similar to: SmartLink UPS - Suggestions as to which serial driver?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "SmartLink UPS - Suggestions as to which serial driver?"

2004 Sep 28
Please advise how to set up for 5 IPs
I have need to use HTB on multiple (5) IPs. The present setup has the DSL connection going to a switch and then each computer with an external IP configures the external interface to listen on that IP. I have had TERRIBLE luck trying to use iptables to DNAT so if DNAT needs to be done, any advice that includes tested and working examples would be sincerely appreciated. There are 3 computers
2005 Mar 11
Do I need NAT?
Yes, this is a dumb question. I haven''t the time nor the resources to dig into the guts of this right now, so perhaps someone will take a few minutes to help, please. I just implemented a classic "nano" multipath setup. The script is at What I need to know is if I need SNAT in the firewall when a packet comes in on the
2005 Aug 08
Loadbalancing and failover using TC and Iptables
Hi all iam trying to deploy loadbalance and failover My setup description --Fedora Core 4 --Linux #1 SMP Mon Jul 25 22:37:34 IST 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux --tc utility, iproute2-ss050314 --ip utility, iproute2-ss050314 --iptables v1.3.0 And i had deployed Following configuration #table main with priority 50, the highest one ip rule add prio 50 table main #table 201 ip rule add
2006 Jun 07
Config for powercom 2200
Hey all, I've tried some very base configs with the powercom 2200, but I can't seem to get it to work. Has anyone dealt with these UPSes before, or know if they use the standard powercom drivers? I'd be more than happy to allow access to my test system so someone more knowledgeable can take a look (and am also willing to pay something for the solution of said problem.) -Dan
2005 Dec 19
match''ing packets by size
I visited and the author proposes a way to match packets by less than some size . Here is the thing: match u16 0x0000 0xffb0 at 2 With this match he says that packet with less than 80 bytes will match the rule. Well, 0xffb0 translates to 1111 1111 1011 0000 (which is -80 BTW). So, if I am correct any packet with bits 4 and/or 5 set (together with any of the 4
2005 May 06
Multipath Routing in same subnet - Please take a look
Hello. I have the problem that I have two gateways on the same subnet, and Both gateways are 100 MBit cards, so I have 2 times 100 MBit to the Internet. The NIC in the server is a gigabit-card, so this card is easy able to use both gateways for outgoing traffic. Now I just want to use both gateways for my outgoing traffic but no matter what I do, it doesnt work. I
2009 Dec 08
Does CentOS provide commerical support ?
Hi , I wanted to know about any commercial support for centOS 5.3 like kernel customization and others from centOS community or developers. Please provide information on the same Regards, Premraj M Disclaimer : This message is proprietary to Smartlink Network Systems Limited and is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged or
2010 Mar 24
centos Installation on Multiple machines
Hi, I want to install customized centos on multiple systems. Can PXE boot do that ? Apart from this is there any other way of doing image copy of centos OS and installing it on several client machines through network. I used clonezilla, but after image cloning, i will again have to use the clonezilla LIVE CD on client machine to do a image restore. I want to make a clone of centos OS and
2007 May 30
Proxy ARP with a Coyote Point equalizer
Here is a puzzle. I have a network with several servers. It''s a mess. It''s a /24 and pieces and servers are all over the place inside this /24 block, on both sides of the firewall. For example, the router at is outside the firewall and many of the servers at 1.2.3.nnn/24 are behind the firewall. (Obviously, 1.2.3.nnn is a fudged network.) eth0 points outward to
2005 Jul 11
Hi all, I need to provide shell hosting for about 40 users, and few days ago I found the wondershaper script, so Im trying to know if this script could help me to improve interactive ssh/telnet connections. Wondershaper could help me or its only efective on OUTGOINGS requests? Ok, any comment and feedback will be welcome. Sorry for my bad english and THANKS in advance.
2010 Feb 15
Hardisk cloning for centos-5.3
Hi, I want to clone my hardisk containing the centos-5.3 OS and its swap region on to new raw hardisk via network either through ssh, tftp or ftp. How do i do that ? Is there any Tool for that or will DD command be sufficient.I know that dd command will have to be used on hardisk with already existing partitions and not on raw disk. Regards, Premraj M Disclaimer : This message is
2005 Aug 19
Sustainer S-1000C (Powercom protocol)
Hi, I've sent the following message 3 weeks ago, yet have recieved no reply at all. I don't want to nag, but could anyone please help me? Thanks, Dror ------------------ Hi, I have a UPS of the Israeli company Sustainer, model S-1000C ( - don't worry, it's in english...). I've been trying to connect to
2005 Jun 20
Help? Router/Bandwidth throttle needed.
I hope this list is still active. I''m an experienced Linux Sysadmin, but I haven''t done much in the way of routing. Due to a decision made by my higherups, I need to jam a computer between my ISP and my LAN to do bandwidth throttling. My current setup: 1 Crappy Cable Modem (7Mb/768Kb connection) with a static IP. 4 servers (all have static, routable IPs) - One of which is
2005 Apr 29
Hi all, After posting some emails here and googling in the net. I have now a little clarity where and how to start bandwidth Management. Hope I can still be guided though. My understanding is I will be needing these modules and linux utilities. I hope someone can confirm. 1. I need to use iptables/ebtables for packet marking. 2. I can use tc for packet shaping. 3. I can use bwm_ng for
2006 Feb 20
Proxy ARP and UDP
Woops - my fat fingers hit the send key before I could put in a subject a minute ago. Hello - I am using kernel 2.4.27 and running into behavior I don''t know how to explain. I have 2 relevant interfaces. eth0 is external, eth1 is internal. My internal LAN is My External range is (dummied up). I have an H.323 videoconference device inside my internal
2005 Dec 10
Marking packets by mac addr using tc filter u32 match?
Hi Is there a way of marking packets by mac address instead of ip or ports using a "tc filter u32 match"? I read somewhere that I could use the offset -8 and -14 to grab the mac addresses but if I use anything lower than -8, for example -9, I get an error. I''m modifying the wondershaper script to cap the download speed by mac address. Any sugestions?
2005 Oct 24
Problem with ip route . VERY SLOW
Hello everybody I’m french and ‘im a network administrator. It the firs time I write on this mailing list .. I configure a debian distribution (the last one sarge) with iproute2 to route packets depending on source ip address It works fine but it is very very slow . When I make a ping for example on a windows machine : [in French ] $> ping www.Google.Fr Envoi
2006 Jan 26
hi i am doing my final year project on Traffic Shaping .could any one please guide me how do i actually go about it. i mean the first step.i have read the lartc documentation for the same. what do i do next.please help thanks in advance _________________________________________________________________ How good are you in a Formula One car? Play now
2005 Jul 12
QOS problem -ng
ok i gave up. can sb point me docs on how design proper qos rules ? about differences between them and the usage (which for wifi, which for ISPs which for homenet) ill read and do it -- *Dariusz ''tdi'' Dwornikowski | Gentoo | admin at | *[JID]|[gg]:2266034|[IRC]:#gentoo-pl@freenode | *[MAIL]|[WWW] |
2005 Jun 29
iproute2 ping question
Hi List, New subscriber/lartc user here. Have read the entire lar&tc howto, alexy''s ip_cref, etc. and must say, this makes iptables seem downright *easy*. I''m trying to build a three-legged linux router (WAN/LAN/DMZ) and have had it more or less working with iptables but would like to learn layer2 routing with iproute2. I have an adsl/29 network and would like my