?
I need to stream speex-encoded audio over RTP, which doesn't seem to be standardized yet, so I'm gonna roll my own code. I control both the sending and receiving sides, so I can pretty much do what I want. I want each packet to contain 20ms worth of audio (sampled at 8KHz), and I'm encoding using a constant bit rate and quality:6. Q: how do I determine how many bytes of data go into
2003 Oct 14
use of SIP SHOW CHANNELS question
I am trying to figure out the correct syntax for the CLI command "SIP SHOW CHANNELS". I have tried SIP SHOW CHANNELS SIP/200 and I've even tried to do this when a call is connected such as: -- Zap/15-1 is ringing -- Zap/15-1 answered SIP/206-4299 asterisk*CLI> sip show channel SIP/206-4299 No such SIP Call ID 'SIP/206-4299' I always get the "No such SIP
2008 Jan 24
Help: dtmf mode
Hi, I am having trouble making a selection when I call a number and need to make a selection to go to an extension with my polycom phones 301. Anybody have an idea how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance. Jarga Jallow Technical Support Engineer 2985 S. Hwy. 360 Grand Praire, Texas 75052 Direct: 972-206-1212 ext# 29 Mobile: 214-669-9046 Fax: 972-999-4113 Toll Free: 1-877-801-5511
2009 Sep 29
ggplot2 box plot notches
Dear List, I just googled to find out if notched box plots are possible with ggplot2, but couldn't find a answer to it. boxplot() has the option: notch = TRUE, e.g.: boxplot(mpg$hwy, notch=TRUE) My example code (taken from the net) is: require(ggplot2) qplot(class, hwy, fill=factor(year), data=mpg, geom="boxplot", position="dodge")+theme_bw() Thank you for you help!
2005 Feb 11
Saving graphs in formats other than PDF?
I am running R 2.01 on Mac OS 10.3.7. Whenever I save graphs, they are saved as PDF files. Are there any other file formats to which I could save my graphs. I would like to directly export my graphs to MS Word, if possible. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Jim Milks Graduate Student Environmental Sciences Ph.D. Program Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435
2003 Nov 07
CDR fields
hi, i saw the cdr file called Master.csv and i want to know what these represent. examples "","","4","incoming","","Zap/1-1","Zap/4-1","Voicemail","u8888","2003-11-07 17:43:04","2003-11-07 17:43:04","2003-11-07 17:43:22","ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION"
2007 Aug 13
Error message when using zero-inflated count regression model in package zicounts
I have data on number of vines per tree for ~550 trees. Over half of the trees did not have any vines and the data is fairly skewed (median = 0, mean = 1.158, 3rd qu. = 1.000). I am attempting to investigate whether plot location (four sites), species (I'm using only the four most common species), or tree dbh has a significant influence on the number of vines per tree. When I
2005 May 31
I am attempting to fit a logistic regression plane to a 3-D scatterplot (which was generated using scatterplot3d). I've noticed that the help pages of scatterplot3d include a function titled "plane3d." However, when I attempt to use the function, I get the following message: Error: couldn't find function "plane3d" I've searched the archives and found no
2013 Nov 19
Mail filters in incoming message
With my iMap client, I use various mail rules to move specific email to the right mail folders. Downside of that is that is this mailclient is not online, all email is stuck in my inbox, which makes reading email by mobile phone kind of chaotic. I have seen several Pigeonhole Sieve examples, but I would like to know if there is a nub solution (I am not a programmer) to run filters when they