Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Distributions for gbm models"
2009 Jun 17
gbm for cost-sensitive binary classification?
I recently use gbm for a binary classification problem. As expected, it gets very good results, based on Area under ROC with 7-fold cross validation. However, the application (malware detection) is cost-sensitive, getting a FP (classify a clean sample as a dirty one) is much worse than getting a FN (miss a dirty sample). I would like to tune the gbm model biased to very low FP rate.
For this
2006 May 27
boosting - second posting
I am using boosting for a classification and prediction problem.
For some reason it is giving me an outcome that doesn't fall between 0
and 1 for the predictions. I have tried type="response" but it made no
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
Screen output shown below:
> boost.model <- gbm(as.factor(train$simNuance) ~ ., # formula
2006 May 25
I am using boosting for a classification and prediction problem.
For some reason it is giving me an outcome that doesn't fall between 0
and 1 for the predictions. I have tried type="response" but it made no
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
Screen output shown below:
> boost.model <- gbm(as.factor(train$simNuance) ~ ., # formula
2013 Jun 23
Which is the final model for a Boosted Regression Trees (GBM)?
Hi R User,
I was trying to find a final model in the following example by using the Boosted regression trees (GBM). The program gives the fitted values but I wanted to calculate the fitted value by hand to understand in depth. Would you give moe some hints on what is the final model for this example?
The following script I used
2008 Mar 05
Using tune with gbm --grid search for best hyperparameters
Hello LIST,
I'd like to use tune from e1071 to do a grid search for hyperparameter
values in gbm. However, I can not get this to work. I note that there is no
wrapper for gbm but that it is possible to use non-wrapped functions (like
lm) without problem. Here's a snippet of code to illustrate.
> data(mtcars) obj <-
2009 Jul 10
help! Error in using Boosting...
Here is my code:
mygbm<-gbm.fit(y=mytraindata[, 1], x=mytraindata[, -1],
interaction.depth=4, shrinkage=0.001, n.trees=20000, bag.fraction=1,
Here is the error:
Error in gbm.fit(y = mytraindata[, 1], x = mytraindata[, -1],
interaction.depth = 4, :
The dataset size is too small or subsampling rate is too large:
cRows*train.fraction*bag.fraction <=
2014 Jul 02
How do I call a C++ function (for k-means) within R?
I am trying to call a C++ k-means function within R and I am struggling. I
know that the below code is used to call a C++ function for gbm but how do I
do it for k-means?
gbm.obj <- .Call("gbm",
2013 Mar 24
Parallelizing GBM
Dear All,
I am far from being a guru about parallel programming.
Most of the time, I rely or randomForest for data mining large datasets.
I would like to give a try also to the gradient boosted methods in GBM,
but I have a need for parallelization.
I normally rely on gbm.fit for speed reasons, and I usually call it this
gbm_model <- gbm.fit(trainRF,prices_train,
offset = NULL,
misc =
2010 Feb 28
Gradient Boosting Trees with correlated predictors in gbm
Dear R users,
I’m trying to understand how correlated predictors impact the Relative
Importance measure in Stochastic Boosting Trees (J. Friedman). As Friedman
described “ …with single decision trees (referring to Brieman’s CART
algorithm), the relative importance measure is augmented by a strategy
involving surrogate splits intended to uncover the masking of influential
variables by others
2010 Apr 26
R.GBM package
HI, Dear Greg,
I AM A NEW to GBM package. Can boosting decision tree be implemented in
'gbm' package? Or 'gbm' can only be used for regression?
IF can, DO I need to combine the rpart and gbm command?
Thanks so much!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Apr 25
Failed to install gbm_1.4-2 (PR#7814)
Full_Name: The Manager
Version: 2.0.1
OS: Solaris 9
Submission from: (NULL) (
> install.packages("gbm")
trying URL `http://cran.uk.r-project.org/src/contrib/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1' length 52975 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 51Kb
trying URL
2008 Sep 22
gbm error
Good afternoon
Has anyone tried using Dr. Elith's BRT script? I cannot seem to run
gbm.step from the installed gbm package. Is it something external to gbm?
When I run the script itself
<- gbm.step(data=model.data,
gbm.x = colx:coly,
gbm.y = colz,
family = "bernoulli",
tree.complexity = 5,
learning.rate = 0.01,
bag.fraction = 0.5)
... I
2003 Jul 14
package announcement: Generalized Boosted Models (gbm)
Generalized Boosted Models (gbm)
This package implements extensions to Y. Freund and R. Schapire's AdaBoost
algorithm and J. Friedman's gradient boosting machine (aka multivariate
adaptive regression trees, MART). It includes regression methods for least
squares, absolute loss, logistic, Poisson, Cox proportional hazards/partial
likelihood, and the AdaBoost exponential loss. It handles
2003 Jul 14
package announcement: Generalized Boosted Models (gbm)
Generalized Boosted Models (gbm)
This package implements extensions to Y. Freund and R. Schapire's AdaBoost
algorithm and J. Friedman's gradient boosting machine (aka multivariate
adaptive regression trees, MART). It includes regression methods for least
squares, absolute loss, logistic, Poisson, Cox proportional hazards/partial
likelihood, and the AdaBoost exponential loss. It handles
2009 Apr 07
gbm for multi-class problems
Dear List,
I´m working on a classification problem. My response has 60 levels.
I`m very interested in boosted trees like AdaBoost or gradient boosting machine as implemented in the package "gbm". Unfortunately gbm is only applicable for 2-class problems.
Is anybody out there who can help me? Is there a way to use gbm() for multi-class problems? Maybe there is a way to transform my
2018 Feb 19
gbm.step para clasificación no binaria
Gracias Carlos. Hasta donde yo entiendo si las hay:
El argumento family puede ser:
"gaussian" (for minimizing squared error); por lo que tiene que ser numérica
"bernoulli" (logistic regression for 0-1 out-comes); binaria por narices
"poisson" (count outcomes; requires the response to be a positive
integer); numérica también, pues.
La única podría ser
2012 Sep 16
Where is the R configuration file or how to override R compilers
I have a question about how one can modify or override the compilers
that R uses for package installations? Or if perhaps this configuration
is in some editable file somewhere.
Initially I built the version of R 2.15.1 on Solaris SPARC (virtual T4),
but found out the build was done as 32 bit. After some research, I
found that the pre-compiled GCC version I had only allowed for 32 bit.
I wanted
2018 Feb 19
gbm.step para clasificación no binaria
Hola de nuevo. Se me olvidaba la principal razón para utilizar
gbm.step del paquete dismo. Como sabéis, los boosted si sobreajustan
(a diferencia de los random forest o cualquier otro bootstrap) pero
gbm.step hace validación cruzada para determinar el nº óptimo de
árboles y evitarlo. Es fundamental.
La opción que me queda, Carlos, es hacerlo con gbm, pero muchas veces,
y usar el
2008 Sep 18
caret package: arguments passed to the classification or regression routine
I am having problems passing arguments to method="gbm" using the train()
I would like to train gbm using the laplace distribution or the quantile
here is the code I used and the error:
gbm.test <- train(x.enet, y.matrix[,7],
distribution=list(name="quantile",alpha=0.5), verbose=FALSE,
2005 Feb 18
Hi, there:
I am always experiencing the scalability of some R packages. This
time, I am trying gbm to do adaboosting on my project. Initially I
tried to grow trees by using rpart on a dataset with 200 variables and
30,000 observations. Now, I am thinking if I can apply adaboosting on
I am wondering if here is anyone who did a similar thing before and
can provide some sample codes. Also any