Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches similar to: "CALCULAR SALDO DE CUENTA CORRIENTE"

2020 Sep 23
Hola, Estoy haciendo un gráfico con: ############################################################################# ## GRAFICO BARRAS : VALORES AL DEBE MENSUALIZADO ggplot(Diario_S2, aes(x=mes_AAA, by = MES , y=ARS_DEB))+ # ASIGNAR VARIABLES geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7, # ANCHO BARRAS colour="grey", fill="darkgreen", #
2018 Jan 02
Help with first S3-class
Hi, I am trying to understand S3 classes. I have read several tutorials about the topics but I am still a bit confused. I guess it is because it is so different from Java OOP. I have pasted my attempt at creating a bank-account class below and my problems are: 1. What should be added some plot.default() calls the account$plot() method ? 2. What should the account$plot() be implemented to
2020 Sep 10
Tengo que preparar un Dataset que termine siendo un resumen de cuenta contable a partir de los datos del diario contable de una empresa que el script va filtrando cuenta por cuenta. He podido importar los datos con variables: fecha , concepto, valor debe, valor haber y me falta una variable que sea el saldo. Sucede que el saldo se tiene que calcular fila a fila, es decir sumando el valor debe y
2018 Jan 02
Help with first S3-class
On 02/01/2018 6:38 PM, Martin M?ller Skarbiniks Pedersen wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to understand S3 classes. I have read several tutorials about > the topics but I am still a bit confused. I guess it is because it is > so different from > Java OOP. What you do below isn't S3. S3 is a system where the classes are secondary to the generic functions. Methods
2018 Jan 03
Help with first S3-class
On 3 January 2018 at 00:52, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > On 02/01/2018 6:38 PM, Martin M?ller Skarbiniks Pedersen wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> I am trying to understand S3 classes. I have read several tutorials >> about >> the topics but I am still a bit confused. I guess it is because it is >> so different from >> Java
2018 Jan 03
Help with first S3-class
Some mistake: > I expect this output: [1] 100 Martin Saldo is: 100 but I get [1] 0 Martn Saldo is: 0
2006 Jun 30
tkbutton command - how to know which button was clicked?
In the below code fragment, print(arg) always prints the last element of rekeningen$rekening. Is this because of lazy evaluation? I.e. arg is evaluated at the time the button is pressed? And, if so, how can I avoid this? I tried function() {force(arg); print(arg)} but that didn't work either. Thanks, Jeebee. for(rek in seq(1,nrow(rekeningen))) { arg <- rekeningen$rekening[rek]
2011 Aug 10
sql query in a more "rails 3 way"
Hi people I want to know if you know how to write the following sql query in a more "rails way" UPDATE buy_order_detail SET saldo = saldo - detail_purchase.cantidad FROM purchase_detail INNER JOIN purchase ON = purchaser_detail.purchase_id INNER JOIN waybill ON = purchase.waybill_id INNER JOIN buy_order ON =
2018 Jan 03
Help with first S3-class
Function arguments are not pass-by-reference... they are pass-by-value. You need to return the altered object to the caller when you are done messing with it. Note that R is a data processing language... your example will not scale to real world use cases because you make no use of vectorization to handle multiple accounts. It is better to focus on the functional aspect of computing and let the
2006 Jul 14
error with Dates in SQL Server
An application that run without flaw last week has been reported to crash with an error that says that a conversion from char to datetime has given a date outside range. This very application runs OK today in production (fortunately :-), and the difference in both SQL Servers is just that the one where the exception has started to appear has Spanish conventions. I can''t give
2006 Jul 17
Inserting datetime value into SQL Server
I have a SQL Server column named StartTime of (SQL Server) type datetime If I attempt to set the attribute using public def StartTime=(time) write_attribute(:StartTime, "{ts ''1899-12-30 #{time.hour}:#{time.min}:#{time.sec}''}") end it''s inserting a NULL value. Anyone else able to successfully insert a date time value into a SQL Server table using