similar to: Errors running spdplyr example

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Errors running spdplyr example"

2009 Apr 06
political maps world maps in R, wrld_simpl
dear all, I'm a newbie in map tools. I was asking to perform an apparently very simple task. I have a list of countries (about fifty all over in the world) scored with a real positive value. Eg Country score Italy .56 UK .58 Korea .41 Mexico .63 ... I wish to plot geographical maps where every country is filled with a color depending on his score. Using maptools library and
2009 May 13
Overlaying two plots
Hi useR's, I want to overlay an image plot over a world map and I can do it, but just not the way I need to do it. Here is the code I am using (with data file attached) to create my baseline map: library(sp) load("TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.2.RData") par(bty="l") plot(wrld_simpl, axes = TRUE, ylim = c(-90, 90), xlim=c(-180, 180), asp=1.5) lim <- par("usr")
2006 Dec 30
plot methods in sp
Dear listers, I am working since a while with the sp package and still wonder how the plot methods are managed with sp spatial objects. For instance, SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects have obviously a plot method. However it cannot be found in the list provided by methods(plot) . Furthermore ?plot.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, nor ?plot.SpatialPolygons, etc.. provide a help, though the lattice
2012 Jul 20
Dissolve polygon
Hi, I am working with a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of many islands. There are a lot of polygons (islands) composing my SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. I want to extract the elevation of each island. I need to separate the different polygons (like dissolve function in arcgis), to have the elevation of each island. Do you have any idea how can I do that ? I already read a lot of forum, and read the
2009 Aug 14
extract data from shapefiles
I'm hoping that someone could guide me in how to extract data from shapefiles. I want to extract data from a shapefile (classed as "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") and more specifically, the data is contained within the slot called "coords" from the class "polygons" within this file and despite my best efforts (and much reading!), I'm at a lost. Many thanks, Kate
2010 Nov 02
Question about ggplot2
Dear All, I am trying to graph a simple scatter plot where the x axis is year and the y axis is a percentage (percentage of infant death). Instead of plotting the raw data, I want to plot summary statistics such as mean and median. Here is the problem: the value range of y is between 0 and 1, but since infant death is a rare event, the mean and median is very low (something like 5%), which shows
2011 Jul 09
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame holes problem
I have obtained shapefiles for Indian states from here: Problem: I want to extract centroid coordinates for each State, but there is some coding problem with the shapefiles that prevents this. #Code: #After extracting the shapefiles from the file, then:
2019 Jun 09
como graficar una coordenada en un mapa
Hola a todos. Soy nuevo en R, estoy aprendiendo con tutoriales y lo hago sin un fin comercial y/o laboral. Necesito ayuda para mostrar un mapa y sobre ese mapa poner un punto dado por una coordenada. con esto consigo mostrar el mapa. library(raster) arg<-getData('GADM', country='ARG', level=0) plot(arg) En ese mapa quiero mostrar un punto que está en el sistema de
2018 Aug 14
R CMD check warnings on Windows
Hi all, For the R package bujar, the warnings below were generated on CRAN's Windows systems. The package uses some Fortran subroutines. I would appreciate any advice to eliminate the warnings. By the way, similar warnings were generated to some unrelated R packages as well: Thanks in advance. Zhu
2009 Jul 26
Sweave, cacheSweave, and data frame
Dear All, I have been using Sweave (mainly via the script) and really like it. I am working a paper (using Sweave, of course) which includes several time-consuming computations, and it gets tedious to re-compile the whoel thing every time I made changes. Then I discover the "cacheSweave" package, which seems the right solution to my problem. I only have on problem. Here is
2005 Aug 17
How to assess significance of random effect in lme4
Dear All, With kind help from several friends on the list, I am getting close. Now here are something interesting I just realized: for random effects, lmer reports standard deviation instead of standard error! Is there a hidden option that tells lmer to report standard error of random effects, like most other multilevel or mixed modeling software, so that we can say something like "randome
2010 Dec 29
RGtk2 compilation problem
Dear All, I am trying to compile&install the package "RGtk2" on my Ubuntu 10.04 box. I did not have problem with earlier versions, but with the new version, I got the following error message : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * installing *source* package ?RGtk2? ... checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
2010 Dec 29
RGtk2 compilation problem
Dear All, I am trying to compile&install the package "RGtk2" on my Ubuntu 10.04 box. I did not have problem with earlier versions, but with the new version, I got the following error message : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * installing *source* package ?RGtk2? ... checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
2012 Aug 17
RGDAL OGRwrite question
I have a quick question: It appears that in rgdal v0.7-12 (R version 2.15.1, OSX 10.6.8) writeOGR will not write a shapefile the the current directory. Is this correct? An earlier version of rgdal must have allowed this because I have a older script that used to work, but doesn't now. So, as an example, here is what I get today: > shape = readOGR('.',
2005 Aug 30
How to set starting values for lmer?
Dear All, Can anyone give me some hints about how to set starting values for a lmer model? For complicated models like this, good starting values can help the numerical computation and make the model converge faster. Thanks! Shige [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 13
Changes titles in ggplot2 plot
Dear Colleagues, In the following simple ggplot2 code: -------------------------------- m <- ggplot(d.fig, aes(time, prob)) m + stat_summary( = "median_hilow", = .95, geom = "smooth") + facet_wrap(~ Cohort, nrow=1) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, .03)) -------------------------------- Is there a way to replace the y-axis label from "prob" to
2008 Feb 17
random location in polygons sp spsample splancs csr
Dear all, I had to place points at random, one in each of larger number of polygons (actually in objects of class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' , see sp library), and tried first to do it using spsample (from sp). Surprisingly, every 5-15 trials, the output was a NULL value. The doc says that ' this may occur when trying to hit a small and awkwardly shaped polygon in a large
2009 Aug 30
Trying to rename spatial pts data frame slot that isn't a slot()
Dear List, I am analyzing the home range area of fish and seem to have lost the individuals ID names during my manipulations, and can't find out how to rename them. I calculated the MCP of the fish using mcp() in Adehabitat. MCP's were converted to spatial points data frame and exported to qGIS for manipulations. At this point the ID names were lost. I brought the manipulated
2012 Oct 21
[newbie] failure to plot a RasterLayer with raster::plot or fields::image.plot
summary: spatial data to be input to a regional-scale environmental model must (1) be converted to netCDF and then (2) "regridded" (cropped, projected, increased resolution). In a public git repository I have R code (with bash drivers) that does the conversion step, and plots the converted output, apparently correctly. However attempts to plot
2008 Feb 04
how to get points from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
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