similar to: [LLVMdev] Linking Modules with the C API

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 60000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Linking Modules with the C API"

2019 Nov 01
R C api for 'inherits' S3 and S4 objects
Dear R developers, Motivated by discussion about checking inheritance of S3 and S4 objects (in head matrix/array topic) I would light to shed some light on a minor gap about that matter in R C API. Currently we are able to check inheritance for S3 class objects from C in a robust way (no allocation, thread safe). This is unfortunately not possible for S4 classes. I would kindly request new
2007 Jan 16
Links in view specs
Hi I have this simple view (used by the Gap controller): <h1>Gap#index</h1> <%= link_to "Get a GAP quote", :action => "get_quote" %> And this spec: context "A rendered gap/index" do setup do render ''gap/index'' end specify "should have a link to the get_quote page" do
2019 Nov 01
[External] R C api for 'inherits' S3 and S4 objects
Thank you Luke. That is why I don't use Rf_inherits but INHERITS which does not allocate, provided in the email body. I cannot do similarly for S4 classes, thus asking for some API for that. On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 5:56 PM Tierney, Luke <luke-tierney at> wrote: > > On Fri, 1 Nov 2019, Jan Gorecki wrote: > > > Dear R developers, > > > > Motivated by
2012 Sep 13
Parsing "back" to API strcuture
Dear R experts, I'm reading data from an online database via API and it gets delivered in this messy comma separated structure, > RAW.API <-
2013 Jan 13
Extract data in word pad
Dear r-users,   I have saved data in word pad.  I would like to extract certain part of data only, for example   19710629 080000(PARTIAL) 39.3 at interval beginning 19701126 010326 19720629 080000(PARTIAL) 33.8 at interval beginning 19720517 144507 19730629 080000(PARTIAL) 32.2 at interval beginning 19720910 135747   and so on...   The original data set are given below:      
2013 Jan 11
Extract data
Dear R users, I just join this forum a few minutes ago. My friend recommend this forum to me.   I have data in excel csv. My problem is I would like to extract some number, for example as highlighted below;   Year Ending           Maximum Value (Rain mm)  Gap from 19710509 090000 to 19710607 080000 of   28.96 Days 19710629 080000(PARTIAL)       39.3 at interval beginning 19701126 010326  Gap from
2011 Apr 04
gap.barplot doesn't support data arrays?
I am trying to make a barplot with a broken axis using gap.barplot (in the indispensable plotrix package). This works well when the data is a vector: > twogrp<-c(rnorm(10)+4,rnorm(10)+20) > gap.barplot(twogrp,gap=c(8,16),xlab="Index",ytics=c(3,6,17,20),ylab="Group values",main="Barplot with gap") But when the data is an array (for a bar plot with multiple
2010 Nov 18
Help with lmer, nested data and repeated measures
Dear all, I'm discovering the somehow confusing (for me) world of linear mixed models after having been advised it could be the best option to analyze my dataset. After several days of reading, I'm not sure that what I ended up with makes some sense and I'd greatly appreciate any help and explanations. The dataset has been obtained as follows. In 15 different locations, I counted
2008 Aug 12
gap.plot() and axes=F
Hello! Using the package Plotrix I want to do a plot with a broken axis. So far it's working fine but now I want only the x and y axis plotted (the x-axis with a gap in it), but not the axes that are reffered to as axis 3 and 4, and not the lines that additionally mark the gap in the axis. I thought an 'axes=F' in the gap.plot() command would do (as in the usual plot()), but it does
2008 Jul 26
issues with gap.plot function
Dear all: I have the following codes: Xdata<-c(2,3,8,9,10) Ydata<-1:5 gap.plot(Xdata, Ydata,gap=c(5,6),gap.axis="x",type="o") However, the type='o' seems only work on the first part of gap plot, the second half of the plot always just points, you can not add lines on that part, any help will be highly appreciated. I would like to have these two parts of
2007 Aug 21
Render template not matching absolute path
Hi I have a simple controller method like this: class StylesheetsController < ApplicationController layout nil session :off def gap site = Site.find_by_hostname( @colours = site.colours respond_to do |accepts| accepts.css { render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/ stylesheets/gap.rcss" } end end end And I want to test that
2006 Jul 19
Plotting lines and points on the second plot when using gap.plot in plotrix
Hi My question is simple - the gap.plot function in the plotrix package allows users to draw graphs that have a broken axis. However, I want to then add a line to the "second" plot, but can't. Eg: twogrp<-c(rnorm(10)+4,rnorm(10)+20) gap.plot(twogrp,rnorm(20),gap.bounds=c(8,16),gap.axis="x",xlab="X values", xtics=c(4,7,17,20),ylab="Y
2012 Jul 02
using "na.locf" from package zoo to fill NA gaps
Hi everybody, I have a small question about the function "na.locf" from the package "zoo". I saw in the help that this function is able to fill NA gaps with the last value before the NA gap (or with the next value). But it is possible to fill my NA gaps according to the last AND the next value at the same time? Actually, I want R to fill my gaps with the method of
2010 Sep 09
Axis break with gap.plot()
Hi everyone. I'm trying to break the y axis on a plot. For instance, I have 2 series (points and a loess). Since the loess is a "continuous" set of points, it passes in the break section. However, with gap.plot I cant plot the loess because of this (I got the message "some values of y will not be displayed"). Here's my code: library(plotrix); #generate some data x
2010 May 19
contrasts for lmer model
hello, i found it most convenient to use package contrast for planned comparisons on mixed models. for instance i have a model with 2 fixed factors, one with 4 levels (stage) and one with 2 levels (gap) and a nested random factor (site) and i tested gap within level A of factor stage: library(contrast) library(nlme) m1<-lme(rich ~ stage*gap, random=~1|site,data=richness) contrast(m1, a =
2014 Sep 03
[PATCH v4 0/4] virtio: Clean up scatterlists and use the DMA API
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 12:47 AM, Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini at> wrote: > Il 03/09/2014 02:25, Benjamin Herrenschmidt ha scritto: >> > But there aren't any ACPI systems with both virtio-pci and IOMMUs, >> > right? So we could say that, henceforth, ACPI systems must declare >> > whether virtio-pci devices live behind IOMMUs without breaking >>
2014 Sep 03
[PATCH v4 0/4] virtio: Clean up scatterlists and use the DMA API
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 12:47 AM, Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini at> wrote: > Il 03/09/2014 02:25, Benjamin Herrenschmidt ha scritto: >> > But there aren't any ACPI systems with both virtio-pci and IOMMUs, >> > right? So we could say that, henceforth, ACPI systems must declare >> > whether virtio-pci devices live behind IOMMUs without breaking >>
2011 Jan 21
Unexpected Gap in simple line plot
I am getting an unexpected gap in a simple plot of monthly data series. I have created a csv file of monthly climate observations that I store on-line. When I download the csv file and plot one of the series, I get a gap even though there is data for the missing point. Here is a snippet to show the problem. ## Strange plot results link <-
2012 Apr 30
Different varable lengths
Hi! I'm trying to do a lm() test on three objects. My problem is that R protests and says that the variable lengths differ for one of the objects ( But I have double checked that the number of observations are the same. All three objects should contain 9 observations but R only accepts 9 observations in two of the objects. The third must have 10! Very confusing because there
2008 Jul 25
Bug in gap.plot
Hi, all I am trying to make a plot with a axis break and I want the whole plot to be line, not points. However, when I execute the following command half of the graph is points and the other lines. gap.plot(Xdata, Ydata,gap=c(5,6),gap.axis="x",type="l") I think it might be a bug in plotrix. I would greatly appreciate your input. If there is another way to do it, I