similar to: [LLVMdev] Publication -- LLVM-Obfuscator - Software Protection for the Masses

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Publication -- LLVM-Obfuscator - Software Protection for the Masses"

2009 Jul 29
(senza oggetto)
Ciao, ho aperto con R un file di classe data frame con 15000 righe e 29 colonne. Nella console però sono visualizzate solo la prime e l'ultima colonna e le ultime 8000 righe circa. E' possibile una visualizzazione completa? Grazie Sabrina [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Nov 23
Compiler OR Obfuscator for RoR applications?
Hi folks, I''m a newbie in the Ruby land, The Ruby language and RoR looks really great but I think in my situation there is a problem, we are an ISV that sells web application and we don''t want our clients see our source code, I searched the web but couldn''t find any way to compile and\or obfuscate ruby code (in web (RoR)), is there such tool available for the language?
2019 Aug 06
Monitor UPS Brand SMS
Hi Users NUT, I want monitor a UPS of brand SMS (Sinus Double 8 KVA) using a raspberry-pi. In compatibility list, is listed to use the blazer_ser driver. I use a USB adapter to RS-232 conected in to the No-Breake. Follow the comands e confs. root at rasp:/home/pi# lsusb *Bus 001 Device 004: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port* Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard
2009 Oct 04
extraction from data.frame
Hi, I extracted from a data.frame (x) of 27 columns a smaller data.frame (x2) with 12 columns whit the following: x2=x[, c("BROVISINGVal", "CHATVal", "EMAILVal", ..., "Piano.Tariffario")] Anyway I want to form x2 by extracting all the rows that assume any value for the first 11 columns but a particular value (2) for the last one
2009 Jul 29
visualizzazione colonne
ciao, ho aperto un file in R di classe data frame di 15000 righe e 29 colonne. Nella console però sono visualizzate solo la prima e l'ultima colonna e le ultime 8000 righe circa. E' possibile una visualizzazione completa? Grazie Sabrina [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jul 21
ROR - Apache - FastCGI / Can''t see stylesheets or javascript
Folks ... I have been porting my app from dev environment on Webrick to Apache with FastCGI. I have the app responding and pulling up the data, but it is ignoring the "images", "stylesheets", "javascripts" directories located in the public directory. I''m running Apache under Suse Linux 9.x. Here is the information that I have in my vhosts.conf file:
2013 Feb 27
[LLVMdev] Compilation problem when addind a library
Hi ! Here is the situation. I created a pass in lib/Transforms/Obfuscation. I added a createFlattening() in IPO.h and in my code to be able to use it in PassManagerBuilder.cpp (lib/Transforms/IPO) in the method PopulateModulePassManager() so I can add my pass to standard passes. It all works if I add all my files in the lib/Transforms/IPO directory. But I want to keep them away in the
2018 Jan 08
LLVM Social - Paris: January 30th, 2018
The next LLVM social in Paris will happen on January 30th, 2018. Everyone interested in LLVM, Clang, lldb, Polly, lld, ... is invited to join. Event details, including registration (free but mandatory) at For this meetup, Adrien Guinet, Serge Guelton and Juan Manuel Martinez will talk about the "Challenges when building an LLVM bitcode
2016 Feb 16
[Firefox] How to compile firefox with Clang for Linux
Hi All, I am trying to build firefox with clang in Ubuntu 14.04 64bit. There is always configure failed errors problem. I follow compiling firefox with clang on linux <>. I add "export CC=clang export CXX=clang++" to mozconfig file. I wonder whether you guys have built firefox with clang in Linux. Could
2017 Sep 26
Moderators for the 2017 LLVM Developers' Mtg Needed!
The 2017 LLVM Developers’ Meeting relies on volunteers to keep things running smoothly. Moderators are critical to this as they keep speakers on track and facilitate Q&A after the talk. I’m looking for community members who would be attending specific talks anyway, to volunteer to moderate the session. If you are interested in volunteering, please respond to this email with your first and
2006 Aug 03
How to protect your code? Obfuscater?
I just made a rails application that I plan to sell and dsitribute. I want to distribute it without having to worry about someone stealing the code and selling their own version. How do I do this? Is there a ruby obfuscator or anything that can keep someone from seeing the code? Thanks for your help. -- Posted via
2006 May 19
Running Rails from embedded Ruby
Is it possible to run a Rails application from embedded ruby? I''m thinking of replacing dispaches with a C application which will then call the normal Rails dispaches and so on... Is this do-able? Many thanks, Kris. -- Posted via
2015 Oct 05
Swift to IR, generates wrong IR
Hi, I have a simple swift code from which I generate IR code with ‘swiftc test.swift -emit-ir -o test.ll' When I try to run the .ll file or apply optimization with opt, I get errors like this one: lli: test.ll:548:110: error: expected instruction opcode %9 = cmpxchg i64* bitcast (%swift.type*** @field_type_vector_TipCalculator to i64*), i64 0, i64 %8 seq_cst seq_cst
2006 May 17
[LLVMdev] Obfuscation with LLVM
Hi all, I was trying to implement an obfuscation tool for C-code on the basis of LLVM. I got a prototype of the simple obfuscation transformation which converting control flow graph to something like a state machine. I am not sure I will have time to work on extending further this tool with new transformations like opaque predicates and decided to put here source code I have by now with hope
2019 Aug 07
Monitor UPS Brand SMS
I am far from expert on these matters. But have a couple questions: 1. Are you sure that /dev/ttyUSB0 exists and is the result of the Prolific USB->serial converter? For example, if you yank the Prolific and reboot, is /ttyUSB0 there still? It is possible that there is another /dev/ttyUSBx out there.I doubt this but wonder. 2. I have recently been fuddled due to permission problems of
2019 Aug 06
Monitor UPS Brand SMS
On 06/08/2019 23.14, Mario Michielin Neto wrote: > Hi Users NUT, > > I want monitor a UPS of brand SMS (Sinus Double 8 KVA) using a raspberry-pi. In compatibility list, is listed to use the blazer_ser driver. I use a USB adapter to RS-232 conected in to the No-Breake. Follow the comands e confs. > > root at rasp:/home/pi# lsusb > *Bus 001 Device 004: ID 067b:2303 Prolific
2015 Oct 05
Swift to IR, generates wrong IR
Hi, 2015-10-05 11:49 GMT+02:00 Rinaldini Julien via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at>: > Sorry, the error is (the previous one was from Apple’s lli): > > Documents/ test.ll:57:203: error: expected comma after getelementptr's type > @_METACLASS_DATA__TtC4test13TipCalculator = private constant { i32, i32, i32, i32, i8*, i8*,
2017 Oct 14
IR Pass Ordering Sensitivity
On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 11:05 AM, John Regehr via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > These are definitely LLVM bugs. It would be best to report reduced test > cases against top of tree. > > We should have some automated infrastructure for finding these too... > > John > Zhendong & friends generally do that (and reported many bugs :) I tried that myself,
2010 May 04
raw backtrace in masses
Hi I've got huge amounts of May 3 15:47:37 host dovecot: [ID 583609 mail.error] IMAP(user): close(/home/user/Mail/R-Help.lock) failed: Disc quota exceeded May 3 15:47:37 host dovecot: [ID 583609 mail.error] IMAP(user): Raw backtrace: 0xb0e58 -> 0xb0894 -> 0x552b4 -> 0x55508 -> 0x55774 -> 0x55d9c -> 0x5759c -> 0x57ad0 -> 0x713cc -> 0x64284 -> 0x57be0 ->
2014 Oct 28
[LLVMdev] Problem in X86 backend (again)
Hi, I'm still having problems implementing my custom inserter in the X86 backend. I found a solution to my last problem (, by using a virtual register. The binary works when it's compiled in -O0, but not in -O1,-O2,... I really can't figure what I'm doing wrong... Any idea? Here is the code of my custom