similar to: potencia fracional de un número negativo

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "potencia fracional de un número negativo"

2015 Oct 15
potencia fracional de un número negativo
No sé si he entendido bien la pregunta, pero creo que lo que quieres obtener es esto: (as.complex(-0.5)^(1/5)) Saludos,Salva > To: r-help-es en > From: canadasreche en > Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 10:45:10 +0200 > Subject: Re: [R-es] potencia fracional de un número negativo > > Hola. > No sé si va por aquí, pero prueba a quitar el paréntesis a (-0.5) >
2015 Oct 15
potencia fracional de un número negativo
Mirando los comentarios, realmente lo que deseo es encontrar la raíz real de (-0.5)^(1/5) la cual debería ser -0.87055056329. José me hace caer en cuenta que además de no encontrar la raiz real, tampoco da todas las raiz complejas. Habría alguna manera de que tuviera en cuenta? > ------------------------------ > > Message: 6 > Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 11:25:39 +0200 > From: José
2015 Oct 16
potencia fracional de un número negativo
El problema del módulo es que pierde el signo. En tu caso sale igual porque has invertido el signo del coeficiente en el polinomio (en realidad se me pasó a a mí advertir que el término independiente debe ir con signo negativo): .> polyroot(z=c(0.5,0,0,0,0,1)) [1] 0.7042902+0.5116968i -0.2690149+0.8279428i -0.2690149-0.8279428i [4] 0.7042902-0.5116968i -0.8705506+0.0000000i .> .>
2012 Jun 01
Potencia para un U test
Hola. Algún paquete que calcule la potencia de un U-test? -- Antonio Maurandi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Nov 05
Potencia de la prueba T
Buen día para todos los que ven este correo. En estos días estoy estudiando la potencia de una prueba en inferencia, pero no entiendo bien como correr un codigo que lo haga pertinentemente, el codigo que corro es el siguiente, la idea es que a medida que crece el tamaña muestral pues la potencia de la prueba aumente, pero no se como hacer para que, repita la prueba variando el tamaño de la
2013 May 03
Licence change
Dear list, For the maintainer of a given package, is it possible to change the licence of a it from GPL >= 2 to GPL >= 3 ? Thanks in advance, Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, Ph.D -- ================================================= Water Resources Unit Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission TP 261, Via Enrico Fermi 2749, 21027
2013 Feb 18
Random number generator used in 'runif'
Dear list, For the implementation of a particular optimization algorithm it is very important the random number generator. I would like to know if somebody could tell me what is the random number generator used by default in the 'runif' function. >From the help page of 'runif' and '.Random.seed' I guess that the default algorithm is 'Mersenne-Twister', but I
2013 Feb 21
limitations to random number generator in 64-bits machines
Dear List, Recently I got the comment that the implementation of the random number generator used by default in R (Mersenne-Twister) could not be "safe" for 64-bits machines, so I decided to put the question here because I do not have expertise in that topic, and because this question could be "too technical for R-help's audience". I apologise if this is not the case.
2010 Dec 17
Changing a value in a particular row and column within a text file
Dear list, I need to change a value within a particular line of a plain text file with characters and numbers, and I haven't found any way of doing this by using R. What I have a is a file that doesn't have tabular data (so, I think that 'read.table' or 'read.delim' are not the right tools for this), but some text, and I now exactly the row that has to be modified and the
2012 Mar 08
xyplot without external box
Dear list members, Within a loop, I need to create an xyplot with only a legend, not even with the default external box drawn by lattice. I already managed to remove the axis labels and tick marks, but I couldn't find in the documentation of xyplot how to remove the external box. I would really appreciate any help with this ------------- START ----------- library(lattice) x<-1:100
2010 Jul 01
Help with some important information about Rails
Hello how are all My name is Carlos Zambrano, I''m from Ecuador and I''m doing a graduate thesis about Ruby on Rails vs Php on other frameworks such as Zend, Django and Python on Java or Struts. I would like you to help me with information about which items should be taken into consideration to make if compared to these other languages vs Ruby because my goal is to demonstrate
2012 Feb 13
requesting a new SIG mailing list
Dear R developers, Due to the increasing use R in hydrology and other close-related environmental sciences, I would like to ask if it would be possible to create a new Special Interest Group mailing list, called 'R-sig-hydro', specially devoted those topics. If possible to do so, I'd offer myself to maintain such mailing list (if needed). Thanks in advance, Mauricio
2012 Nov 05
relative convergence in 'optim'
Dear list, I have a question related to the correct interpretation of the relative convergence criterion used by 'optim'. In the help of the function is it written that: "reltol:Relative convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if it is unable to reduce the value by a factor of reltol * (abs(val) + reltol) at a step." and I was wondering if the previous criterion is
2012 Nov 22
BibTeX entries in CITATION file
Dear List, While trying to define a customised CITATION file for a package, following R-exts, I realised that if I use only one 'citEntry' I got both a text description and a BibTex entry for the package, as for the 'nlme' package: -------------------------- citation('nlme') To cite package 'nlme' in publications use: Jose Pinheiro, Douglas Bates, Saikat
2011 Jul 22
Start-up messages when Importing from a package
Dear List, I'm building a package that uses 2 functions of the 'sp' package, and I declared them in my NAMESPACE file as follow: importFrom("sp", proj4string, coordinates) The package is built without any problem, but when I load the package, I get the following message: " Loading required package: sp Note: polygon geometry computations in maptools
2012 May 02
--as-cran error
Dear List, While using the --as-cran option for checking one of my packages: R CMD check --as-cran hydroGOF_0.3-3.tar.gz I got the following error message: pkgname <- "hydroGOF" > source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R")) > options(warn = 1) > library('hydroGOF') Error in loadNamespace(i[[1L]], c(lib.loc,
2007 Apr 26
Hi folks, I`ve a problem to use HTB and SFQ. The first script, below, to show a simple configuration, does work fine...!!! But, in the second example, does not work, becouse i put more code to clasify the traffic by protocol, http and ftp in this case. Somebody can tell me the errors? Thx, in advance.- NOTICE: IMQ device is to asociate with ETH1 my external iface. SCRIPT que funciona:
2015 Jun 01
extraño error con seq
Estimados colisteros, Acabo de encontrar un extraño error usando la función seq: >seq(from = 0.6 + 0.1, to = 0.7, by = 0.1) [1] 0.7 # todo bien >seq(from = 2.2 + 0.1, to = 2.3, by = 0.1) Error in seq.default(from = 2.2 + 0.1, to = 2.3, by = 0.1) : wrong sign in 'by' argument La ayuda de seq establece que "Specifying to - from and by of opposite signs is an error". Y
2015 Jul 21
' --enable-R-shlib' problem when setting up R-devel in Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit
On 21 July 2015 at 02:15, MAURICIO ZAMBRANO BIGIARINI wrote: | Regarding the previous problem with setting up r-devel in Linux Mint | 17.1 64-bit, I deleted all the r-devel files I previously had, and | then I did the check out to the | | '~/svn/r-devel' | | directory originally mentioned by by Dirk on |, | instead of
2012 Nov 07
Correct use of Depends, Imports and ::
Dear R developers, Taking advantage of the yesterday discussion about the use of Depends/Import/Suggests/Enhances, I would like to add a related question. Let's assume, in the DESCRIPTION file of my package foo0, I have: Depends: foo1 Imports: foo2 while in the NAMESPACE file of my package I have importFrom("foo2", f2) and within my package I use the following two external