similar to: setdiff y/o intersect para diferencias entre vectores

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches similar to: "setdiff y/o intersect para diferencias entre vectores"

2013 Jul 23
setdiff y/o intersect para diferencias entre vectores
Hola Marcos. Yo probaría algo del estilo a esto.... Intersecc<-v1[v1%in%v2] Un saludo, _____________________________ Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Muíños Dirección Xeral de Innovación e Xestión da Saúde Pública Consellería de Sanidade Xunta de Galicia -----Mensaje original----- De: r-help-es-bounces en [mailto:r-help-es-bounces en] En nombre
2014 May 14
[CFT] ASLR, PIE, and segvguard on 11-current and 10-stable
Hey All, [NOTE: crossposting between freebsd-current@, freebsd-security@, and freebsd-stable at . Please forgive me if crossposting is frowned upon.] Address Space Layout Randomization, or ASLR for short, is an exploit mitigation technology. It helps secure applications against low-level exploits. A popular secure implementation is known as PaX ASLR, which is a third-party patch for Linux. Our
2014 May 14
[CFT] ASLR, PIE, and segvguard on 11-current and 10-stable
Hey All, [NOTE: crossposting between freebsd-current@, freebsd-security@, and freebsd-stable at . Please forgive me if crossposting is frowned upon.] Address Space Layout Randomization, or ASLR for short, is an exploit mitigation technology. It helps secure applications against low-level exploits. A popular secure implementation is known as PaX ASLR, which is a third-party patch for Linux. Our
2009 Nov 19
Combination of default domain and username character translation problem in POP3 server configuration
Hello, I have a mail server running vm-pop3 and I am migrating it to Dovecot. I have a problem configuring Dovecot as a POP3 server only (I'm not interested in IMAP for now). I have two types of domains: one principal domain, whose users don't include the domain in the login process; and secondary domains, whose users include the domain part with the ! separator, instead of @ (i.e.
2013 Nov 11
Diferencias entre contour y filled.contour
Hola a todos: Yo pensaba que la diferencia entre contour y filled.contour radicaba, simplemente, en que la segunda pintaba con colores los espacios entre las curvas de nivel, pero haciendo lo de abajo aparecen diferencias require(gplots) celdas <- 5 m <- matrix(10,celdas,celdas) m[3,3] <- 20 m[2,2] <- 20 m[1,] <- m[celdas,] <- m[,celdas] <- m[,1] <- 20 image(m,asp=1)
2015 Apr 24
Diferencias entre la version de 32 y 64 bits
Buenos días, He hecho un desarrollo en mi máquina (de 64 bits) y funciona correctamente. Se trata de un problema de programación lineal (usando lpSolve y lpSolveAPI). El problema viene al ejecutar un caso concreto que en la máquina del usuario (de 32 bits) nos da que no hay solución factible para ese problema, pero en mi máquina de 64 sí que nos devuelve una solución. ¿Hay alguna forma (limitar
2015 Apr 01
Diferencias entree la ejecucion por consola y por linea de comandos
Buenas tardes, Estoy teniendo problemas al ejecutar un script de R por linea de comandos. Se trata de un problema de programación lineal con las librerias lpSolve y lpSolveAPI en el que leo los datos desde un CSV. El problema con dos decimales funciona sin problemas pero si aumentamos a 4 decimales en algunos datos de entrada nos da solución si ejecutamos desde la consola pero no da solución
2008 Jun 11
xen migrate never ends
Hello, i have two xen hosts servers configured to support migration of domus, but when i try to migrate, the command never ends, i can see on the remote server the machine with xm list but the machine is not accesible, and on the own server i see migrating-{machine_name} and i have access to it. Every server have one nic, with public ip (that is using with xenbr0), and i have a virbr0 configured
2010 Jan 29
Problems with readVECT6 in spgrass6 package: A possible solution.
Hi I am working with spgrass6 package and GRASS v.6.2. Everything was fine until I tryed to read a vector file with readVECT6 (and other related vector commands, like vInfo). When I ran these commands, the problem immediately appeared (" Sorry, is not a valid flag" ). Ok, the solution is easy: - You have to download the spgrass package within a folder, in order to install