similar to: Best way to log output from custom plugin on build finish

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Best way to log output from custom plugin on build finish"

2008 Mar 31
[CruiseControl] mongrel-trunk-mingw32 build 997.1 failed
The build failed. Note: if you set Configuration.dashboard_url in config/site_config.rb, you''d see a link to the build page here. CHANGES ------- Build was manually requested BUILD LOG --------- D:/Users/Luis/.cruise/projects/mongrel-trunk-mingw32/work Luis$ ruby -e "require ''rubygems'' rescue nil; require ''rake''; load
2010 Jun 24
Scheduling a nightly build - config options
Hello, I downloaded the latest cruisecontrol.rb from github and tried configuring a schedule for building every 24 hours. Below is my project specific cruise_config.rb. What''s happening is, cruisecontrol.rb is not honoring the polling_interval of and it keeps building continuously (true to it''s nautre of continuous buids), which I assume it''s using the default
2008 Jan 25
cruisecontrol.rb setup problems
Hi all, We are trying to set up cruisecontrol.rb on a windows machine. We have ruby, rails, cruisecontrol.rb (win32 versions). We have added the project, run throught the tests. The tests run 100% successfully. After the tests run, it apparently uses unit test collector to collect through some tests which have require on "cc:build" which it can''t find anymore and spits
2007 Dec 21
db:migrate problem
I''m having a bit of trouble getting a rails project to build properly within cruisecontrolrb. My cruise task is in lib/tasks/my_project.rake, and looks like this: task :cruise => [''db:test:purge'', ''db:migrate'', ''db:test:prepare'', ''test:coverage:clean'', ''test:coverage:prepare'',
2008 May 02
CruiseControlRb behind apache
I managed to find this in the archives, so far: Found a better alternative to doing this in my .htaccess instead of messing with the httpd.conf, in case someone is interested: --- snip --- RewriteEngine On ### for cruisecontrol RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost:3333/$1 [P] AuthType Basic
2008 Jun 09
SVN credentials
Hello All, Where are the username and password for your SVN repo stored for a cruisecontrol.rb project? I can see where you specify it when you add a project but I have been unable to find it to change it. Thanks -- Steve Kickert CEO Riverock Technologies 952-232-5280 (direct) 612-965-1909 (mobile) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2008 Aug 12
The CruiseControl server does not provide web URLs for projects
Hi folks, We successfully set up our ccrb app, running on a server in-house. As a first pass, I was originally running it through a terminal connected to the server via ssh, where I''d just navigated to the app''s folder then run ''cruise start''. At that time, I could connect fine to the CCTray service. We''ve subsequently
2007 Dec 31
Install woes : ''Stack level too deep'' exceptions
I have Ruby 1.8.6 03-13-2007 patch rails 2.0.2 Subversion is 1.4.5 I took the cruisecontrol-1.2.1.tgz download. I followed the steps in the getting started guide. On the "cruise add project" step I get a failure ''stack level too deep'' - No log files are created. Any ideas ? -- Gishu -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
2008 May 25
Cruisecontroi footprint for a virtual machine installation
Does anyone have any feel for the requirements (disk space, memory, anything else you can think of) of a virtual machine (say Centos Linux), set up as a CruiseControl.rb build machine? Regards, Lori -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2008 Jan 26
UI Integration with RSpec?
Hi all, Is there any integration with testing tools such as RSpec or Test::Unit planned? I see that the cruise task is run correctly, but the tests show up underneath the build log. Ideally I''d like them to show up the same way that they do in ''java'' CruiseControl, in their own section of tests. Will.
2009 Sep 15
how to run all tests AND metric_fu
i want to use cruisecontrol.rb to run ?rake test? (every time a new revision is in the svn repo) and ?rake metrics:all? (let?s say every 24 hours). how do i have to configure cruisecontrol.rb? both rake tasks work. however, when i configure cruisecontrol.rb as described on the metric_fu website, i.e. add ''project.rake_task = ?metrics:all? project.scheduler.polling_interval =
2007 Jul 24
CCTray written in Java to connect to Cruise Control
Hi, JCCTray is a Java port of CCTray that was originally written in .NET. JCCTray is a utility for use with all flavors of CruiseControl Continuous Integration servers. Specifically it works with CruiseControl, CruiseControl.NET, CruiseControl.Rb. It provides feedback on build progress, and allows control over some of the server''s operations. You can download JCCTray from
2008 Mar 31
cruisecontrol.rb with C++ projects
Hi, This has probably been asked a hundred times, but I couldn''t find the answer: how do I configure cruisecontrol.rb to build a c/c++ makefile? Thanks This e-mail message has been sent by Elbit Systems Ltd. and is for the use of the intended recipients only. The message may contain privileged or commercially sensitive information . If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby
2010 Mar 11
alternative tmp directory?
I''m trying to determine how I can set an alternative tmp directory for cruise session files. My /tmp has filled up a few times now with ruby_sess.ff20ec1c310b4a78 (and similar) files. I cleaned them all out yesterday, and have another 532 of them today. I''ve tried a few things so far. I have a tmp/sessions directory within cruise itself, but that is not being used. In
2008 Jan 09
Cruisecontrol.rb & JRuby ?
Hi, I searched the archives of this list and came across a few posts that indicated that Cruisecontrol.rb may support JRuby: Anybody using it that way? Any advice, gotchas etc.? Apologies if I am missing other resources. Thanks, Mike --
2008 Sep 19
metric_fu for use in cc.rb
Hi all, I looked on the mailing list for metric_fu, but didn''t find it -- so at the risk of being redundant, it looks really useful. "Metric_fu is a set of rake tasks that make it easy to generate metrics reports. It uses Saikuro <>, Flog<>, Rcov <>,
2010 Mar 18
CCrb configuration for many projects
Hi! I have about 10 projects in my Cruise. I want to use metric_fu (roodi, rcov, flay) metrics. Right now I have defined :cruise task in Rakefile in each project. Is there any convention to manage cruise configuration from one place? Gem? Plugin for Rails projects? Some good habit also for custom artifacts? -- Pozdrawiam, Sebastian Nowak XMPP: seban at
2008 Jun 09
Configuration Settings
I am trying to configure CC.rb as an NT service, and have it installed using SRVANY.exe, and can access the dashboard via http://localhost:3333 Now have a few questions about config 1) Used "cruise add" to add the project, but the dashboard still the dhasboard says "There are no projects in the project directory" 2) This question may answer 1), how do I configure the
2007 Feb 21
Problem with adding project with Subversion username and password
Hi, I found that when adding a project with Subversion username and password, e.g. cruise add <project-name> --url <URL> --username <username> --password <password> the username and password were not actually passed to svn command. I printed out the content of scm_options in script/add_project file and found that the values of username and password were empty. Then I
2008 May 19
2 Minor issues with 1.3.0 on windows
Hi all, Lest I forget: Windows XP Pro SP2 C:\CruiseControl\cruisecontrolrb-1.3.0>ruby --version ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32] We found two minor problems with CC.rb when trying to run on windows. The first effects the Dashboard saying there is no project. In boot.rb we had to add a .gsub(''\\'',''/'') in #find_home when