Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "one sample permutation test using package 'coin'"
2012 Jul 12
permutation test on paired samples
I'm trying to run a permutation test on paired samples.
First I tried the package "exactRankTests":
x <- c(1.83,0.50,1.62,2.48,1.68,1.88,1.55,3.06,1.30)
y <- c(0.878,0.647,0.598,2.05,1.06,1.29,1.06,3.14,1.29)
wilcox.test(x,y,paired = TRUE,alternative = "greater")
perm.test(y,x,paired = TRUE,exact = TRUE,alternative =
2010 Feb 08
Wilcoxon signed-ranks test using package coin ?
Given the following data, and hypothesized median M.0 I've found a
method to implement the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Data: (with one zero difference and tied ranks)
x <- c(136, 103, 91, 122, 96, 145, 140, 138, 126, 120, 99, 125,
91,142, 119, 137)
M.0 <- 119
> library(exactRankTests)
Package ?exactRankTests? is no longer under development.
Please consider using package ?coin?
2012 Jan 09
Unexpected results using the oneway_test in the coin package
Dear fellow R users,
Keywords: Kruskal-Wallis, Post-Hoc, pair-wise comparisons, Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test, coin package, oneway_test
I am using the "oneway_test" function in the R package "coin" and I am obtaining results which I cannot believe are accurate. I do not wish to waste anyone's time and so if the following problem is rather trivial, I apologize, however I
2009 May 07
error using lapply with oneway_test (coin package)
Dear expeRts,
I would like to use a oneway_test (from package coin) to test whether
two groups differ on various variables. The variables are encoded
within a data frame. Unfortunately, I obtained an error, that I don't
understand. Could you please help me ?
y <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(200), ncol=2))
group <- as.factor(unif(100))
2008 Jul 20
coin package (conditional inference / permutation): parameter teststat
Dear R-list members,
This is in fact a question about statistics, not directly
about the R software.
The coin package, for conditional inference through permutation
methods, has as it main function the function independence_test.
One of its parameters is teststat, about which the package
documentation says:
teststat: "a character, the type of test statistic to be applied:
either a
2010 Apr 26
Permutation tests using apply function with package coin
I am using "apply" to run exact permutation t-tests by columns
using the coin package. For example:
dat <- matrix(rnorm(7*35),7,35)
fun <- function(x) {
pvalue( independence_test(x~f,
data=data.frame(x, f=factor(c(rep("a",4),rep("b",3)))),
distribution = "exact"))
p.vals <- apply(dat, 2, fun)
Some small-scale
2013 Sep 23
Permutation Test on Interactions {coin}
Dear List,
I'm interested in performing a permutation test on the interaction between
a binary treatment indicator and a covariate (either continuous or
categorical). I'm interested in the p-value of the interaction effect from
a permutation test, and I'm using the coin package for that purpose.
As I haven't seen any examples like this in the package documentation (or
2009 Oct 25
A naive question about permutation tests in the coin package
Dear R helpers,
I am trying to understand how to use the independence_test function in
the coin package. I think I suffer from a misunderstanding about what
the package does. Either that or I do not understand how to use it
properly. Specifically, I cannot understand if I can test independence
of arbitrary statistics.
Take the following example:
d <- data.frame(y = c(rnorm(10,
2005 Nov 30
Permutation tests for correlations
Apropos the question about permutation tests in multiple regression:
We do have perm.test in package ExactRankTests, but it does one- and
two-sample tests, as in t.test, wilcox.test, etc. There doesn't seem
to be an exact version of the permutation test for correlations, i.e.,
the one that could be estimated using
replicate(10000, cor(x,sample(y))) # or other values of 10000
or, of course,
2011 Oct 31
one sample Wilcoxon test using 'coin'
R allows me to run a one sample Wilcoxon test like this:
wilcox.test(c(1,3.5,2.1,4,1.5,5), mu=2, exact=TRUE)
The function 'wilcoxsign_test' from the package 'coin' should (I
suppose) be able to calculate exact p values even if there are ties in
the ranks. However, I couldn't find information on how to run a one
sample test using 'wilcoxsign_test' like in the
2006 Sep 29
Wilcoxon Rank test of Package Coin
I am running the following example which can be found on page 12 of the pdf file of COIN package
wt<-wilcox_test(pd~age,data=water_transfer,distribution="exact", conf.int=TRUE)
"wt" actually contains the estimate of difference in location and the confidence interval of it. I am just wondering how can I extract these values? From the examples, I understand that the
2012 Mar 26
Different result with "kruskal.test" and post-hoc analysis with Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test implemented in the help page for oneway_test in the coin package that uses multcomp
Dear Researchers,
Sorry for this email but I am not a statistician, and for this I have this
problem to understand. Thanks in Advance for help and suggestions.
I have 21 classes (00, 01, 02, 04, ....,020) with different length. I did a
kruskal wall test in R with the following code
kruskal.test(m.class.l, m.class.length.lf)
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: m.class.l and
2005 Jun 03
New CRAN package `coin'
Conditional Inference Procedures in a Permutation Test Framework
The `coin' package implements a general framework for conditional
inference procedures, commonly known as permutation tests,
theoretically derived by Strasser & Weber (1999). The conditional
expectation and covariance for a broad class of multivariate linear
statistics as well as the corresponding multivariate limiting
2005 Jun 03
New CRAN package `coin'
Conditional Inference Procedures in a Permutation Test Framework
The `coin' package implements a general framework for conditional
inference procedures, commonly known as permutation tests,
theoretically derived by Strasser & Weber (1999). The conditional
expectation and covariance for a broad class of multivariate linear
statistics as well as the corresponding multivariate limiting
2010 May 30
Question about package coin
Anyone know if coin can run a permutation test based on a (user-defined) statistic other than the mean difference? The function independence_test does the permutation t-test via difference in means. I'm wondering if it's possible to use independence_test to run a permutation test for some other statistic than the difference in means. For example, I'd like to run a permutation test
2009 Oct 27
wilcox.exact() problem
Dear R friends,
here I write again about the wilcox.exact() problem. I want to compare two sets of categorical data, and in one case it says "negative length vectors not allowed", and in the other one I get the error "cannot allocate vector of length ...".
On http://rapidshare.com/files/298621893/wilcox.exact_trouble.Rdata.html you can download the data that cause the
2010 Sep 16
Nemenyi test as a post-hoc test to Kruskal Wallis
Dear all,
I've discovered the possibility to do the Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test in the library(coin); oneway_test()
With the given example I am unfortunately not able to reproduce the test. What does trafo and contrMat mean?
I have a dataframe with 176 elements in 7 classes. It may be a problem, that my model isn't balanced? In Class1 I happen to have 4 elements, while there are 90 in
2006 Aug 25
exact Wilcoxon signed rank test with ties and the "no longer under development" exactRanksumTests package
Dear List,
after updating the exactRanksumTests package I receive a warning that
the package is not developed any further and that one should consider
the coin package.
I don't find the signed rank test in the coin package, only the Wilcoxon
Mann Whitney U-Test. I only found a signed rank test in the stats
package (wilcox.test) which is able to calculate the exact pvalues but
2006 May 03
Permutation test of marked point pattern
Dear R users,
I am trying to perform a hypothesis test on a marked point pattern. I
would like to calculate the mean of the absolute value of the
difference of marks between nearest neigbours, randomize the marks
among points, then calculate this mean again. Ideally, I would test
whether random mean values smaller than the observed mean value occur
less than 5% of the time. I suppose 1000
2008 Mar 12
Problem with approximate null distribution (package: coin)
I am trying to make use of "approximate" option to obtain null distribution
through Monte-Carlo resampling, as described in coin library documentation.
Unfortunately, this does not play well with my data -- permutation process
swallows astonishingly large amounts of RAM (4-5Gb) and runs far too long (30
min for B=10). Apparently, this is caused by the size of my dataset (see