Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches similar to: "time series x axis labels"
2017 Jun 07
Time series axis breaks
I hope this is the appropriate list for this type of question
Consider the dataset below:I have a column DOC with values from 3 to 101and those are the values that I want to show on my x axis, howeverI only get 3, 3.1, 3.2 and so on. I tried to change those values with xlim(3, 101) but I getthe following error:Error in unit(x, default.units) : 'x' and 'units' must have length >
2009 May 28
ggplot2 legend
I need some help with the legend. I got 14 samples(Muestreo) and I
am trying to plot a smooth line for each sample. I am able to accomplish that but the problem is that the legend only displays every other sample. How can I force the legend to show all of my Muestreos? Thanks in advance.
fish_ByMuestreo <- structure(list(data = structure(list(SampleDate = structure(c(3L,
3L, 3L, 3L,
2008 Jun 23
Hi all:
I have been using ggplot2 graphics for quite some time now and I really like it. However, I haven't used barplots enough to understand the arquitecture behind it. Can someone show me how to make this simple barplot graph with ggplot2? I want "PondName" along the x axis and "avgWt" along the Y axis which represents the avgWt by each Pond.
PondName avgWt
Pond01 21.5
2008 Sep 09
Dear List:
I have a dataset with over 5000 records and I would like to put the Count in bins
based on the ForkLength. e.g.
Forklength Count
32-34 ?
35-37 ?
38-40 ?
and so on...
and lastly I would like to plot (scatterplot) including the SampleDate
along the X axis and ForkLength along the Y axis. I recently saw an
example similar to
2010 Jun 26
Recoding dates to session id in a longitudinal dataset
I'm fairly new to R but I have a large dataset (300000 obs) containing
patient material. Some patients came 2-9 times during the three year
observation period. The patients are identified by a unique idnr, the
sessions can be distinguished using the session date. How can I recode the
date of the session to a session id (1-9). This would be necessary to obtain
information and do some
2011 Oct 24
Syntax Help for xyplot()
Thanks to David's help I subset my large data set and produced a smaller
one for a single stream and 7 factors of interest. The structure of this
data frame is:
'data.frame': 718 obs. of 4 variables:
$ site : Factor w/ 143 levels "BC-0.5","BC-1",..: 1 1 4 6 4 4 4 5 5 5
$ sampdate: Date, format: "1996-06-02"