similar to: [RFC] New diagnostic handler for llc

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2016 May 12
[RFC] New diagnostic handler for llc
On 12 May 2016 at 16:19, Krzysztof Parzyszek via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > The problem in PR24071 seemed to be that clang proceeded with compilation > even though the inline asm was not valid. I'm not sure that there is value > in trying to make the backend continue compiling code that most likely has > no meaning. I'm not 100% convinced that is the
2009 May 23
counting occurrence of text in a dataframe
Hello list. I am hoping for some help with a relatively simple problem. I have a data frame arranged as below. I want to be able to count the occurrence of each gene (eg let-7e) by Experiment. In other words how many times does a given gene crop up in the dataframe. I tried table but couldn't work out how to get the output I want. I have also considered rearranging this data into a list (by
2008 Nov 06
replacing values in a vector
Hello list. I have a vector of values: eg > head(diff_mirs_list) [1] "hsa-miR-26b" "hsa-miR-26b" "hsa-miR-23a" "hsa-miR-27b" "hsa-miR-29a" [6] "hsa-miR-29b" and I would like to conditionally replace each value in this vector with a number defined in a dataframe: > fc ???????????? Probe ave.fc 1?????? hsa-let-7a?? 1.28 2?????
2011 Sep 30
Hi, There is a question that I am confused. I have a set of data like this: hsa-miR-205--GATA3 0.797882767 1.08E-13 hsa-miR-205--ITGB4 0.750217593 1.85E-11 hsa-miR-187--PGF 0.797604155 3.24E-11 hsa-miR-205--SERPINB5 0.744124886 3.28E-11 hsa-miR-205--PBX1 0.734487224 7.89E-11 hsa-miR-205--MCC 0.72499934 1.80E-10 hsa-miR-205--WNT5B 0.717705259 3.33E-10 hsa-miR-200c--PKN2 0.721746815
2009 Sep 29
How can I avoid a for-loop through sapply or lapply ?
Through converting a miRNAs file from FASTA to character format I get a vector which looks like the following: > nml [1] "hsa-let-7a MIMAT0000062 Homo sapiens let-7a" [2] "hsa-let-7b MIMAT0000063 Homo sapiens let-7b" [3] "hsa-let-7c MIMAT0000064 Homo sapiens let-7c" [4] "hsa-let-7d MIMAT0000065 Homo sapiens
2007 Sep 21
duplicated names and values
Dear list, I am sorry about this simple question, but somehow I can not figure out how to solve my problem, may be you could help? I have a vector mir3: > length(mir3) [1] 220671 >head(mir3) rno-miR-30c rno-miR-30c rno-miR-30d rno-miR-30e "ENSRNOT00000049288" "ENSRNOT00000049288" "ENSRNOT00000049288"
2011 Aug 15
Plot from function
*I have the following function:* /plot_mi_time = function(mdata, miname) { mdata2 = mdata[row.names(hakat) == miname, ] print(mdata2) xcoords <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6) plot(c(xcoords), mdata2, xaxt="n", ylab="Expression", xlab="Time(h)", , main=miname) axis(1, at=xcoords,
2005 Mar 01
part of name to Date
hi everybody, i try to extract a part of name to a date : like : "VGT1_VGT2_CONTR_B020030401.H0V0.MIR" to "20030401" but the beginning of the files changes i have a list of files: [,1] [1,] "VGT1_CONTR_B020020301.H0V0.MIR" [2,] "VGT1_VGT2_CONTR_B020020611.H0V0.MIR" [3,]
2019 Nov 27
Writing a Pass in LLVM MC (Machine Code) level to Analyze Assembly Code
Hi All, A self-follow up and rephrase of my previous question with updated subject: What I want to do is to analyze hand-written assembly code with 'full details' where semantics of each instruction can be known in LLVM passes. Many of such instructions have no corresponding counterparts in IR/MIR forms, such as 'syscall' 'iret', etc. At MC level, such assembly code can
2018 Mar 20
MIR YAML deserialisation failure
Hello Valentin, To generate a mir test case i think the process is to first create an IR file by passing '-S -emit-llvm' to clang, then you can feed that file into llc and use stop-before to get the mir just before the if-converter pass, eg: `llc -stop-before=if-converter -simplify-mir -o test.mir test.ll`. Also there is a MIR language reference:
2010 Dec 17
help with function
Hello List I'm moving this over from the bioC list as, although the problem I'm working on is biological, the current bottle neck is my poor understanding of R. I wonder if someone would help me with the following function. cumulMetric <- function(deMirPresGenes, deMirs){ ??? #need to match position of each miR in deMirPresGenes with its FC to form a vector of FC in correct order ?
2018 Mar 20
MIR YAML deserialisation failure
Valentin, in terms of limitations as Sean pointed out, an important one is that .mir doesn't have MachineFunctionInfo which may result in failure on accesses to global variables due to use of register X2. The verifier considers it an undefined register. Also, it's probably easier to reduce test cases using bugpoint starting from an IR test case. With the code you provided, I get a
2015 May 26
[LLVMdev] RFC: Separate machine IR from lib/CodeGen into lib/MIR
Hi all, The CodeGen library is a big bag of interdependent bits. This caused a circular dependency in the MIR serialization commit (r237954), which got reverted in r238007. I propose separating the machine IR out of CodeGen and into its own MIR library, living at lib/MIR. This touches every target but it's mostly a mechanical change that renames the header files, although a couple of
2018 Mar 20
MIR YAML deserialisation failure
Thank you both! I was running into the issue that bugpoint was reducing my test-case into other failures and I hadn't managed yet to find the right point in the Julia pass pipeline to insert the module to reproduce the issue reliably from llc and that's why I started looking at using the MIR. I will go back at looking at the pass pipeline and the IR and get a reproducer that way!
2018 Nov 09
[RFC] Tablegen-erated GlobalISel Combine Rules
Hi All, I've been working on the GlobalISel combiner recently and I'd like to share the plan for how Combine Rules will be defined in GlobalISel and solicit feedback on it. This email ended up rather long so: TL;DR: We're planning to define GlobalISel Combine Rules using MIR syntax with a few bits glued on to interface with the algorithm and escape into C++ when we need to.
2016 Apr 05
Heatmap Colnames
Hello, please see below my code for a heatmap. Unfortunately my column names do not completely appear. Can you please send me the appropriate code to visualise them? Many Thanks! Nils library(GMD) dat<-data.frame(EntryA=as.numeric(c(4.24,3,1.66,1.28,1.2,-1.32,-1.88)), EntryB=as.numeric(c(4.16,4.82,-1.82,-3.02,0.99,1.1,-3.31)))
2013 Jul 10
Replacing part of delimited string with R's regex
I have the following list of strings: name <- c("hsa-miR-555p","hsa-miR-519b-3p","hsa-let-7a") What I want to do is for each of the above strings replace the text after second delimiter with "zzz". Yielding: hsa-miR-zzz hsa-miR-zzz hsa-let-zzz What's the way to do it? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Mar 20
MIR YAML deserialisation failure
I'm not sure if this helps, but here it is in case it does. I typically use bugpoint in a way as to keep the actual failure that I'm after. For example, with the test case you've pasted, I was looking for a specific assert. So I used bugpoint this way: $ cat #!/bin/bash llc -filetype=obj $1 2>&1 | grep 'Cannot lower calls with arbitrary operand bundles'
2018 Nov 10
[RFC] Tablegen-erated GlobalISel Combine Rules
Thanks Nicolai! > On Nov 9, 2018, at 02:55, Nicolai Hähnle <nhaehnle at> wrote: > > Hi Daniel, > > Lots of good stuff in there! I especially like the design for specifying out-of-line predicates. I have a couple of small comments and one major one below. > > > On 09.11.18 02:42, Daniel Sanders via llvm-dev wrote: >> _Passing arbitrary data from
2018 Mar 22
MIR YAML deserialisation failure
In our fork of LLVM we often need to reduce a crash testcase for a specific assertion. After writing lots of "only give me this specific assertion" scripts like the above I decided to write a script that automates all this for me: <>. (It's called but it will actually use