similar to: [LLVM][DISubprogram][LL format updation query] Question regarding moving DISubprogram DIFlags to DISPFlag.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "[LLVM][DISubprogram][LL format updation query] Question regarding moving DISubprogram DIFlags to DISPFlag."

2020 Feb 20
[LLVM][DISubprogram][LL format updation query] Question regarding moving DISubprogram DIFlags to DISPFlag.
Yes, removing the support for isLocal, isDefinition fields completely from ll files, currently the LLParser still parses it. I want to remove it and update the all the ll files which still uses it. Also the metadata read will support old format, no changes in that. so if ll file has isLocal and isDefinition it will result in parser error. But the bitcode read will work as usual. - Chirag.
2020 Feb 20
[LLVM][DISubprogram][LL format updation query] Question regarding moving DISubprogram DIFlags to DISPFlag.
> Could you please describe what is the benefit of that? Currently there are two ways to provide DISPFlagDefinition, via bool and SPFlag, I would like to make it only via SPFlags, it will be NFC and it will make the changes in parser simpler for moving five flags from from DIFlags to DISPFlags. Currently parser checks the presence of SPFlags to see if the definition is present in bool or spflag
2018 Jul 16
Hi list, Is there a standards based reason why the DIFlags enum is set to uint32_t[1]? I am sure my DWARF-std-reading-fu is not up to snuff and so I cannot seem to find it. The reason I ask is that we are running out of space for our own DIFlags and would like to nail this down before deciding on an approach. Thanks! Sohail [1] The code in question:
2020 May 31
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
Hi David If you look at line there is IR verification which asserts that only in case of `spFlags = DISPFlagDefinition`, the compilation unit (`unit` field) should be present. Otherwise, it should *not* be present. In the crash case, `spFlags = DISPFlagOptimized`. So, I guess, `unit` field should *not* be present,
2020 May 31
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
Hi- Here is the simple C++ function: ----------- void foo() { } ----------- Let's say, above function is compiled to generate LLVM IR with -g flag using the command line `clang++ -g -O0 -S -emit-llvm foo.cpp`, we get below IR ----------- ; ModuleID = 'foo.cpp' source_filename = "foo.cpp" target datalayout =
2020 May 31
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
I am bit confused - `unit` must be present for definitions, and `optimized ` is also a `definition`, so, `unit` must be present for `optimized ` too. Am I right? Mahesha On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 10:14 PM David Blaikie <dblaikie at> wrote: > definition and optimized are orthogonal (a function could be both, or > neither) - one says this DISubprogram describes a function
2020 Sep 01
Filename's in DIBuileder
Hi All , We have a scenario in our debugger to handle the file index in the debug_ine info like $llvm-dwarfdump -debug-line test.o file_names[ 1]: name: "test.cpp" dir_index: 0 mod_time: 0x00000000 length: 0x00000000 file_names[ 2]: name: "test.cpp" dir_index: 1 mod_time: 0x00000000 length: 0x00000000
2020 Jun 01
LLC crash while handling DEBUG info
Let's forget about my malformed IR if it is adding additional confusion here. I mentioned it here to ease the conversation, but if it is causing confusion rather than making the discussion flow easier, then we better ignore it. The whole triggering point for this email initiative is - one of the applications is crashing with the stack trace that I mentioned earlier. The crash is during the
2020 Sep 01
Filename's in DIBuileder
Try using $PWD/test.cpp on the clang command line. I am seeing the duplicate DIFile entries, but not yet able to reproduce a .debug_line section with multiple directory entries. --paulr From: llvm-dev <llvm-dev-bounces at> On Behalf Of Tomar, Sourabh Singh via llvm-dev Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 1:07 PM To: Umesh Kalappa <umesh.kalappa0 at>; cfe-dev at
2018 Aug 22
[DebugInfo] DIBuilder missing interface to generate DWARF info for packed_decimal basic type.
Adding tags on subject line From: Chirag Patel Sent: 22 August 2018 11:20 To: llvm-dev at Subject: DIBuilder missing interface to generate DWARF info for packed_decimal basic type. Hello, I am working on a llvm based compiler frontend in which, I am using the packed_decimal type encoding. During using the llvm DIBuilder, I found out that the interface to create BasicType with
2018 Aug 23
[DebugInfo] DIBuilder missing interface to generate DWARF info for packed_decimal basic type.
Hello Paul, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am only looking for dwarf support at the moment and planning to support both PLI/COBOL decimal types. Also thanks for the suggestion, you are right as it is going to be rare cases, so it will be better to implement a separate subclass to avoid memory overhead for others. >> (Somebody is actively working on scaled binary operations, although they
2018 Dec 06
Source locations missing when using xray-account
Hi David, Sorry for taking a few days to reply. It's not easy for you to compile a Haskell file to see the problem as the debug information is still WIP. Below I prove the IR for a simple hello world program which you can feed into llc. The `` file can be passed straight to `llc`. Can you see anything obviously wrong? Matt
2018 Nov 01
RFC: Adding debug information to LLVM to support Fortran
Regarding flags, I was just thinking that maybe we should invent a new DISubprogramFlags type. DISubprogram already has a few bitfields for subprogram-specific things, Fortran will want 3 more, and there's no reason to fill up the generic DIFlags with more bits that are used in only one class. I agree that the array stuff needs to be designed with an eye to handling how other languages do
2011 Jul 23
[LLVMdev] getFunction() of DISubprogram return 0?
Hi, I'd like to get the Function* that is described by a DISubprogram. I found this method getFunction() in the class. However, when I use it in my code, the function always returns 0. I tried to dig into it and saw that a mysterious number 16 is used in getFunctionField(16). I'm wondering if my failure of the function was caused by my incorrect use, e.g., without fulfilling
2019 Dec 03
addition of vendor dwarf operator extension.
Hello, Thanks for prompt reply. Motivation, In case of debugging of bi-endian dwarf and value known at runtime some of the raw values needs to be byte swapped to change the endianity. We have a llvm based compiler which generates such dwarf, TAG_variable marked as big endian and debugging on little endian host using lldb. The listed operator on dwarf issues does that, one operator instead of
2011 Jul 05
error of "rake test" command
Hi, I have an error when i use rake test, plz help akyen@ubuntu:~/Desktop/p$ rake test WARNING: Global access to Rake DSL methods is deprecated. Please include ... Rake::DSL into classes and modules which use the Rake DSL methods. WARNING: DSL method Pictographs::Application#task called at /usr/local/ lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/railties-3.0.7/lib/rails/application.rb: 215:in
2020 Sep 25
Why does a DISubprogram need to be distinct?
I saw "Add a verifier check that rejects non-distinct DISubprogram function" (which has currently be reverted) today which made me wonder why a DISubprogram needs to be distinct? David told me the following and encouraged me to ask in the upstream: > May be historical at this point, I'm not quite sure. (I
2019 Dec 02
addition of vendor dwarf operator extension.
Hello all, There is one enhancement request open for dwarfv5, The request is for addition of dwarf expression operator to swap the top of the dwarf stack, the response seems positive but it may take some time till v6. I like to add that operator as vendor extension but I am not sure how to go about it for llvm/lldb. Currently I am using it as
2016 Apr 15
Can DISubprogram be renamed?
Peter, I am afraid I am missing a big picture with debug info cloning. Certainly after your patch (and possibly in some cases earlier): Cloning: Reduce complexity of debug info cloning and fix correctness issue. Commit r260791 contained an error in that it would introduce a cross-module reference in the old module. It also introduced O(N^2) complexity in the
2011 Jul 27
Migration to rails2 rails3
Good evening everyone, I went to change the Rails version of my project, and saw that many things have stopped working. As the "rake routes", which is giving the following error: rrmartins rodrigo @: ~ / Documents / vota_prato $ rake routes rake aborted! no such file to load - tasks / rails (See full trace by running task with - trace) What do you think you can be? thanks -- *