similar to: [LLVMdev] AddReadAttrs vs. TargetMachine?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] AddReadAttrs vs. TargetMachine?"

2012 Jun 19
[LLVMdev] llvm::Triple error in new backend
Hi, I try to write a new backend. At the moment I run into a compiler error and don't know how I can solve this problem. Like several other targets I have a file 'mybackendTargetInfo.cpp' in the subdirectory 'TargetInfo'. The content of this file is: #include "mybackend.h" #include "llvm/Module.h" #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h" using
2010 Dec 09
Where is my file?
I have a file whose name is f:\Ralph-Rails-Apps\myproject\public\documentation\marketing\myproject-Upgrade-and-Update-Policy.htm on my Windows machine I have attempted to open this file (which I know exists) in my controller using a variety of names to no avail. /public/documentation/marketing/myproject-Upgrade-and-Update-Policy.htm
2006 May 05
RadRails and path issues
I have been using RadRails as my editor for Ruby development. Overall I''m pretty happy with it. I''m experiencing a couple of path problems though when using it. Inside of my project within RadRails I will have a directory structure that looks similar to this. +MyProject ++src +++src_sub_directories ++props ++output ..misc files RadRails then treats all files within the src
2008 Oct 13
rsync error: Error in socket IO(code 10) at clientserver.c(122)
Hi, I am using cwrsync ver 2.1.5 over SSH to connect to and facing some problems and not sure how to go about it. Below is the full text of the result when I run the batch file. Was wondering if anyone has seen any similar issue. Any thoughts/help is much appreciated. ------------------------------------------------ Tunnel: ssh Command to run: "C:\Program
2009 Oct 21
Rails generator fails to generate all files
Hi Ive lost all idea of why this can happen I normally use rails to generate a new project rails myproject -d mysql inside the myproject directory normally there would be a file called application.html.erb, with in the public directory a file called style.css Now I dont get anything at all, they are missing All my previous projects have those files, using 2.3.4 Ruby 1.9.1 Windows Any
2007 Apr 12
Installing rspec in Windows
Hi all, I''m trying to install rspec and I''m having a problem. C:\Users\Nathan\Documents\rails\myproject> gem install rspec Bulk updating Gem source index for: Successfully installed rspec-0.8.2 Installing ri documentation for rspec-0.8.2... Installing RDoc documentation for rspec-0.8.2... C:\Users\Nathan\Documents\rails\myproject> ruby
2007 Jan 23
Loading Rails Helpers in 1.2.1
I''m having a problem where a worker cannot load a rails helper in rails 1.2.1 20070123-08:27:15 (4974) uninitialized constant FileImportWorker::CatalogsHelper - (NameError) 20070123-08:27:15 (4974) /Users/erik/Documents/projects/myproject/ trunk/config/../vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/../../activesupport/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:478:in `const_missing''
2011 Sep 09
Please explain your workflow from R code -> package -> R code -> package
Hi, I'm asking another one of those questions that would be obvious if I could watch your work while you do it. I'm having trouble understanding the workflow of code and package maintenance. Stage 1. Make some R functions in a folder. This is in a Subversion repo R/trunk/myproject Stage 2. Make a package: After the package.skeleton, and R check, I have a new folder with the project
2007 May 25
The RSpec Development Team is pleased to announce the release of RSpec-1.0.3. == Changes This is the compatibility release! * Compatible with autotest!!!! (As of ZenTest 3.6.0 - see below) * Compatible with edge rails (as of r6825). * Compatible with jruby (since release 1.0.1) See for more detail. == About RSpec RSpec is a framework which provides
2015 Dec 21
lldb -c corefile get segmentation fault on centos7
Hi, I build llvm+clang+lldb 3.7 successfully on centos7, and lldb -p PID works pretty well. However when I tried lldb -c corefile executable_bin, lldb itself core dumpped. Attached the following core info which is debugged by gdb: [root at dn-cn-controller-4fbd4 data1]# lldb -c a.corefile /usr/local/myproject/bin/cnode *(lldb) target create "/usr/local/myproject/bin/cnode" --core
2008 Apr 13
[LLVMdev] Setting up new project
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Criswell, John T <criswell at> wrote: > Try using the --with-llvmsrc and --with-llvmobj options to explicitly set the locations of your LLVM source tree and object tree, respectively. I faintly recall seeing this error and seem to recall using these options to work around it. OK. Here are the complete steps required to successfully build the
2007 Oct 09
How to create something between a script and a package
(Before starting: I'm a total R noob so please bear with me in case of any error or faux pas). Hi, For a small project, I'm writing a few simple R functions and calling them from python (using RPy). I'm sharing the code with a couple of friends, using a subversion server. Now, I want something like a package, to be able to share functions between ourselves. Having read a few package
2009 Jul 16
[LLVMdev] Handling of built-in functions
Hi, I'm trying to add support in my back end for certain functions that are seen as built-in by the target. Some of these functions can be implemented in a) LLVM, and some in b) the native target language. My approach to case a) is to write the built-in function implementation in C, compile it to LLVM using Clang, link it to the module that uses it and finally add a pass to inline it.
2012 May 07
[LLVMdev] TableGen backend API refactoring.
tl;dr: is anyone opposed to making the interface to a TableGen backend be: void MyBackend(RecordKeeper &, raw_ostream & /* maybe some other args, per backend's needs */); ?? Currently, this is the "interface" for a TableGen backend: struct TableGenBackend { virtual void anchor(); virtual ~TableGenBackend() {} // run - All TableGen backends should implement the run
2006 Apr 20
[LLVMdev] creating a project from sample project
Reid, Thank you for all your help. I think that I have working now. (I still get the warning about GOB2_HOOK, but I'm assuming that's not a problem.) I'll explain the scenario that led to the problem. I copied the sample project to ~/work/myproject/src/sample. Then I renamed it to ~/work/myproject/src/llvm, indicating that this was the llvm part of my project.
2009 Feb 13
Write and Load functions from an external file
Hi All, Would be grateful,if anyone can answer my queries. I need to share code. For example, if I am working in C/C++, I would put some function declarations in .h files that you would include. In PHP, I would create files with the common functions in them and then "include()" them. So far, I haven't been able to figure out what the standard practice is in R. The two options
2007 Jun 15
Error when running functional test - Errno::ENOENT
Hello, I''m getting an error when running functional tests as follows, using Mac OSX 10.4.9, Rails 1.2.3 . When I run: ruby test/functional/campaign_controller_test.rb I get this error: Started E Finished in 0.027402 seconds. 1) Error: test_should_get_icon_data(CampaignControllerTest): Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /usr/src/projects/myproject/
2014 Mar 12
Anyone using trac on centos?
(Besides Paul, who's busy?) I just need one question answered: I keep reading the docs, and given the old traditional /var/www I get that part of trac should be installed in /var/www/trac/<myproj> (I think); what I can't figure out is whether there is *anything* under the document root, that is, /var/www/html/trac/<myproject>. Anyone have a clue? Do I even need it as a
2015 Jul 22
[LLVMdev] prevent an SDValue from lower into an immediate field in load
Hi there, I am doing relocation in my backend by calling my function getAddrNonPic: SDValue getAddrNonPIC(NodeTy *N, SDLoc DL, EVT Ty, SelectionDAG &DAG)const{ SValue Hi=getTarget(N,Ty,DAG, MyBackend::Hi16); SValue Lo=getTarget(N,Ty,DAG, MyBackend::Lo16); return DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, Ty, DAG.getNode(MyBackend::Hi16, DL, Ty, Hi), DAG.getNode(MyBackend::Lo16, DL, Ty, Ho)); }
2008 Apr 15
[LLVMdev] Linking to LLVM libs from new project
Hi all, I have a new sample project set up in my llvm/projects directory, and I'd eventually like my frontend to generate an LLVM IR tree. To do so, I believe I need to link to the appropriate LLVM libraries. That's where I'm stuck. I can't seem to find any specific documentation that describes how to set up a new project to link to LLVM libraries. To get started, I added a